Genre: Classics (51309 titles)

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An etymological dictionary of family and Christian names With an essay on their derivation and import_cover
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Estimated budget effects of revenue-related provisions of Title II of H.R. 3 : as amended by the Senate on April 24, 1990 JCX-12-90_cover
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The visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612; and Owen and Lilly, 1634. To which are added Miscellaneous Essex pedigrees from various Harleian manuscripts: and an appendix containing Berry's Essex pedigrees 13_cover
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"Where to find it"; an index to sources of information on all subjects of general interest_cover
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Kari, the elephant_cover
Kari, the elephant by Mukerji, Dhan Gopal, 1890-1936 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Model drawing_cover
Model drawing by Cross, Anson Kent, 1862- series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Letters from a cat. Published by her mistress for the benefit of all cats and the amusement of little children_cover
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The black swans, and other friends indoors and out_cover
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Good farming and attractive country homes. Prize contests letters_cover
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