
News cover What Imran Khan  said on conference
What Imran Khan said on conference 19 Mar 2012 13:50:41 Imran Khan, the Pakistani cricketer-turned-politician, has pulled out of a conference in Delhi because of the expected attendance of Salman Rushdie. An aide to Khan told the Guardian the 59-year-old, who leads a conservative political party currently riding a wave of mass support in his home country, learned of Rushdie's invitation to the India Today Conclave only on Tuesday evening, and made an immediate decision. Shireen Mazari, who advises Khan on foreign affairs, said: "He categorically re... Read Full Story
News cover Stolen book - future in  a prison!
Stolen book - future in a prison! 19 Mar 2012 13:49:05 An eccentric antiques dealer who kept a rare, stolen First Folio of Shakespeare's plays in his home for a decade has been found dead in prison two years into an eight-year sentence. Raymond Scott, 55, was found unconscious in his cell at Northumberland prison on Wednesday. Scott ensured extra headlines for an already notorious crime, the theft of the 17th-century work from Durham University library, when he attended court dressed as Che Guevara, sprayed journalists with champagne and revelled ... Read Full Story
News cover  General Electric Co helps to develop CEO
General Electric Co helps to develop CEO 15 Mar 2012 01:43:12 The world's largest maker of jet engines and electric turbines paid its 56-year-old CEO total compensation worth $21.6 million last year, up less than 1 percent from 2010, the company said in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The increase was due to a $3.9 million rise in the book value of his pension; factoring that out his pay declined. Immelt last year shifted GE's capital allocation focus to buying back shares -- including the $3 billion preferred stake the Fairfiel... Read Full Story
News cover News about lovely "Game Change"
News about lovely "Game Change" 15 Mar 2012 01:38:25 The television premiere of "Game Change" is on Saturday, based on a book of the same name by journalists John Heilemann and Mark Halperin about Republican John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign. Both Palin, who is portrayed by Julianne Moore in the movie, and McCain have said they will not watch the movie. "I believe my family has the right priorities and knows what really matters," Palin said in an email to ABC News on Friday. "For instance, our son called from Afghanistan yesterday and he... Read Full Story
News cover New book "The Book of Lost Fragrances" written by by M.J. Rose
New book "The Book of Lost Fragrances" written by by M.J. Rose 15 Mar 2012 01:35:40 Jac L'Etoile and her brother, Robbie, are heirs to a well-respected French perfume company. One day, Robbie tells Jac that he's made a discovery that could rescue the business from possible bankruptcy. But Robbie disappears before he can show it to her. Jac soon discovers that other people are desperate to have what Robbie has uncovered. The secret involves a scent that unlocks the mind to remember past lives. This particular fragrance might have ties to Cleopatra. To find her brother, if he's ... Read Full Story
News cover What about warns Justice Dept?
What about warns Justice Dept? 13 Mar 2012 01:49:44 The U.S. Justice Department has warned Apple and five major U.S. publishers that it plans to sue them, accusing them of colluding to raise the prices of electronic books, a person familiar with the probe said on Thursday. Several parties have held talks to settle the potential antitrust case, said the person, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter. It is not yet clear what such a settlement might look like. The five publishers facing possible Justice Department action are Simon &... Read Full Story
News cover  "Space Chronicles" - talks about all interesting facts
"Space Chronicles" - talks about all interesting facts 13 Mar 2012 01:47:24 In "Space Chronicles," astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of New York's Hayden Planetarium, calls for doubling the budget of The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and argues that a country's ambitions in space go hand-in-hand with its long-term economic success. The U.S. space program may be past its glory days but the investment in science and technology that culminated in the moon landings had tangible effects, from medical scanners to iPads. Europe has embraced sc... Read Full Story
News cover Where will take part Emily Watson?
Where will take part Emily Watson? 13 Mar 2012 01:45:48 Watson appeared as Rose in last year's Oscar-nominated film adaption of the book and play "War Horse." She joins previously announced cast member Adam Brody and Kristen Bell in the film, to be directed by Jennifer Getziner, a TV director and former script supervisor. The play "Some Girl(s)" revolves around a man who revisits former lovers on the eve of his marriage to another woman. Watson will play Lindsay, a vengeful married college professor who had an affair with the man, who then skips town... Read Full Story
News cover Jonas Jonasson and his phenomenon novel book
Jonas Jonasson and his phenomenon novel book 08 Mar 2012 02:24:41 A small British publisher has acquired the UK rights to a Swedish novel that has become a European publishing phenomenon in the two years since major British and American firms rejected it. Hesperus Press, a London-based company with a staff of five, has bought the UK rights to 50-year-old Jonas Jonasson's "laugh-out-loud funny, page-turning" novel and is likely to show its bigger rivals how wrong they were to turn it down. The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared has... Read Full Story
News cover Why poet Tsering Woeser should stay at home?
Why poet Tsering Woeser should stay at home? 08 Mar 2012 02:23:08 A leading Tibetan writer has said she remains under house arrest in Beijing after police prevented her from attending a ceremony in her honour at the Dutch embassy. Poet and blogger Tsering Woeser was due to receive the 2011 Prince Claus award, co-sponsored by the Dutch foreign ministry, at the ambassador's residence on Thursday. But Chinese police told her on Wednesday that she could not go and that her door was being watched, Woeser said on Friday. She added that she was now under house arres... Read Full Story
News cover Scarlett Johansson will have a role in the Making of Psycho
Scarlett Johansson will have a role in the Making of Psycho 08 Mar 2012 02:21:25 According to the Hollywood Reporter, Johansson's arrival completes the principal cast. Anthony Hopkins is already on board as Hitchcock, while Helen Mirren plays Alma, the director's redoubtable wife. The Fox Searchlight production will be directed by Sacha Gervasi from a script by Rebello and Black Swan writer John McLaughlin. Psycho cast the Hollywood actor Janet Leigh in the role of Marion Crane, the Arizona secretary who absconds with $40,000 and is then suddenly, shockingly knifed to death... Read Full Story
News cover José Saramago's novel was released till many years
José Saramago's novel was released till many years 06 Mar 2012 10:32:33 It has taken almost 60 years, but a novel that the late Nobel laureate José Saramago submitted to a publisher in 1953 has finally been released. Saramago, best known for his 1995 novel Blindness, won the Nobel in 1998 for what judges described as his "parables sustained by imagination, compassion and irony". But 45 years earlier, when the 31-year-old author sent the manuscript for Claraboya (Skylight) to a Portuguese publisher, he never heard back. Saramago was in his fifties before he broke t... Read Full Story

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