Genre: History (257108 titles)

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a reply to the letter of j fenimore cooper_cover
a reply to the letter of j fenimore cooper by cushing series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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enoch louis lowe governor of maryland 1851 54_cover
enoch louis lowe governor of maryland 1851 54 by caleb clarke magruder series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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speech of mr caleb b smith of indiana on the war and its cost delivered in_cover
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the puritans versus the quakers a review of the persecutions of the early quak_cover
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a night in avignon a drama_cover
a night in avignon a drama by Rice Cale Young series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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the idea of creation its origin and its value_cover
the idea of creation its origin and its value by william caldwell series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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pragmatism and idealism_cover
pragmatism and idealism by william caldwell series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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a sermon preached in the first baptist meeting house providence sunday morning_cover
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an address delivered before the readfield temperance society at their first ann_cover
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an experimental study of certain basic amino acids_cover
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