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Ideal empires and republics; Rousseau's Social contract, More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Campanella's City of the sun_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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Introduction to Physical Science._cover
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Íslenzk málmyndalýsíng ... gefin út af hinu islenzka Bókmentafèlagi._cover
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Induction and Deduction: A Historical and Critical Sketch of Successive Philosophical ..._cover
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Index to the known fossil insects of the world : including myriopods and arachnids_cover
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Izvlechenīi͡a iz raspori͡azhenīĭ po di͡elam o raskolʹnikakh_cover
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Institutes of the Christian religion_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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Inostrannye kapitaly, ikh vlii︠a︡nie na ekonomicheskoe razvitie strany_cover
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Il viaggio in Italia di Enrico III, re di Francia e le feste a Venezia, Ferrara, Mantova e Torino .._cover
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Avg: 3/5
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