Genre: Colonial Period (1529 titles)

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Licensed occupations in Montana : a directory of occupations that are licensed, registered, or certified by the state of Montana or the U.S. Government 1988_cover
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Licensed occupations in Montana : a directory of occupations that are licensed, registered, or certified by the state of Montana or the U.S. Government 1998_cover
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A political history of the state of New York 1865-1869_cover
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A collection of treaties, engagements and other papers of importance relating to British affairs in Malabar_cover
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Charles Sumner and the treaty of Washington_cover
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The effect of drying soils on the water-soluble constituents .._cover
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The inscription on the stele of Mésa commonly called the Moabite stone; the text inMoabite and Hebrew_cover
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The homestead of a colonial dame;_cover
The homestead of a colonial dame; by Sutcliffe, Alice Crary series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Education for efficiency, and The new definition of the cultivated man_cover
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Valandigham's [!] record reviewed. A political traitor unmasked_cover
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