
News cover  Christa Wolf was died in the age at 82
Christa Wolf was died in the age at 82 05 Dec 2011 02:39:14 Wolf, a committed Marxist in her early years, focused in her novels such as "Divided Heaven," "Cassandra" and "The Quest for Christ T." on life in the socialist state, exploring its ideals and the role of the individual. She became increasingly critical of East Germany and joined the chorus of calls for reform in 1989 which eventually led to the fall of the Berlin wall. Wolf had hoped, however, that there could still be an independent future for the state in following a more humane form of socia... Read Full Story
News cover Nicanor Parra  become the winner of Cervantes Prize
Nicanor Parra become the winner of Cervantes Prize 05 Dec 2011 02:34:16 The award was announced Thursday in Madrid by Spanish Culture Minister Angeles Gonzalez-Sinde. It honors a writer's life work, and generally alternates between Spanish and Latin American writers from one year to the next. Last year it went to Spain's Ana Maria Matute. The award carries with it a euro125,000 ($170,000) cash stipend. Other front-runners this year included Ernesto Cardenal of Nicaragua and Uruguay's Eduardo Galeano. Read Full Story
News cover Friday with Maurice Sendak and New York City's Jewish Museum
Friday with Maurice Sendak and New York City's Jewish Museum 01 Dec 2011 10:10:52 The exhibit opens Friday and features 33 menorahs chosen by Sendak. The menorahs were created from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Also included are original drawings from Sendak's books and audio of his conversations with curators. Sendak is the author of children's books including "Where the Wild Things Are" and "In the Night Kitchen." Eighty-three-year-old Sendak says he chose severe-looking menorahs because their simplicity evoked the Holocaust. He was born in Brooklyn to Jewish immigrant pa... Read Full Story
News cover How much money may cost comics?
How much money may cost comics? 01 Dec 2011 10:08:43 The issue, graded at 9.0, was auctioned starting Nov. 11 online at The starting bid was just $1 but there was a reserve price of $900,000. Neither the name of the buyer nor seller was disclosed. It's the first time a comic book has broken the $2 million barrier. The issue was published in 1938 and cost just 10 cents. "When we broke the record in 2010 by selling the Action Comics No. 1, graded at 8.5, for $1.5 million, I truly believed that this was a record that would stand... Read Full Story
News cover The young man Asa Butterfield  becoming a rising star
The young man Asa Butterfield becoming a rising star 01 Dec 2011 10:01:04 An individual with knowledge of the negotiations confirmed to TheWrap that the deal, rumored for weeks, has now been signed. The book and movie are set in a future, in which mankind is engaged in a battle against aliens. Butterfield will play the part of "Ender" Wiggin, a young boy, who is a preternaturally gifted in warfare and is seen as humanity's last hope. The wide-eyed 14-year-old actor has earned rave reviews for his work in Martin Scorsese's "Hugo." "Now that I've real eased all my pent ... Read Full Story
News cover A writer Shelagh Delaney left this wold when she was 71 years
A writer Shelagh Delaney left this wold when she was 71 years 30 Nov 2011 01:51:13 A Taste of Honey, about a working class girl who falls pregnant during a fling with a black sailor before finding comfort with a gay art student, opened in London when Delaney was still a teenager. Despite tackling social issues that were controversial at the time, the play that was part of the gritty "kitchen sink" movement in British literature enjoyed a successful run in London's West End before transferring to Broadway. In 1961 it was turned into an acclaimed movie, for which Delaney and co-... Read Full Story
News cover Does Ray Bradbury is a future forecaster?
Does Ray Bradbury is a future forecaster? 30 Nov 2011 01:48:22 The science fiction/fantasy author and longtime enemy of the e-book has finally allowed his dystopian classic "Fahrenheit 451" to be published in digital format. Simon & Schuster released the electronic edition Tuesday at a list price of $9.99. First published in paperback by Ballantine in 1953 and as a hardcover by Simon & Schuster in the 1960s, "Fahrenheit 451" has sold more than 10 million copies and has been translated into 33 languages. It imagined a world in which the appetite for new and ... Read Full Story
News cover Music in the  Charles Frazier's  life
Music in the Charles Frazier's life 28 Nov 2011 02:14:22 "We had a little radio station that went off at dark," Frazier recalls. "So all during the day, one radio station, country music. When school was out there was two hours of teenage music. And then the sun goes down and all the sudden there's this station from Nashville pouring in. And I liked that really raw rockabilly stuff that's so hard to classify. It's definitely rawer ... than even country at the time, but it was way more country sounding than most rock 'n' roll from places outside The Sou... Read Full Story
News cover  Ruth Stone become the award-winning poet
Ruth Stone become the award-winning poet 28 Nov 2011 02:08:24 Stone, who for decades lived in a farmhouse in Goshen, died Nov. 19 of natural causes at her home in Ripton, her daughter Phoebe Stone said Thursday. She was surrounded by her daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Widowed in her 40s and little known for years after, Ruth Stone became one of the country's most honored poets in her 80s and 90s, winning the National Book Award in 2002 for "In the Next Galaxy" and being named a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2009 for "What Love Comes... Read Full Story
News cover Lady Gaga and Terry Richardson
Lady Gaga and Terry Richardson 28 Nov 2011 02:03:40 "Talent and perseverance and pushing the boundaries of love and acceptance," the 25-year-old music sensation told Access Hollywood guest correspondent Jill Martin. PLAY IT NOW: Did L.A. Reid Let Lady Gaga Get Away? Gaga, never afraid to raise an eyebrow or two, also shared another quality she looks for in a guy. "I don't know. I can't really say. It ranges from a really big [expletive] to a degree at Harvard," she continued. "Just about anything." VIEW THE PHOTOS: Inside The Pages: Photos From ‘... Read Full Story
News cover Ewan McGregor become a memeber of HBO's "The Corrections"
Ewan McGregor become a memeber of HBO's "The Corrections" 24 Nov 2011 10:35:22 Ewan McGregor has joined the cast of the HBO drama pilot "The Corrections," the cable outlet confirms to TheWrap. McGregor will play Chip, the younger son of an elderly Midwestern couple trying to draw all of their children home for one last Christmas together. The pilot, based on the Jonathan Franzen novel, is written by Noah Baumbach and Franzen and produced by Scott Rudin. In the book, Chip is a writer and academic who gets mixed up with a Lithuanian crime boss. McGregor joins a cast that alr... Read Full Story
News cover Lech Walesa  become the polish winner of Nobel prize
Lech Walesa become the polish winner of Nobel prize 24 Nov 2011 10:34:03 Danuta Walesa, now 62, was Poland's first lady from 1990 to 1995 when Lech Walesa served as the country's first democratically elected president. He won international acclaim when his Solidarity trade union movement led the fight to topple communism in Poland in 1989. But behind the scenes, Danuta faced a daily struggle to bring up their eight children, according to excerpts from her first biography "Dreams and Secrets" obtained by Reuters on Tuesday and due out on Wednesday. "We had crowds of l... Read Full Story

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