Genre: Christianity (7399 titles)

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Ho Tartouphos, kōmōdia Molierou tou Gallou_cover
Ho Tartouphos, kōmōdia Molierou tou Gallou by Molière series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The History and mystery of Methodist episcopacy : or, a glance at "the institutions of the church, as we received them from our fathers"_cover
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Hops; their cultivation, commerce, and uses in various countries. A manual of reference for the grower, dealer, and brewer_cover
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How Christ Came to Church: The Pastor's Dream : a Spiritual Autobiography_cover
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The History of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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How to be Happy: A Collection of Beautiful Lessons Intended to Inspire Noble Thoughts and ..._cover
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The Development of Parliament During the Nineteenth Century_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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Lectures on Reason and Revelation: Delivered in St. Ann's Church, New-York, During the Season of ..._cover
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The Plutus of Aristophanes Up to Date, Or "Mammon Made Righteous"_cover
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