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campaign of 84 biographies of james g blaine the republican candidate for pr_cover
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american politics non partisan from the beginning to date embodying a history_cover
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campaign of 84 biographies of james g blaine_cover
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morah or the indian wife a moral tale also songs and ballads and the appar_cover
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the diary of thomas vernon a loyalist banished from newport by the rhode islan_cover
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on the genera of the cossonidae_cover
Avg: 4/5
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on the variation of species with especial reference to the insecta followed b_cover
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testacea atlantica or the land and freshwater shells of the azores madeiras_cover
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an explanation of the assemblys shorter catechism_cover
Avg: 4/5
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an explicatory catechism or an explanation of the assemblys shorter catechism_cover
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