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Ovidius ex iterata R. Merkelii recognitione_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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Organismus der Khetsua-sprache_cover
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Organizacin social de las doctrinas guaranes de la Compaa de Jess .. 1_cover
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Organizacin social de las doctrinas guaranes de la Compaa de Jess .. 2_cover
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On the reactions of alkyl halides with sodium phenolate .._cover
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Outline of Christian History, A.D. 50-1880_cover
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Origin of the name of the town of Peterborough, New Hampshire_cover
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Order of proceedings for the funeral of the Hon. Henry Wilson_cover
Avg: 3/5
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Our cities : their role in the national economy_cover
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Obituary addresses on the occasion of the death of the Hon. William Upham, a senator of the United States, from the state of Vermont_cover
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