
News cover Steve Harvey wrote new book about men
Steve Harvey wrote new book about men 10 Dec 2010 09:06:55 "Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Find, Keep, and Understand a Man" is the actor-comedian's follow-up to his 2009 best-seller, "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment." According to Harvey, women need to be ready to walk away from a bad relationship and be willing to demand a ring when they're in a good one. As he puts it: "There's not a man I know who's sat around dreaming about his wedding day." Harvey spells it all out, p... Read Full Story
News cover Oprah Winfrey become more and more popular
Oprah Winfrey become more and more popular 09 Dec 2010 01:38:33 "A Tale of Two Cities" and "Great Expectations" will be published in one special deluxe edition, marking Winfrey's 65th Book Club selection. "I'm going old school," Winfrey said, announcing her choice and noting that she has never read a work by Dickens before. "It's the best of times, readers," the influential talk show host added, in a play on the "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" opening line of "A Tale of Two Cities." Winfrey, whose TV talk show is seen by millions of ... Read Full Story
News cover How earn  $10 million  from one book as  John James Audubon's
How earn $10 million from one book as John James Audubon's 09 Dec 2010 01:36:49 1. You must be a good artist 2. You should know all Birds of America 3. You should make a huge book with 435 hand-colored illustrations Do you still want this money? With its 435 hand-colored illustrations of birds drawn to size, the volume is one of the best preserved editions of Audubon's 19th-century masterpiece. The sale at Sotheby's auction house had been anticipated for months by wealthy collectors. The book sold for $10,270,000 (6.5 million pounds) to an anonymous collector bidding b... Read Full Story
News cover Where were elected Michael Chabon?
Where were elected Michael Chabon? 09 Dec 2010 01:32:02 He has on the election as candidate, and he become chairman of the board of the directors of the MacDowell Colony, the century-old artist residency program based in Peterborough, N.H. Chabon, best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay," replaces Robert MacNeil, author and television newsman who is retiring Monday after serving 17 years. MacNeil turns 80 in January. "Like anything you do for a very long time, it's time to move on," MacNeil told The Assoc... Read Full Story
News cover Barnes & Noble Inc become richer from the William Ackman  finance
Barnes & Noble Inc become richer from the William Ackman finance 07 Dec 2010 18:49:47 Barnes & Noble Inc will offer the finance from William Ackman, that was announced on Monday.Under the deal, Pershing Square Capital Management would sponsor a bid by Borders of $16 per share for more than 60 million outstanding Barnes & Noble shares. The news sent Barnes & Noble's shares up 10.6 percent, or $1.41, on Monday to close at $14.69. Both book sellers face increasingly tough competition from much bigger merchants online and in stores, including, Target Corp. and Wal-Mart St... Read Full Story
News cover "The Oprah Winfrey Show "  is on the head of newspapers
"The Oprah Winfrey Show " is on the head of newspapers 07 Dec 2010 18:45:59 "The Oprah Winfrey Show," is one the head of newspapers because it embracing his host after Winfrey chose his bestselling novel "Freedom" for her popular book club. Winfrey did not have Franzen on her show nine years ago, when his previous novel "The Corrections" was a book club selection, because he called some of her choices "schmaltzy." Winfrey said Monday she didn't have Franzen on her show then because she didn't want him to feel "uncomfortable." Franzen, 51, who is widely regarded as on... Read Full Story
News cover Christine O'Donnell  is an optimist and don’t become upset due to losing the election
Christine O'Donnell is an optimist and don’t become upset due to losing the election 07 Dec 2010 18:43:27 For all people who loves Tea Party and The Delaware Republican, defeated in last month's voting for the U.S. Senate, will offer her take on the campaign and her "frustrations" with the political process, St. Martin's Press announced Thursday. Publication is scheduled for August 2011. Backed by Sarah Palin, O'Donnell was a surprise winner in the GOP primary, but was widely ridiculed for her lack of experience and for past comments, including statements about her youthful interest in witchcraft ... Read Full Story
News cover What may be better than writing novels in tandem with own son, like Clive Cussler?
What may be better than writing novels in tandem with own son, like Clive Cussler? 06 Dec 2010 01:43:15 Crescent Dawn," the 21st installment in the series of Dirk Pitt thrillers, hit bookshelves in mid-November and quickly reached No. 4 on the New York Times fiction best-seller list. The novel finds Pitt, his long-time love Loren Smith and twin adult children Dirk Jr. and Summer, battling a villain who is attempting to restore the Ottoman Empire in a way that could bring the Middle East into a new and bloody war. Created by Clive Cussler in the 1970s, the Pitt novels have been among the most suc... Read Full Story
News cover "Investment Answer"  may have the second edition
"Investment Answer" may have the second edition 06 Dec 2010 01:38:18 "The Investment Answer," written by former Lehman Brothers managing director Gordon Murray and financial adviser Dan Goldie, has been acquired by Business Plus, an imprint of Grand Central Publishing. The publisher said Thursday it will have a new edition out by Jan. 25. The "Investment Answer" became an instant hit after an article appeared last week in The New York Times. Murray has been diagnosed with brain cancer. Financial terms were not disclosed, but two publishing executives with knowl... Read Full Story
News cover Oprah Winfrey's book club
Oprah Winfrey's book club 06 Dec 2010 01:34:01 The talk show host has selected a pair of Dickens classics, "A Tale of Two Cities" and "Great Expectations." The two novels are being issued in a single bound Penguin paperback edition, around 800 pages, with a list price of $20. The electronic version, also from Penguin, sells for $7.99. Because the copyright has long expired on the 19th-century novels, they are available through a variety of publishers and even directly from retailers. "Great Expectations" can be downloaded for free on Amazon... Read Full Story
News cover  Again in the  old days with Louis Auchincloss
Again in the old days with Louis Auchincloss 03 Dec 2010 01:51:14 "A Voice From Old New York" addresses his own youth among the city's richest and most connected residents with the same detached amusement and keen observations of his previous work. His voice remains both charmingly and disarmingly familiar — but elegant and easy to read. The quick disdain that one expects from a writer steeped in and fascinated by wealth and privilege is certainly here, as when Auchincloss dismisses modern collegians with a wave across his keyboard: "It was a pity that none o... Read Full Story
News cover  Barnes & Noble Inc has got some problems
Barnes & Noble Inc has got some problems 03 Dec 2010 01:49:25 The company also forecast holiday quarter net income below analyst expectations. Shares fell 85 cents, or 5.7 percent, to $14.02. Barnes & Noble is investing heavily in its e-readers, including the new Nookcolor, an associated book store and content such as children's books as it tries to retool itself for the future. "We see a massive opportunity for Barnes & Noble in the growth of digital reading over the next five years," said CEO William Lynch. The e-reading push is necessary to offset tou... Read Full Story

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