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Special message of the President of the United States returning without approval House joint resolution no. 14 .._cover
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Special message of the President of the United States on the President's inquiry into economy and efficiency_cover
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Neo-Malthusianism; an enquiry into that system with regard to its economy and morality_cover
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Roll of the sons and daughters of the Anglican Church clergy throughout the world and of the naval and military chaplains of the same who gave their lives in the Great War, 1914-1918_cover
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Neo-Malthusianism : an enquiry into that system with regard to its economy and morality_cover
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Land title registration by certificate. The Torrens system simplified and adapted to constitutional requirements, along lines approved by United States Supreme court decisions_cover
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Plan of wheat and flour control for the 1918 wheat crop_cover
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Organization and conduct of a market service in the Department of agriculture, discussed at a conference held at the Department on April 29, 1913_cover
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Preliminary report of the Utah conservation commission, 1909_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Money in politics_cover
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