Genre: Social Sciences (10777 titles)

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Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856 : from Gales and Seaton's Annals of Congress, from their Register of debates, and from the official reported debates by John C. Rives_cover
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The invasion of the Crimea: its origin and an account of its progress down to the death of Lord Raglan_cover
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Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856 : from Gales and Seaton's Annals of Congress, from their Register of debates, and from the official reported debates by John C. Rives_cover
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Sheldons' Complete Algebra: Part I Being Sheldon's Elements of Algebra, Part II Being More ... pts. 1-2_cover
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Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856 : from Gales and Seaton's Annals of Congress, from their Register of debates, and from the official reported debates by John C. Rives_cover
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American Finance: With Chapters on Money and Banking_cover
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American Pauperism and the Abolition of Poverty_cover
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Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856 : from Gales and Seaton's Annals of Congress, from their Register of debates, and from the official reported debates by John C. Rives_cover
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Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856 : from Gales and Seaton's Annals of Congress, from their Register of debates, and from the official reported debates by John C. Rives_cover
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Prince, Princess, and People: An Account of the Social Progress and Development of Our Own Times ..._cover
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