
News cover About UK's  library authors and book top list
About UK's library authors and book top list 25 Apr 2012 01:10:32 The poll covered more than 300 complaints received over the last five years at 98 library authorities in the UK about "unsuitable, inappropriate or offensive" books. Half the complaints were about children's books, with the 1930s classic Babar's Travels by Jean de Brunhoff removed from shelves in East Sussex after protests that it contained racist stereotypes of black Africans, and Hergé's Tintin in the Congo taken out of libraries in Lewisham for similar reasons following protests. Mr Benn aut... Read Full Story
News cover What the author of "The Hare with Amber Eyes" did
What the author of "The Hare with Amber Eyes" did 25 Apr 2012 01:08:45 De Waal has created well over a thousand porcelain pots and installed them in the breathtaking interiors of Waddesdon, the grand Rothschild house near Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire. The artist might be best known to some as the author of the internationally bestselling memoir The Hare with Amber Eyes, now translated into more than 18 languages. That book, which won the Costa biography award, saw the author using his inheritance of 264 Japanese netsuke from his great-uncle Iggie to trace the fort... Read Full Story
News cover About Stephen Fry's giveaway
About Stephen Fry's giveaway 25 Apr 2012 01:06:39 Volunteers range from Stephen Fry, who will be handing out Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities on the set of an adaptation of an Ian Rankin novel in Edinburgh, to Alexander McCall Smith, giving away Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day to his local community, and culture secretary Ed Vaizey, who plumped for David Peace's novel about Brian Clough, The Damned Utd. Forty thousand copies of the 25 books chosen for the occasion will be given away around the UK in an attempt to inspire a love of... Read Full Story
News cover Marcel Beyer aout book "Kaltenburg"
Marcel Beyer aout book "Kaltenburg" 22 Apr 2012 03:41:05 That book is "Kaltenburg." Originally published in Germany several years ago, it was released in the United States on Tuesday and is Beyer's latest book to be translated into English by the writer who the New Yorker magazine designated as one of the current best young European novelists. Beyer, 47, has earned praise for his deft handling of themes such as secrets, investigations into the past, and how the slippery nature of such things impact his characters' lives. Currently a professor of poetr... Read Full Story
News cover About India from writers
About India from writers 22 Apr 2012 03:35:30 These are just a few of the lives chronicled by author Palash Krishna Mehrotra in his non-fictional account of the changes that have swept over India over the last three decades, specifically how the lives of its youth have changed. "I thought it would be interesting to write a book about the youth in the 80s, about a journey from socialism to capitalism and all the changes that came about," he told Reuters. "I wanted to write from the perspective of someone who has been here all throughout, gre... Read Full Story
News cover Bookshelves for book lovers!
Bookshelves for book lovers! 19 Apr 2012 10:34:46 Monday's lack of a decision by the Pulitzer board could also hurt an industry accused of fixing prices for e-books, critics said. It was the first time since 1977 that no fiction winner was chosen for the prestigious awards that usually spells guaranteed free publicity and a boost in sales for the author who wins as well as their publisher. The authors who missed out on a Pulitzer were Denis Johnson for his novella "Train Dreams", Karen Russell for "Swamplandia!" and the late David Foster Wallac... Read Full Story
News cover  "Kaltenburg" written by  Marcel Beyer
"Kaltenburg" written by Marcel Beyer 19 Apr 2012 10:32:08 Marcel Beyer's latest novel takes place in postwar Dresden, but the award-winning German author didn't actually set foot there until the mid-1990s. When he did, he knew "from the very first day" that he had a book to write. That book is "Kaltenburg." Originally published in Germany several years ago, it was released in the United States on Tuesday and is Beyer's latest book to be translated into English by the writer who the New Yorker magazine designated as one of the current best young Europe... Read Full Story
News cover Fiction book called "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment"  written by Steve Harvey become a  treatment in comedy film called "Think Like a Man"
Fiction book called "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment" written by Steve Harvey become a treatment in comedy film called "Think Like a Man" 19 Apr 2012 10:29:12 This Friday, his 2009 bestselling, non-fiction book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment" gets the big screen treatment in comedy film, "Think Like a Man." With an all-star cast including Gabrielle Union, Kevin Hart, Michael Ealy, Romany Malco, hip-hop singer Chris Brown and Oscar nominated actress Taraji P. Henson, the film follows four couples, each of whom have their own relationship issues. When the women start reading ... Read Full Story
News cover Interesting moments about  J.K. Rowling's new novel for adults
Interesting moments about J.K. Rowling's new novel for adults 16 Apr 2012 02:10:00 The title of the closely guarded 480-page novel by the prolific "Harry Potter" author will be "The Casual Vacancy." It and will be available worldwide in English on September 27 in hardback, e-book and in audio form, Little, Brown and Company said in a statement. The publisher promised it will be "blackly comic, thought-provoking and constantly surprising," and offered some general plot details. Rowling's foray into the adult fiction world begins when a character called Barry Fairweather dies un... Read Full Story
News cover New James Bond will be prepared
New James Bond will be prepared 16 Apr 2012 02:08:29 The best-selling British novelist told Reuters on Thursday that he will put his knowledge of Cold War espionage to good use to pen the next adventure of the 007 character created by Ian Fleming, who has grown into a global book and film phenomenon. Boyd is the third writer in recent years to be invited by the Fleming estate to write an official Bond novel. U.S. thriller writer Jeffery Deaver wrote "Carte Blanche" in 2011, and Sebastian Faulks' "Devil May Care" was published to mark Fleming's 100... Read Full Story
News cover Another memoir from musician - now from  Herbie Hancock
Another memoir from musician - now from Herbie Hancock 16 Apr 2012 02:05:25 Hancock, 71, has become a pioneering force in the jazz and blues music world, earning 14 Grammy awards and an Academy Award over his five-decade career, and seeing many of his songs become music staples. "There are few artists in any genre who have had a career as rich and influential as Mr. Hancock's, and his memoir promises to be not only the record of a remarkable life and career but a singular chronicle of one of the most fertile periods in the development of jazz," said Clare Ferraro, presi... Read Full Story
News cover  E.L. James about her connection with  Universal Pictures and Focus Features
E.L. James about her connection with Universal Pictures and Focus Features 11 Apr 2012 02:45:11 And while the $5 million she reportedly received for the deal certainly didn't hurt, James tells that she did it for the laughs -- specifically, those elicited by Focus president of production Jeb Brody. "I really like clever men who challenge you," James told the website, "and with Jeb, I thought, yeah, I can work with that!" Plus, James added, Focus Features -- responsible for such releases as "Lost in Translation" and "The Pianist" -- has "a great background in handling difficult mater... Read Full Story

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