Genre: Authors (5205 titles)

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Relaciones y cartas de Cristóbal Colón_cover
Relaciones y cartas de Cristóbal Colón by Columbus, Christopher series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Cryptobranchaus japonicus; schediasma anatomicum, quod almae et antequissimae Universitati Vidonbonensi, al solennia saecularia quinta, pie celdebranda;_cover
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Die Musik des griechischen Alterthumes_cover
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Ueber die Bildung des Harzgebirges. Ein geologischer Versuch_cover
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Bilder des ärztlichen Lebens: Oder, die wahre Lebenspolitik des Arztes für ..._cover
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Die Eocene Flora des Monte Promina_cover
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Nixus plantarum. Die Stämme des Gewächsreiches_cover
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Letters of Thomas Edward Brown, author of 'Fo'c'sle yarns'; 1_cover
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Letters of Thomas Edward Brown, author of 'Fo'c'sle yarns'; 2_cover
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The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical 18_cover
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