Genre: Apologetics (734 titles)

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paleys evidences of christianity_cover
paleys evidences of christianity by Paley William series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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archdeacon paleys view of the evidences of christianity with a memoir_cover
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letters on the evidences doctrines and duties of the christian religion addr_cover
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letters on the evidences doctrines and duties of the christian religion address_cover
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an essay on the necessity of revealed religion_cover
an essay on the necessity of revealed religion by nathaniel merriman series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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life and works of miss mary jane graham_cover
life and works of miss mary jane graham by mary jane graham series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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an analysis of paleys evidences of christianity in the way of question and ans_cover
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pagan and puritan the octavius of minucius_cover
pagan and puritan the octavius of minucius by marcus minucius felix series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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the celebrated answer to the rev c lesleys case stated between the church of_cover
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the perth incident of 1396 from a folk lore point of view_cover
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