
News cover What  Philip K. Dick thinks about the film "The Adjustment Bureau"
What Philip K. Dick thinks about the film "The Adjustment Bureau" 26 Feb 2012 15:37:09 In the papers, filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, the Philip K. Dick Testamentary Trust moved to have its claims dismissed without prejudice. Earlier this month, Judge Otis D. Wright II dismissed a number of the claims from the original lawsuit, which was filed in October 2011. Dick's trust had sought damages plus interest from director/writer George Nolfi, producer Michael Hackett, MRC II Distribution an Oaktree Entertainment Inc., claiming that they had tried to skirt paying for the ... Read Full Story
News cover What Pat Buchanan does?
What Pat Buchanan does? 26 Feb 2012 15:34:32 The network confirmed that it had severed ties with conservative icon and former presidential candidate Buchanan, saying in a statement, "After ten years, we've parted ways with Pat Buchanan. We wish him well." Buchanan had not appeared on MSNBC since late last year. He was suspended from the network following the publication of "Suicide of a Superpower," which bore such eye-catching chapter titles as "The End of White America" and "The Death of Christian America." Some detractors deemed the boo... Read Full Story
News cover Amanda Knox become a millionaire writer
Amanda Knox become a millionaire writer 26 Feb 2012 04:32:11 The Seattle woman, who is now 24, signed the deal with HarperCollins and the still-untitled book is due out in early 2013. "Knox will give a full and unflinching account of the events that led to her arrest in Perugia and her struggles with the complexities of the Italian judicial system," HarperCollins said in a statement. "Aided by journals she kept during her imprisonment, Knox will talk about her harrowing experience at the hands of the Italian police and later prison guards and inmates. She... Read Full Story
News cover Bill O'Reilly's new book
Bill O'Reilly's new book 26 Feb 2012 04:27:11 The Fox News host and best-selling author is collaborating with Martin Dugard on "Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot." Henry Holt and Company announced Thursday the book will come out this fall. O'Reilly says in a statement that "Killing Kennedy" will "answer many questions" about the death of JFK, who was murdered on Nov. 22, 1963. Holt also announced Thursday that a children's edition of O'Reilly's Lincoln book, "Lincoln's Last Days," will come out in August. "Killing Lincoln," co-written by ... Read Full Story
News cover Apple Inc - works on safety of their products
Apple Inc - works on safety of their products 26 Feb 2012 04:25:04 Apple's move came shortly after two members of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce committee requested the company to provide more information about its privacy policies. Bloggers, in recent days, have published findings that some of the most popular software applications in Apple's App Store have been able to lift private address book data without user consent. "Apps that collect or transmit a user's contact data without their prior permission are in violation of our guidelines," an Apple spokes... Read Full Story
News cover The author of  history of Jews in the Soviet Union become a winner!
The author of history of Jews in the Soviet Union become a winner! 24 Feb 2012 03:08:49 The author of a history of Jews in the Soviet Union has won a $100,000 award. The Jewish Book Council announced Wednesday that Gal Beckerman's "When They Come for Us We'll Be Gone" has won the 2012 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature. It was Beckerman's first book. The Rohr prize honors "an author's potential to make significant contributions to Jewish literature." This year's runner-up was Abigail Green's "Moses Montefiore." Green will receive $25,000. The Rohr prize was founded in 2007. Read Full Story
News cover Ina waiting of  Jonathan Liebesman's film
Ina waiting of Jonathan Liebesman's film 24 Feb 2012 03:06:19 Jonathan Liebesman, who directed the 2011 "Battle Los Angeles" and the upcoming "Wrath of the Titans," is in talks to direct "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," TheWrap has confirmed. The movie is a live-action version of the popular comic book and television series. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is being produced by Michael Bay, Brad Fuller and Andrew Form at Bay's Platinum Dunes. Liebesman is one of three directors who had been under consideration. He last worked with Bay on the 2006 "The Texas ... Read Full Story
News cover "Simpsons" fan are crazy?
"Simpsons" fan are crazy? 24 Feb 2012 03:04:20 The marathon viewing session was sponsored by the network in honor of the 500th episode of "The Simpsons," which airs on Fox Sunday night. Franco and Shreve, both from California, each won $10,500 and loads of "Simpsons" swag for their dedicated couch surfing session. In other "Simpsons" news, series creator Matt Groening will get a star on the Walk of Fame Tuesday. His star will be located at 7021 Hollywood Blvd., near the show's star. The 500th episode of "The Simpsons," titled "At Long Last L... Read Full Story
News cover  Tim Shriver will prepare new book
Tim Shriver will prepare new book 21 Feb 2012 02:40:53 Special Olympics CEO Tim Shriver is taking time off to write a book about the athletes he says have changed his life. Shriver says he hopes to tell the stories of the Special Olympics athletes in a way that will promote greater understanding of people with intellectual challenges. The son of Eunice Kennedy Shriver and R. Sargent Shriver, Tim Shriver has headed the Special Olympics since 1996. He told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he is going to focus on the book over the next few months ... Read Full Story
News cover  Scott Rudin become a Grammy winner
Scott Rudin become a Grammy winner 21 Feb 2012 02:38:22 Scott Rudin won a Grammy for producing the original cast album to the Broadway show "The Book of Mormon." By itself, the Grammy would be just another award in a career that has already had plenty. But the honor was the final piece in an achievement so rare that only 10 other people in show-business history have ever done it: the EGOT, a nickname for winning an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony. Rudin won his Emmy for executive producing the 1984 children's dance documentary "He Makes Me Feel ... Read Full Story
News cover "All There Is"  written by  Dave Isay
"All There Is" written by Dave Isay 21 Feb 2012 02:35:53 The heart-poundingly good book is the work of StoryCorps, a group that has recorded interviews with ordinary people across the nation since 2003, broadcasting some of them on public radio. The group's new book, "All There Is: Love Stories From StoryCorps," is just a sliver of the 75,000 stories that have been collected. If there's one thing readers will come away with it's the affirmation that love takes many different forms. Couples describe growing closer as mortars fly in Iraq, as a result of... Read Full Story
News cover Jeffrey Zaslow was killed
Jeffrey Zaslow was killed 20 Feb 2012 03:20:08 Zaslow, co-author of the million-selling book "The Last Lecture," was also a former columnist for The Wall Street Journal and former advice columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Zaslow, who had an affinity for stories of heroism and resilience, worked on memoirs of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and airline pilot Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger. "Jeff was a beautiful writer, wonderful collaborator, loving husband, father and friend," Sullenberger, who was praised for his skill after safely ditch... Read Full Story

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