
News cover Would you like to bake your perfect life?  Then read the Barbara O'Neal's book
Would you like to bake your perfect life? Then read the Barbara O'Neal's book 22 Dec 2010 01:44:48 Within hours, Ramona has taken over the care of her step-granddaughter and the child's stray dog; the pipes in her house have burst; and she is teetering ever closer to bankruptcy. Barbara O'Neal adds to the growing pile of novels fortified with recipes with her latest release, "How to Bake a Perfect Life." Told alternately from Ramona's, her daughter's and her granddaughter's perspective, the novel includes bread and sourdough starter recipes. But these are really just window dressing for the... Read Full Story
News cover About  the outgoing 2010 year
About the outgoing 2010 year 21 Dec 2010 05:20:04 Among the living, George W. Bush's "Decision Points" became a quick million seller and defied expectations for the former president, who left office two years ago amid a collapsing economy and bearish approval ratings. Among younger readers, Jeff Kinney's latest "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" was another big hit and Suzanne Collins memorably completed her "Hunger Games" trilogy with "Mockingjay." Some books were broadly announced and fell fast, such as "Ape House" by "Water for Elephants" author Sara G... Read Full Story
News cover "A Father's Love"  a new book that we will see next year
"A Father's Love" a new book that we will see next year 21 Dec 2010 05:17:36 David Goldman's "A Father's Love" will be released in May by Viking, the publisher announced Monday. In 2004, Goldman was married and living in Tinton Falls, N.J. when his wife Bruna Bianchi flew to Brazil with their 4-year-old son, Sean, for what was supposed to be a vacation. She announced she was staying there with Sean, later divorced Goldman and remarried. Goldman spent years in American and Brazilian courts before he finally brought Sean home in 2009. Bianchi died in 2008 in childbirth, ... Read Full Story
News cover The novel "Matched" by Ally Condie whom for it was written?
The novel "Matched" by Ally Condie whom for it was written? 21 Dec 2010 05:04:47 At a special matching ceremony, Cassia Reyes learns she is to be paired with her childhood friend Xander Carrow. She is given a microcard with data about Xander, but a technical malfunction shows her matched with another boy — Ky Markham. Ky is from the unruly outer provinces. He was adopted by his uncle after his parents were killed. Ky has been classified as an "aberration," a person who is not meant to be matched. Cassia questions her match to Xander, and her blossoming relationship with Ky ... Read Full Story
News cover It will be new film from Martin Scorsese
It will be new film from Martin Scorsese 20 Dec 2010 01:44:51 Martin Scorsese will turn back the clock on his career when he reunites with Robert De Niro for a gangster movie about mob hitman Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran. The director and actor last worked together on the 1995 drama Casino.The Irishman is scripted by Steven Zaillian from Charles Brandt's 2004 book I Heard You Paint Houses. A former union official, Sheeran was linked to the 1975 murder of Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa and was one of only two non Italian-Americans on the FBI's list of mafia susp... Read Full Story
News cover About Keith Richards, orchid and the Rolling Stone
About Keith Richards, orchid and the Rolling Stone 20 Dec 2010 01:41:32 When Keith Richards encountered a library plant, only one of them walked away. The Rolling Stone has been blamed for killing an orchid at a library in New York, sending it to its death with a few puffs of cigarette smoke. The orchid, a Phalaenopsis amabilis, resided at the main branch of the New York Public Library, where Richards spoke on 29 October. The guitarist had been given a tour of the premises, finishing with an invitation to sit "backstage", in the office of Marie d'Origny, deputy d... Read Full Story
News cover Google is going to celebrate the Jane Austen's birthday
Google is going to celebrate the Jane Austen's birthday 20 Dec 2010 01:36:40 Google's home page is festooned today with a doodle to celebrate the 235th birthday of novelist Jane Austen. A Regency couple – most likely the novelist's most celebrated characters, Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice – are pictured taking a stroll through the English countryside, eyeing each other rather coyly, in the illustration on the search engine's site. Google makes a habit of marking literary anniversaries, among others, and has already featured Robert Louis Steven... Read Full Story
News cover Obama promote his book by reading  to children
Obama promote his book by reading to children 18 Dec 2010 01:44:29 In the library of Long Branch Elementary School, some four dozen youngsters giggled and squirmed as Obama gave voice to passages from "Of Thee I Sing," an illustrated volume in the form of a letter to his daughters describing the lives of 13 great Americans. It was written in 2008 but just came out this fall, with proceeds going to a scholarship fund for the children of fallen and disabled soldiers. "I wanted to borrow you guys, and read to you," Obama explained, sitting down on a wooden chair ... Read Full Story
News cover Blake Edwards is a good adviser
Blake Edwards is a good adviser 18 Dec 2010 01:42:50 In an up-and-down career that spanned writing, directing and producing nearly 50 films, Edwards, who died late Wednesday, cultivated more than his share of indelible characters: Peter Sellers' bumbling Inspector Clouseau of the "Pink Panther" movies, Dudley Moore's equally clueless George Webber from "10," Audrey Hepburn's high fashion wild child Holly Golightly in "Breakfast at Tiffany's." He knew laughter and sadness, making alcoholism seem hilarious in "10" and desperate in "Days of Wine and... Read Full Story
News cover The writer of Young Mandela from South Africa
The writer of Young Mandela from South Africa 18 Dec 2010 01:33:53 "Young Mandela: The Revolutionary Years" — at age 46 Mandela hadn't yet lived half his life — covers only the years before that. His career as an international symbol of freedom began only when the South African government, under international pressure, released him at age 72, after 27 years confinement. Now, 20 years later, he's a revered ex-president of the Republic of South Africa. He shared a Nobel Peace Prize with F. W. de Klerk, South Africa's last white prime minister, whom he helped dis... Read Full Story
News cover "Arabic Booker" is the most luxury awards has got some problems
"Arabic Booker" is the most luxury awards has got some problems 16 Dec 2010 01:01:25 Two Moroccans, two Egyptians, a Saudi and a Sudanese rounded out the list of authors in contention for the $50,000 International Prize for Arabic Fiction, with its guarantee of lucrative translations into English and other languages. The winner is announced in March. The award, now in its fourth year, is one of many in the region but its association with the Booker Prize Foundation has given it an edge over others which are clearly associated with Arab governments, such as the UAE's Al-Owais Aw... Read Full Story
News cover On the National Public Radio you will hear new broadcast
On the National Public Radio you will hear new broadcast 16 Dec 2010 00:45:33 As we know, Crown Publishers announced Tuesday the first book by Juan Williams will "focus on free speech and the growing difficulty in America of speaking out on sensitive topics." Williams was let go by NPR after saying on the Fox News Channel he gets nervous when he sees on a plane people with clothing that identifies them as Muslim. NPR said his remarks violated its standards of not having on-air personnel giving opinions. Williams said he was hurt by the suggestion he's a bigot. Williams... Read Full Story

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