Genre: United States (66535 titles)

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Salads and their cultivation. How to grow all kinds of saladings in the open air, on hotbeds and under glass .._cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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On the animal alkaloids; the ptomaines, leucomaines and extractives in their pathological relations_cover
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The diagnosis and modern treatment of pulmonary consumption, with special reference to the early recognition and the permanent arrest of the disease_cover
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Cereals of Europe, India, and Algeria, Reports from the consuls of the United States in answer to a circular from the Department of state .._cover
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Sketch of the forestry of West Africa with particular reference to its present principal commercial products_cover
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Cases on the law of public service_cover
Cases on the law of public service by Burdick, Charles K series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 2.5/5
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Corn; growing, judging, breeding, feeding, marketing; for the farmer, student and teacher of agriculture, a textbook for agricultural colleges and high shcools_cover
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A practical course in botany, with especial reference to its bearings on agriculture, economics, and sanitation_cover
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Labor in the changing world_cover
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