
News cover In a wainting of Jewish book prize
In a wainting of Jewish book prize 13 Feb 2011 21:34:33 Event organizers announced Thursday that Diane Keaton and Julianne Moore will be among the speakers at the publishing industry's annual national convention. Film critic Roger Ebert is also a featured guest. Other attendees include Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Jeffrey Eugenides and "Sookie Stackhouse" author Charlaine Harris. BookExpo will be held in New York from May 24-26. Read Full Story
News cover Do you want to know something new about Joyce Carol Oates? Read her new memoir!
Do you want to know something new about Joyce Carol Oates? Read her new memoir! 13 Feb 2011 21:32:29 Known for such novels as "Blonde" and "Them," and for dozens of other works, she had been married for 47 years when her husband, author and editor Raymond Smith, died in 2008. Oates, who seemed to turn out fiction with the ease of conversation, was at first stumped over how — or whether — to make a narrative out of her own grief. "This wasn't anything like I would have tried with a conventional book," the author says of her memoir, "A Widow's Story." "I was working with my journal, which I wou... Read Full Story
News cover Ronald Reagan will give us a lot of interesting quotes from his new book
Ronald Reagan will give us a lot of interesting quotes from his new book 12 Feb 2011 20:43:46 received, or anecdotes read or overheard were duly handwritten down on note cards over the decades, as Reagan rose from an actor-turned spokesman for General Electric Co., then California governor and a two-term president. With his letters and diaries already best-sellers, Reagan's personal collection of ready-made expressions is being published May 10, part of the ongoing centennial of his birth. "Ronnie was always collecting quotes and sayings that he might want to include in a speech," Reaga... Read Full Story
News cover WikiLeaks  from Julian Assange
WikiLeaks from Julian Assange 12 Feb 2011 20:31:23 Daniel Domscheit-Berg, the former WikiLeaks spokesman who left the secret-spilling website after a bitter dispute with Assange, writes about his euphoria at the website's spectacular rise as well as his disillusionment with a leader he describes as delusional and power-crazed. He said one of his motives for writing the book was that he wanted to clarify the events that led to the falling-out. "We need to set the record straight before Assange turns into a cult, a pop phenomenon," Domscheit-Ber... Read Full Story
News cover You want to sit on a diet? Lady’s Gaga boyfriend knows what diet will be the best for you.
You want to sit on a diet? Lady’s Gaga boyfriend knows what diet will be the best for you. 12 Feb 2011 20:26:59 The Drunk Diet Author Luc Carl explains that his book is not a recipe for weight loss in the conventional sense. There are no skinny food recipes and no restrictions on what one should or should not eat. Instead, it is a memoir that chronicles his battle to drop 40 pounds in about a year. Carl states that it was his goal to shed the weight "without giving up his principles of being a hard drinking party maker." Galley Cat reports that the bar manager's book is slated for release from St. Marti... Read Full Story
News cover Writer Andree Chedid from Egypt celebrates her anniversary
Writer Andree Chedid from Egypt celebrates her anniversary 10 Feb 2011 11:33:45 Her life was fulfilled of many events. On her eyes were lof important facts of world history. And now she celebrates her 90th anniversary. She was born into a Lebanese Christian family in Cairo in 1920 and was educated in Egypt and Paris before taking a degree in journalism at the American University in Cairo. Chedid moved to Paris in 1946 and became a French citizen. Her first book was written in English but she later switched to French to pen her novels, whose stories move between France an... Read Full Story
News cover Bristol Palin has become a fashion victim  in its memoirs: it will be soon release her new book
Bristol Palin has become a fashion victim in its memoirs: it will be soon release her new book 10 Feb 2011 11:24:28 Listings for an "Untitled Bristol Palin Memoir" were viewable Monday on (release date June) and an online catalog for HarperCollins (release date August). The listings have since been pulled. Publicist Seale Ballenger of the Harper imprint William Morrow, the book's presumed publisher, declined to comment Tuesday. Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, has become a celebrity herself through her appearances on "Dancing With the Stars" and as an advocate for sexual... Read Full Story
News cover New book about hip-hop style or it is a new word on the history of styles?
New book about hip-hop style or it is a new word on the history of styles? 10 Feb 2011 11:22:09 "No one outside of the culture, no one who is new to the culture, participated in the book," said Sommers. "It was made in cooperation with the pioneers, and the cooperation with the veteran journalists who have been covering the culture." Through 420 pages, hundreds of photos and dozens of essays, the book takes readers from hip-hop's beginnings in the Bronx borough of New York City through its metamorphosis into a major cultural, musical and financial movement in America and beyond. Among the... Read Full Story
News cover "The Matchmaker of Kenmare" from  Frank Delaney - is a little story about real life
"The Matchmaker of Kenmare" from Frank Delaney - is a little story about real life 09 Feb 2011 08:26:33 Ben MacCarthy is searching for his wife, who has disappeared without a trace. A writer for the Irish Folklore Commission, Ben travels to Ireland to track and document stories and legends — and chasing rumors of his lost love. One day, Ben is sent to the home of Kate Begley, who arranges marriages. She uses self-proclaimed "magic," which includes reading the palms of her potential clients. The novel is primarily a story of longing, and Delaney uses his grasp of language to illustrate the feelin... Read Full Story
News cover The AWOL Marine family is going to start book business again
The AWOL Marine family is going to start book business again 09 Feb 2011 08:25:05 The effort, however, wouldn't play out in military court. Instead, the Utah family of Wassef Ali Hassoun contacted a Los Angeles publicist in search of a $1 million book and movie deal. "Our purpose from the book and the movie is to tell the public what really happened in year 2004 and clear Wassef's name once and for all," Hassoun's brother, Sami Hassoun, wrote in e-mails to Los Angeles publicist Michael Sands that were provided to The Associated Press. Wassef Ali Hassoun, now 31, went missin... Read Full Story
News cover "The Clockwork Universe"by Edward Dolnick: about clocks from all over the world
"The Clockwork Universe"by Edward Dolnick: about clocks from all over the world 09 Feb 2011 08:22:03 Amid such superstition, a small band of scientists — mostly mathematicians and astronomers — set out to decode the workings of the universe. Deeply religious themselves, they undertook their investigations to prove that God had indeed created a perfect, orderly world — the "clockwork universe" of Dolnick's title. Yet when these men — Galileo, Kepler, Descartes, Leibniz and most important, Isaac Newton — discovered and described the forces that kept the Earth, the moons and all the planets spinn... Read Full Story
News cover "The Terror of Living" is the debut novel from the talented author Urban Waite
"The Terror of Living" is the debut novel from the talented author Urban Waite 08 Feb 2011 07:57:33 Does our past influence on our today life, even if passed a lot of time? The author think that yes. An accidental killing during a burglary 20 years earlier has set horseman turned drug runner Phil Hunt on a course he cannot break. For deputy Bobby Drake, the fate of his father, a disgraced sheriff also involved in the Northwest drug trade, never leaves his mind for long. When Hunt and Drake cross paths in the mountains near the border that separates Washington state and British Columbia, nothi... Read Full Story

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