Genre: Americas (20643 titles)

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Vital records of Ashburnham, Massachusetts : to the end of the year 1849_cover
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The Court leet records of the manor of Manchester, from the year 1552 to the year 1686, and from the year 1731 to the year 1846 11_cover
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Carlisle, old and new_cover
Carlisle, old and new by Civic Club of Carlisle, Pennsylvania series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Ioannis Medinae Tractatus vtilissimi: de rerum dominio, earum restitutione, & reliquis contractibus_cover
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The book of words of the pageant and masque of Saint Louis;_cover
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The Ethical Aspects of Evolution Regarded as the Parallel Growth of Opposite ..._cover
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The Curry Cook's Assistant, Or, Curries, how to Make Them in England in ..._cover
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A Monograph on the Rev. Israel Evans, A.M.: Chaplain in the American Army ..._cover
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