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Notes sur les États-Unis : la société, la politique, la diplomatie_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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La Conférence d'Algésiras, histoire diplomatique de la Crise Marocaine (15 Janvier-7 Avril 1906), augmentée d'un appendice sur le Maroc après la Confèrence (1906-1909)_cover
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Joseph Haydn_cover
Joseph Haydn by Townsend, Pauline D series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 2.5/5
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Joseph Haydn_cover
Joseph Haydn by Townsend, Pauline D series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3/5
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Das buch zum selbstunterrichten im schnittmusterzeichnen und zuschneiden_cover
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The Pentucket housewife : a manual for housekeepers, and collection of recipes_cover
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Address of John M. Thurston at the annual banquet of the Michigan club at Detroit, February 21st, 1890 in reponse to the toast, "The man who wears the button."_cover
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Campaign songs dedicated to Hon. Wm. McKinley_cover
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...Canteen and haversack of the Grand army of the republic ... recitations, readings and ... war songs, also, statistics, records, historical events, etc. .._cover
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A course of study for homemakers_cover
Avg: 5/5
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