Genre: World (50220 titles)

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Mammals in the Royal Natural History Museum, Stockholm, collected in Brazil and Bolivia by A.M. Olalla during 1934-1938 Fieldiana Zoology new series, no.66_cover
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A review of the South American catfish tribe Hoplomyzontini (Pisces, Aspredinidae), with descriptions of new species from Ecuador Fieldiana Zoology new series, no.25_cover
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A preliminary taxonomic review of the South American bearded saki monkeys genus Chiropotes (Cebidae, Platyrrhini), with the description of a new supspecies Fieldiana Zoology new series, no.27_cover
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A Szerbek története a legrégibb kortól 1848-ig_cover
A Szerbek története a legrégibb kortól 1848-ig by József Thim series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Der internationale Strafrechtsverkehr. Eine Sammlung von Fällen, Erlässen und Entscheideungen über das Auslieferungsverfahren_cover
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The temporal region of the Permian reptile Diadectes Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.10, No.9_cover
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Nouvelles by Gautier, Théophile, 1811-1872 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Jaarboek van het mijnwegen in Nederlandsch-Indië_cover
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Wilhelm Weber's Werke 2_cover
Wilhelm Weber's Werke 2 by Merkel, Friedrich Siegmund, 1845-1919 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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