
News cover Literture festival was met new books from Pakistan pretty cool
Literture festival was met new books from Pakistan pretty cool 08 Feb 2011 07:53:12 It is good that Pakistan brings their new interesting books to the literature festival, but critics said that from that literature that they saw, wasn’t something amazing or brilliant. Now into a second year and determined to become an annual fixture on the international circuit, the Karachi Literature Festival portrays the softer face of a country more often associated with terrorism than award-winning prose. Students, authors, budding writers and avid readers descended on a hotel in an excl... Read Full Story
News cover How  make money: practical guide from Ben Tarnoff
How make money: practical guide from Ben Tarnoff 08 Feb 2011 07:48:02 What surprise brings for us the author of the book Ben Tarnoff? What is about this book, and when booklovers may found it on the bookshelves? Author Ben Tarnoff digs deep into the history of such left-handed pursuits in "Moneymakers: The Wicked Lives and Surprising Adventures of Three Notorious Counterfeiters." While not quite delivering the wickedness and surprises essential to a ripping yarn, Tarnoff provides a colorful tale as he explores the development of American paper money in the 18th... Read Full Story
News cover WikiLeaks is still disturbing the public
WikiLeaks is still disturbing the public 04 Feb 2011 03:45:28 The accounts by journalists for the Guardian and German magazine Der Spiegel describe their publications' turbulent relations with the mercurial WikiLeaks founder. Assange, an Australian-born computer hacker, became an international celebrity last year after his website acquired, and began to make public, hundreds of thousands of secret U.S. government documents. The Guardian and Spiegel journalists' books are part of the first wave of what could become a flood of writings, documentaries and f... Read Full Story
News cover Something interesting about old traditions
Something interesting about old traditions 04 Feb 2011 03:43:07 The story of Edward Jones, known to London's Victorian police as "Boy Jones," has been pieced together using contemporary newspaper reports of the monarch's early reign. According to Jan Bondeson of Cardiff University, who spent five years writing a book on the lad's fascination with the Royal Family, he broke into Buckingham Palace at least three times between 1838 and 1841. Jones, who, according to Bondeson's book "Queen Victoria and the Stalker," managed to get within a few feet of the youn... Read Full Story
News cover "Tough Without a Gun: The Life and Extraordinary Afterlife of Humphrey Bogart"
"Tough Without a Gun: The Life and Extraordinary Afterlife of Humphrey Bogart" 04 Feb 2011 03:40:06 But Bogart's star power would span generations. His death in 1957 set the stage for his embrace by baby boomers, foreign audiences and other moviegoers who were captivated by his portrayals of authentic, hard-bitten characters in performances that continue to withstand the test of time. The aura surrounding his work has yet to fade. A dozen years ago, the American Film Institute ranked Bogart as Hollywood's greatest male star of all time, one of many posthumous honors bestowed upon him. In "To... Read Full Story
News cover Jordan's King Abdullah succumbed to the fashion trends of writting memoir
Jordan's King Abdullah succumbed to the fashion trends of writting memoir 03 Feb 2011 00:58:38 Carolyn Coleburn, a spokeswoman for Viking, said Wednesday that "Our Last Best Chance: The Pursuit of Peace in a Time of Peril" will be released Feb. 22 in the U.S. and around the world, including Jordan and Egypt. The book is currently embargoed, Coleburn said Wednesday, meaning no advance copies are available. But it is billed as an "exceptionally candid" and "inspirational story" of how a young king "transformed what it meant to be a monarch", in part by "going undercover to escape the bubbl... Read Full Story
News cover Sue Sylvester will give the literature world her memoir
Sue Sylvester will give the literature world her memoir 03 Feb 2011 00:56:25 Publisher Hyperion announced Tuesday that Jane Lynch's "Happy Accidents" will come out in September. The 50-year-old Lynch has won an Emmy and a Golden Globe for "Glee," about a high school glee club. Her character bullies students and butts heads with the glee club members. Lynch's film credits include the mockumentaries "Best in Show" and "A Mighty Wind," Judd Apatow's "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" and Nora Ephron's "Julie & Julia." Read Full Story
News cover Joyful news about Jimmy Fallon's creation
Joyful news about Jimmy Fallon's creation 03 Feb 2011 00:48:56 Two books named after the "Thank You Notes" segments of "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" will be published by the Hachette Book Group, which announced an agreement Tuesday with NBC Universal Television. According to the publisher, the books will cover more than 150 subjects, from "sweater vests and adult mittens," to his father and "a light bulb he is too lazy to replace." Read Full Story
News cover "Shortcut Man" written by Dick Henry is the new world in literature
"Shortcut Man" written by Dick Henry is the new world in literature 02 Feb 2011 08:09:09 In p.g. sturges' "Shortcut Man," readers are introduced to Henry as he forcibly evicts a delinquent tenant who refuses to leave his apartment, a violent job that he follows up by championing an elderly woman who's been ripped off by a disreputable contractor. When Henry is asked by multimillionaire porn producer Art Benjamin to shadow his wife and confirm she's unfaithful, it seems like an easy task and easy money, until Henry realizes the woman he's been hired to track is the woman he's been s... Read Full Story
News cover In April will be published a new book about Egypt's war and its prerequisites
In April will be published a new book about Egypt's war and its prerequisites 02 Feb 2011 08:07:04 Publication has been moved up for a book by Mohamed ElBaradei (ehl-BEHR'-uh-day), the Nobel peace laureate and Egyptian opposition leader. ElBaradei's "The Age of Deception: Nuclear Diplomacy in Treacherous Times," will come out April 26, not in June, as originally scheduled. Henry Holt and Company imprint Metropolitan Books announced Tuesday that the change was made in response to the massive uprising in Egypt, where ELBaradei has emerged as a leader of anti-government protesters. Read Full Story
News cover Heat Wave: The Life and Career of Ethel Waters that was written by Donald Bogle is talking about one singer
Heat Wave: The Life and Career of Ethel Waters that was written by Donald Bogle is talking about one singer 02 Feb 2011 08:04:22 Waters never could read music and didn't engage a voice instructor until well into her career, but she worked over songs like "Heat Wave" and "Stormy Weather" until they carried her unique signature. Bisexual, she longed for intimate relationships, but she denied lovers, husbands and children the attention she lavished on her career. She was deeply religious, yet she had a terrible temper and routinely cursed and fought with those who dared to cross her. In her day, a poor black woman needed di... Read Full Story
News cover Thanks for new investitions Borders Group become alive
Thanks for new investitions Borders Group become alive 31 Jan 2011 23:15:59 Its shares jumped 28 percent in aftermarket trading on the news. The $550 million senior secured credit facility matures in 2014 and refinances the company's existing debt. Borders, based in Ann Arbor, Mich., sparked fears it would file for bankruptcy in December after it said it would delay payments to some vendors. The company said it is still working with and landlords to restructure financing arrangements. The GE refinancing agreement is subject to some conditions, including securing $17... Read Full Story

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