Genre: Americas (20643 titles)

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Algiers by Crouse, M. Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth), b. 1873 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The lives of the present candidates for president and vice-president of the United States, containing a condensed and impartial history of the lives, public acts, and political views of the present candidates, with the platforms of the parties they repres_cover
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Collectae ad augendam nominum propriorum Saxonicorum et Frisiorum scientiam ... 1_cover
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The Civil engineer and architect's journal, scientific and railway gazette v.13_cover
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Catalogue of Copyright Entries 6_cover
Catalogue of Copyright Entries 6 by library of congress copyright office series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Calendar of state papers, Domestic series, of the reigns of Edward VI., Mary ... 3_cover
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The Migration from Shinar: Or, the Earliest Links Between the Old and New Continents_cover
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How to Remember, Without Memory Systems Or with Them_cover
Avg: 3/5
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Claudii Aeliani De natura animalium libri XVII, Varia historia, Epistolae fragmenta, ex recognitione Rudolphi Hercheri 2_cover
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Claudii Aeliani De natura animalium libri XVII, Varia historia, Epistolae fragmenta, ex recognitione Rudolphi Hercheri 1_cover
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