
News cover "Townie" from Andre Dubus III
"Townie" from Andre Dubus III 01 Mar 2011 03:14:23 What is the book in front of you? Who is the author, and what about it? Open book and you will find the answers on all yours questions. But, if you read this article, you will understand the book's basic idea. Do you think that it is hard to write a book? Maybe you should try to write your things, and all that you need it is a computer or a list of paper with pen. Andre Dubus III passes that test with the highest marks in "Townie." It's a searing memoir; a punch in the gut, literally. The son ... Read Full Story
News cover The literature world has a great  lost - Arnost Lustig died
The literature world has a great lost - Arnost Lustig died 27 Feb 2011 02:02:50 Born into a Jewish family in 1926, Lustig was transported to Buchenwald and Auschwitz death camps as a teenager by the Nazis. He escaped a train taking him to the Dachau concentration camp at the end of World War II to return to Prague in time for the uprising against the Germans. Many of his novels draw on his time in the death camps and immediately afterwards. His heroes are ordinary people affected by the Holocaust. His novels include "Dita Sax" (1962), the story of a teenage girl who surv... Read Full Story
News cover Jerry Seinfeld become a winner in the battle of cook
Jerry Seinfeld become a winner in the battle of cook 27 Feb 2011 01:59:33 Born into a Jewish family in 1926, Lustig was transported to Buchenwald and Auschwitz death camps as a teenager by the Nazis. He escaped a train taking him to the Dachau concentration camp at the end of World War II to return to Prague in time for the uprising against the Germans. Many of his novels draw on his time in the death camps and immediately afterwards. His heroes are ordinary people affected by the Holocaust. His novels include "Dita Sax" (1962), the story of a teenage girl who surv... Read Full Story
News cover Something interesting about Oscar
Something interesting about Oscar 27 Feb 2011 01:55:52 Sally Field Sally Field accepted the Best Actress award for the second time in 1985 for "Places in the Heart." (She won the Best Actress award also in 1980 for her work in "Norma Rae.") You'd think the second time she'd be a little more poised, but she exclaimed from the podium, "The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!" And, with those few words, she set the cause of self-confident women back at least a decade... Read Full Story
News cover Jerry Seinfeld become a winner in the battle of cook
Jerry Seinfeld become a winner in the battle of cook 24 Feb 2011 15:44:10 In a decision made public on Friday, New York State Supreme Court Justice Marcy Friedman found that Seinfeld's mocking tirade on television against cookbook author Missy Chase Lapine could not be considered defamation. Friedman also dismissed Lapine's plagiarism claims against HarperCollins, the publisher of Jessica Seinfeld's "Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets To Get Your Kids Eating Good Food." "Seinfeld's statements are protected not because they were made in a comedic context nor because... Read Full Story
News cover Who is that man on the photo?
Who is that man on the photo? 24 Feb 2011 15:39:21 If you don't know the man on the photo, it is the winner of the prestigious Israeli literary award this week, and his name is Ian McEwan. And all will be ok, if he doesn’t write his opinion about police work in Israeli. And these shocked all society. Maybe it was good, because he didn't silent, but how this impact on his career, nobody knows. His high-powered audience, which included the nation's president and the mayor of Jerusalem, responded in an unexpected way: They gave him a warm ovation,... Read Full Story
News cover "The Invisible Line" written by Daniel J. Sharfstein, what it is about?
"The Invisible Line" written by Daniel J. Sharfstein, what it is about? 24 Feb 2011 15:31:08 When you took a new book in your hands, you don't know what is it about and does it is interedting. That is why you try to find more information about book and sometimes this information repels you, or sometimes the opposite, it attracts. That is why here some interesting things about this book from Daniel J. Sharfstein. Only a writer who lived and breathed his subject matter for more than six years — as noted in his acknowledgments — could write with such authority. "The Invisible Line: Three... Read Full Story
News cover "Georgia Bottoms" is the new book from by Mark Childress
"Georgia Bottoms" is the new book from by Mark Childress 23 Feb 2011 10:49:47 There are also the pillars of the community — the bank president, the publisher, the doctor and the sheriff — whose lives are built on sand. Each gets a night of the week for creative sport in bed with Georgia. Georgia Bottoms is our heroine, and the novel lives mostly in her marvelously goodhearted but teeming and scheming mind. She lives in a rural Alabama town called Six Points, where the once prosperous family name was Butts but got changed to Bottoms as finances went South, so to speak. T... Read Full Story
News cover Interesting finding in Library of Congress
Interesting finding in Library of Congress 23 Feb 2011 10:46:55 Even if no other Jefferson-owned books are found, the school's collection of 74 books is the third largest in the nation after the Library of Congress and the University of Virginia. "It is so out of the blue and pretty amazing," said Washington University's rare books curator Erin Davis of the discovery that was announced on President's Day. The books were among about 3,000 that were donated to the school in 1880 after the death of Jefferson's granddaughter, Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge, an... Read Full Story
News cover "The Paris Wife" written by Paula McLain
"The Paris Wife" written by Paula McLain 23 Feb 2011 10:44:56 The roaring '20s are just getting under way, and the two consume plenty of alcohol and jazz while befriending other expatriate artists like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein. But Hadley, who once found Hemingway "more charged and convincing and altogether awake than anything I'd ever seen," is out-of-date. She wants a family to care for, while Hemingway falls for a Vogue editor and demands an open marriage. The threesome live together briefly before Hadley and Hemingway capitulate to his m... Read Full Story
News cover "I Beat the Odds" was written in a tandem by Michael Oher with Don Yaeger
"I Beat the Odds" was written in a tandem by Michael Oher with Don Yaeger 21 Feb 2011 13:54:12 It is a new book from legendaries Don Yaeger and Michael Oher. This book become the best-seller for very short period and won the hearts of many strict people. While there's some inevitable retread here — Lewis is, after all, one of the finest journalists of his generation — there's much to be gained from hearing the story straight from the man dubbed "Big Mike." His own voice is matter-of-fact, both hopeful and a touch melancholy. His experience growing up poor in Memphis, Tenn., was, if a... Read Full Story
News cover Sarah Palin will be will be exposed
Sarah Palin will be will be exposed 21 Feb 2011 13:48:49 The truth? That is the truth and who does care about it. Now to have a scandal the Palin's assistant is going to tell all truth about her boss. Frank Bailey rose from a campaign volunteer to administration official and figure in the "Troopergate" scandal that fixated the public's attention during Palin's vice presidential bid in 2008. A preliminary draft of the unpublished book, tentatively called "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of our Tumultuous Years," was leaked to reporters, wit... Read Full Story

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