Genre: India (2843 titles)

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The Progress and Present State of British India: A Manual for General Use ..._cover
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India under British rule, from the foundation of the East India Company_cover
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The case for India. The presidential address delivered by Annie Besant at the thirty-second Indian National Congress held at Calcutta, 26th December 1917_cover
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Rivista Contemporanea: filosofia, storia, scienze, letteratura ..._cover
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The scenery, antiquities, and biography, of South Wales; from materials collected during two excursions in the year 1803_cover
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Is liberalism dead? : a re-statement and an appeal_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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Rivista Contemporanea: filosofia, storia, scienze, letteratura ..._cover
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Rivista Contemporanea: filosofia, storia, scienze, letteratura ..._cover
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To the river Plate and back : the narrative of a scientific mission to South America, with observations upon things seen and suggested_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Prolegomeni alla storia d'Italia in continuazione delle origini italiche_cover
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