Genre: Biographies & Memoirs (14873 titles)

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the autobiography of dr alexander carlyle of inveresk 1722 1805_cover
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autobiography of the rev dr alexander carlyle minister of inveresk containin_cover
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autobiography of the rev dr alexander carlyle minister of inveresk containi_cover
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autobiography of the rev dr alexander carlyle containing memorials of the men_cover
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james mill a biography_cover
james mill a biography by Bain Alexander series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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james wilson nation builder 1742 1798_cover
james wilson nation builder 1742 1798 by lucien hugh alexander series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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mosbys men_cover
mosbys men by john henry alexander series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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lo tsze the great thinker with a translation of his thoughts on the nature_cover
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arthur james balfour the man and his work_cover
arthur james balfour the man and his work by bernard alderson series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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andrew carnegie the man and his work_cover
andrew carnegie the man and his work by bernard alderson series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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