the land of the tamulians and its missions

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The Land Of The Tamulians And Its Missions - CONTENTS - PART I. CHAPTER I. THE LAND AND ITS PRODUCTS. Extent, l-Tanks, 2-Rice, Sugarcane, 3-Indigo, Cotton, 4-Iron and Steel, 5-Salt, 6-Revenue, 6-Tree Pdtnyra, 7-Banhn, 8- Tamarind, Mango and Jack, 9-Forests and Animala, 10, 31- Cljmte, 15. CHAPTER 11. PEOPLE AND THEIR LITEEATURE. Origin of the Tarnuhn4 16-The Prtndhn, Chera. and Ghola Dynasties, 17,18--Mdura, 18-Tiruvahvan, 19-Nyans Ssmander, 21- Specimena of Tamil Poetry, 22-27-The Ramayana, Extract from, 27-30-Christian Literature, 40, 31. CHAPTER 111. EXTERNAL APPEANCE OF THE TANULIAXS AND THEIR DOMESTIC LIFE. Clothing, 332-Manners, 33-Houses, 53, 34-Domestic Customs, Births, 34-Marriages, 35-Deaths, 37-Ramas lamcnt, 38-Ccremonies at zt death, 40-Widows, Trades, 43, 44. 41-Village life and Officials, 42- CHAPTER IV. RELIJION AND YEXBXP. Original Religion, 45-Aryan Immigmtion, 45-Vedas, 46-First Period, 46-Second Poriod, 53-Third Period, 72-Nodern Gods, 75-Vishnoo and Xiva, 76,77-A modern Hymn, 78. . . a viii V. lldian and Egyptian Temples, 82-Dimensions, 83--Descripticm, 84, 85-Seveu Pagodas, 87--Iuddha, 90-Origin of Temples, 93.- Festivals, 95. PART 11. CHAPTER I. THE MISSION OF THE ANCIENT CHURCH. St. Thomns, 95-Tliomns Christians in 3falabw, 9-Pereecution of, by Portuguese, 97-Treatment of, by Dutch, 100-By English, 101 -Description of ceremonia1, 108, 103. First landing of Portuguese, 106-Albuquerque, 107-John 111s liberality, 108-Xavier, 109 -11adura and Eernandez, 112-De Nobili, 11 3-Expulsion of Jeauits, 119-Pondicherry, l 19-Sta- tistics, 120. CHAPTER 111. THE LUTHERAN MISSION. TranqueBar, first settlement al-ZiegenbaIg and Pliifschau, 126- Quarrels with Danish Directors, 128-The Paulinian and Othnian nethoda of conducting s Mission, 129-Ziegenbnlgs illness and death, 132-Griindler, 132-Cruel letter of Directors, 133- Griindler reply, 134-Death, 138--ISchultee, 138-Hynns, 140- Xchultze goes to Madras, 142-Last of old Missionaries, 142.- Revival of Mission, 143-Mr. Cordes, 143-Present state, 144- Reason that so few have been converted, 147. LVadas, 149- Schultee, 150-Fabricius, 158-Troubles in Madraa, 154-Rymnologia, 155-Death of, 156-Gericke, 156-llotfler and Psezold, 157- The X. P. G., 158-Return of Lutheran Nissionaries, 158-3lr. Kremmer, 159-Present state of Station, 160. Cuddalore, 161- The Gadalam and the Pennar, 1G1-Description of District, 162- Berndotte, 163-Sartorius, Geister, Hiernander, 164-Buttemann............ --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
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