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Über die den altfranzösischen Dichtern bekannten epischen Stoffe aus dem Altertum_cover
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The Teacher's Companion: Designed to Exhibit the Principles of Sunday School Instruction and ..._cover
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Sylloge inscriptionum latinarum aevi romanae rei publicae usque ad C. Iulium Caesarem plenissima_cover
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Practical views on the proposed improvement of the Ohio river_cover
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Special report of a reconnoissance of the route for the Northern Pacific Railroad between Lake Superior and Puget Sound via the Columbia River, made in 1869 [microform]_cover
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Spisok knig, vyshedshikh v Rossīi v ... godu_cover
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Rocky Mountain Life: Or, Startling Scenes and Perilous Adventures in the Far West, During an ..._cover
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An advanced history of England ; from the earliest times to the present day_cover
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A history of England; in which the most remarkable events are illustrated by numerous symbolical engravings_cover
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An oration delivered at the second commemoration of the pilgrims of Maryland, at Philadelphia, May 10th, 1843_cover
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