Planning Milestones 2000 for the park units and major properties associated with the California State Park System.
The annual Planning Milestones report is a compendium providing selected information on the classified units and major unclassified properties that are currently or have in the past been associated with the California State Park System. The main purposes are to provide, in a single source:
1. …a record of the major milestones and achievements in unit-level land use and management planning which have been accomplished through the years by the Department, with the major accomplishments of the last year summarized in Chapter III;
2. …a variety of other information useful to understanding the past history or current status of these units and properties, and of the evolution of unit-level land use and resource management planning in the Department; and
3. …the definitive number and the specific identity of those basic classified units and major unclassified properties which constitute the official State Park System as of the date of this report’s publication.