
News cover The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood become against of using scholastic Books
The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood become against of using scholastic Books 16 Dec 2010 00:37:28 In the current Lysol campaign, Scholastic is paid to promote Lysol in preschool and elementary school classrooms, the CCFC says in its Dec. 2010 newsletter. Scholastic's in-school Lysol campaign encourages schools to devote teaching time to developing hand washing songs containing words associated with Lysol marketing ("healthy" and "germs" are required). Contest rules require schools to sign over videos containing the songs to the companies sponsoring the contest for advertising or any other us... Read Full Story
News cover Amanda Beard the wiiner of Olympic games is going to write a book, release is scheduled for 2012 year
Amanda Beard the wiiner of Olympic games is going to write a book, release is scheduled for 2012 year 15 Dec 2010 02:09:57 Touchstone announced Tuesday that Beard is working on a memoir that will tell of her life away from the pool, a "harrowing journey" through drugs, alcohol and eating disorders. The 29-year-old Beard won Olympic gold medals in 1996 and 2004. Beard says she hopes her memoir "will help others, especially high school and college-aged women, who may be dealing with some of the same issues." "In the Water They can't See You Cry" will be released in April 2012. The book is timed to come out before B... Read Full Story
News cover Parlour Games for Modern Families become a bestseller!
Parlour Games for Modern Families become a bestseller! 15 Dec 2010 02:07:03 Parlour Games for Modern Families sets out to revive the tradition of indoor family games: push aside the consoles, turn off the telly, and bring some mental stimulation, silliness and laughter, joy and connection back into your living room. This book is bursting with games of logic and memory, wordplay, card games, role-play, and rough and tumble. Not a single game requires equipment that you won’t find in your average home: a pack of cards, a dictionary, an hourglass, dice, paper, and pen. ... Read Full Story
News cover The best gift for Christmas is a book?
The best gift for Christmas is a book? 15 Dec 2010 02:02:26 It isn’t a secret that on the eve of Christmas there is a panic in the bookshops. People don’t want to experiment that is why trying to take book of the author that they hear about. At Foyle's, web editor Jonathan Ruppin said the left-field of the Christmas market was being dominated by Jonathan Safran Foer's Tree of Codes, beautifully published by US art house Visual Editions, with a different die-cut on each page. The story itself takes Polish-Jewish writer Bruno Schulz's The Street of Crocodi... Read Full Story
News cover  Books vandalism in the Harvard University
Books vandalism in the Harvard University 14 Dec 2010 03:14:03 Problems may be everywhere, and Harvard University wasn't an exception. Security staff at Lamont Library said in a report filed with campus police on Friday that it appeared someone poured urine on the books on Nov. 24. An empty bottle was found nearby. A police spokesman tells The Crimson student newspaper that all the books were about lesbian, gay and same-sex marriage issues. Library spokeswoman Beth Brainard says it took so long to report the incident because staff wanted to assess the val... Read Full Story
News cover Soon we will read a new book from Meadowlark Lemon
Soon we will read a new book from Meadowlark Lemon 14 Dec 2010 03:10:02 In the darkened Ritz Theater in Wilmington, N.C., he sat mesmerized as newsreel footage showed the famous tricksters of basketball going through their paces to the delight of fans. "I saw them when I was 11 years-old and that became my life's work," Lemon told Reuters, following a workout on a basketball court near his adopted home in Scottsdale, Ariz. "I had the desire, a vision to make it my life's work and that's what I did." Now, the 78-year-old is out with a new book that tells of his gro... Read Full Story
News cover Last Sacrifice will be the last book of famous Vampire Academy series
Last Sacrifice will be the last book of famous Vampire Academy series 14 Dec 2010 03:02:04 In the middle of December, in the on the shelves of bookstores will be new book of Richelle Mead, the last in series Vampire Academy. The story of Rose Hathaway is become to the end.With the help of her friends and her estranged father, Abe, Rose breaks out of jail and goes on the run, leaving her boyfriend, Adrian, and her best friend, Lissa, to find the real killer while she hides out with her former lover Dimitri and an alchemist named Sydney. In Mead's supernatural world, there are two kind... Read Full Story
News cover  Edna O'Brien become the main in "Haunted"
Edna O'Brien become the main in "Haunted" 12 Dec 2010 03:44:51 Linguistic embroidery -- plus snatches of poetry and a shower of literary and theatrical allusions -- clouds the poignancy of this melancholy love triangle. Premiered last year at Manchester's Royal Exchange Theater, the polished production directed by Braham Murray comes to New York for a month as the centerpiece of the annual Brits Off Broadway season. Its cast includes Brenda Blethyn, last seen on the city's stages in the 2004 Broadway revival of Marsha Norman's "'night, Mother." True to it... Read Full Story
News cover In the publish environment the situation become better
In the publish environment the situation become better 12 Dec 2010 03:42:39 Gannett Co., publisher of USA Today and other dailies, and McClatchy Co., which owns The Sacramento Bee and The Miami Herald, said Wednesday that smaller print declines and cost cutting will help results in the last three months of 2010. Newspapers are struggling to arrest a nearly four-year slide in ad revenue as more advertisers turn to online destinations like Google and Facebook. Print circulation is dropping as well, as readers turn to the Web for news. With the recession behind them, pub... Read Full Story
News cover Amanda Knox will have a punishment in her murder
Amanda Knox will have a punishment in her murder 12 Dec 2010 03:37:58 American Amanda Knox has been serving part of a 26-year sentence for the murder of British exchange student Meredith Kercher since her conviction in Italy in December 2009. Starting Dec. 11, an appeal will be heard before an Italian court; Knox's attorneys are attempting to have her sentence reduced. The case has created a media frenzy: The father of the murder victim, John Kercher, wrote a letter to Britain's Daily Mail, published on Dec. 2. The headline from the father: "It's utterly despica... Read Full Story
News cover  Liu Xiaobo become a winner of Nobel Peace Prize and now he want to visit U.S.
Liu Xiaobo become a winner of Nobel Peace Prize and now he want to visit U.S. 10 Dec 2010 09:10:56 Graywolf Press announced Thursday that "June Fourth Elegies" will be published in 2012. It is a bilingual edition of verse by the 54-year-old Chinese dissident and literary critic. Liu is serving an 11-year prison sentence for subversion handed down last year after he co-authored an appeal for human rights and political reform. The title of his book, which has not come out in China, refers to the June 4, 1989, suppression of pro-democracy demonstrations at Tiananmen Square. Read Full Story
News cover Funding is needed in any area, don't forgey about literature
Funding is needed in any area, don't forgey about literature 10 Dec 2010 09:09:22 Everyone supports the notion that we need more financial literacy. Myriad organizations are putting money behind creating finance management classes and even mandating them on a state-by-state basis. Elizabeth Warren, who is setting up the new consumer financial protection agency for President Barack Obama, is all about financial literacy. Her recent talks have all dealt with minimizing rulemakings and maximizing disclosures, and making sure consumers have the skills to decode those disclosures... Read Full Story

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