
News cover Geoffrey Rush is surprised the public
Geoffrey Rush is surprised the public 21 Feb 2011 13:43:41 Soon we are waiting a benefit from Geoffrey Rush. Just to be clear, Rush isn't precisely a king here. His character, Poprishchin, just thinks he is, the result of a madness that has him at first hearing conversations between two dogs and then convincing a haughty, midlevel civil servant in czarist Russia that he is, in fact, the King of Spain. Based on Nikolai Gogol's darkly comic 1853 short story, Rush and director Neil Armfield have brought their "The Diary of a Madman" to America for the fir... Read Full Story
News cover  "Instruments of Darkness"  beautiful story from  Imogen Robertson
"Instruments of Darkness" beautiful story from Imogen Robertson 18 Feb 2011 03:25:25 Called the Gordon Riots after the leader of the uprising, Lord George Gordon, it was a weeklong reign of terror that decimated shops and houses and left many dead. And, as it forms the historical backdrop of Imogen Robertson's debut novel, it lends a heightened sense of danger and suspense to an already thrilling tale. The novel opens away from London, in Sussex, as Harriet Westerman finds a dead man on her property. The unknown man carries a ring with him bearing the crest of Thornleigh Hall, ... Read Full Story
News cover Does the Borders become an bankrupt?
Does the Borders become an bankrupt? 18 Feb 2011 03:21:56 Borders said it planned to close around 30 percent of its over 640 stores in the United States as part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, which protects the company from its creditors while it reorganizes. "Borders Group does not have the capital resources it needs to be a viable competitor and which are essential for it to move forward with its business strategy," Borders president Mike Edwards said in a statement. "To position Borders to remedy this condition, Borders Group, with the autho... Read Full Story
News cover  "Instruments of Darkness"  beautiful story from  Imogen Robertson
"Instruments of Darkness" beautiful story from Imogen Robertson 18 Feb 2011 03:19:17 Borders said it planned to close around 30 percent of its over 640 stores in the United States as part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, which protects the company from its creditors while it reorganizes. "Borders Group does not have the capital resources it needs to be a viable competitor and which are essential for it to move forward with its business strategy," Borders president Mike Edwards said in a statement. "To position Borders to remedy this condition, Borders Group, with the autho... Read Full Story
News cover "The Old Romantic"  true romantic story from Louise Dean
"The Old Romantic" true romantic story from Louise Dean 18 Feb 2011 00:39:55 Start with unfamiliar references to Selfridges, Wade Whimsies, Maltesers and the Krankies (which are, respectively, a department store, porcelain figurines, candy and Scottish comedians, if you're interested). Add a dash of working-class dialect and slang, including an old man who drops his consonants and uses "cor!" and "coo!" as exclamations. Even more alien, the novel deals with that typically English obsession: class (Americans might live with even sharper class distinctions, but we're bett... Read Full Story
News cover  Angels are around us as the book written by James Paterson called "Angel"
Angels are around us as the book written by James Paterson called "Angel" 16 Feb 2011 09:51:27 This new become may become the bestseller, because it is the continuous story of 14-year-old Max, the leader of a "flock" of children who were raised in a lab where scientists mixed their DNA with that of birds. This experimentation gave the children wings, lighter bones and several other unique attributes, including 6-year-old Angel's ability to read minds and see the future. The "flock" escaped from the lab a few years ago, and they have been on their own ever since. They have been attacked b... Read Full Story
News cover The Man Asian Literary Prize - show must go on
The Man Asian Literary Prize - show must go on 16 Feb 2011 09:48:34 It isn't a secret, that Asian writers have got their own meetings, where they discuss the creation from each over. Not so many times ago, on one of these meetings, they opened the list of the prestige The Man Asian Literary Prize. Manu Joseph grabbed one of five shortlisted spots for The Man Asian Literary Prize with his debut "Serious Men", while Japanese author Kenzaburo Oe, winner of the 1994 Nobel Prize for Literature, was also among the finalists for "The Changeling". The story tells of o... Read Full Story
News cover `Pleasure Bound' from Deborah Lutz
`Pleasure Bound' from Deborah Lutz 16 Feb 2011 09:43:17 Soon we will find on the bookshelves new book what was written by Deborah Lutz. What was the main idea that allowed for writing this book? Really the author talking about two main ideas: First, that most of the 19th century's overtly sexual material, whether in visual or prose form, came from these groups; second, that the willingness of these men to push the limits of social propriety and study, almost empirically, what was considered then sexually deviant, is at the heart of their creativity. ... Read Full Story
News cover "Between a Rock and a Hot Place" written by Tracey Jackson
"Between a Rock and a Hot Place" written by Tracey Jackson 15 Feb 2011 01:32:41 It is a great feature, when you don't give reasons in different cases. The Jackson wallowed understood, that she didn’t won’t to be the forgotten celebrity ad tried to do something. The apogee of her solutions was to write a good book about herself. Finally, after months of trying to resuscitate her near-comatose career, Jackson sucked it up with the help of a quote from Virginia Woolf — "Arrange whatever pieces come your way" — and made a documentary about taking her spoiled teenager to the s... Read Full Story
News cover Frank story about  Judi Dench's life in her new autobiography work "And Furthermore"
Frank story about Judi Dench's life in her new autobiography work "And Furthermore" 15 Feb 2011 01:25:37 She isn't a young lady, and she isn't an old women. In her ages, she stays one of the best writers of generation. This book doesn't her first work that tells readers about her life. Appearing in "Romeo and Juliet" early in her career, she spoke the line "Where is my father, and my mother, nurse?" with such emotion that her real father was moved to call out, "Here we are, darling, in row H." As she toured West Africa in "Macbeth," Dench noticed that the vultures perched above the outdoor stages... Read Full Story
News cover  "Found" is the another one memoir from Tatum O'Neal
"Found" is the another one memoir from Tatum O'Neal 15 Feb 2011 01:16:13 The Academy Award-winning actress has a second memoir, "Found," scheduled to come out in June. The book, published by HarperCollins, is a follow-up to "A Paper Life," which was released in 2004. HarperCollins announced Monday that the new book will be "part memoir, part Hollywood tell-all, part personal journal." The 47-year-old O'Neal was 10 years old when she won an Oscar for "Paper Moon," but she has since struggled with substance abuse. She also was estranged for years from her father and ... Read Full Story
News cover Romantic in  anticipation of Valentine's Day
Romantic in anticipation of Valentine's Day 13 Feb 2011 21:37:43 A poll of 2,000 adults commissioned by Warner Home Video to mark the DVD release of the romantic comedy "Going the Distance" showed 20 percent of respondents chose the line: "whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." Fictional character Catherine Earnshaw's comment on her love for Heathcliff was followed by Winnie-The-Pooh, the fictional bear created by English writer AA Milne: "If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus one day, so I never have to live without you."... Read Full Story

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