
News cover The Next Level Chris Hardwick
The Next Level Chris Hardwick 07 Nov 2011 09:32:10 The stand-up comedian, TV host and brains behind the mega-popular Nerdist podcast, Twitter feed and blog provides a road map to self-actualization for the pocket protector set in "The Nerdist Way: How to Reach the Next Level (In Real Life)." "If you are a part of (the) now-glamorous Nerd Herd subculture but still feel like you're waiting to claim your gold cup at the top of the social food chain, then I am here to help you," Hardwick writes. "I shall attempt, through the primitive form of commu... Read Full Story
News cover New interesting facts about  Barack Obama
New interesting facts about Barack Obama 07 Nov 2011 09:28:54 When Obama swept into the Oval Office back in 2008, just about everyone compared him to that other senator-turned-president with a cadre of young followers. Almost three years into Obama's presidency, one doesn't hear many of those comparisons anymore. Most questions revolve around whether he can defeat whichever uninspiring GOP candidate gets the nomination. With another election cycle in the hopper, who better to discuss both Commanders-in-Chief than Chris Matthews, a former speechwriter for... Read Full Story
News cover Soon we will see two new books from Bill O'Reilly
Soon we will see two new books from Bill O'Reilly 07 Nov 2011 09:27:15 The conservative commentator and best-selling author already has memoir "Bolder and Fresher" due from Henry Holt and Co. His next two books will include a presidential story, the president to be revealed later, the publisher announced Monday. The third book is yet to be determined. O'Reilly's current hit is his first work of history, "Killing Lincoln," which topped The New York Times nonfiction hardcover list this fall and has sold nearly 1 million copies, Holt said. Stephen Rubin, Holt's presi... Read Full Story
News cover Thalia wrote a book?
Thalia wrote a book? 05 Nov 2011 03:17:42 Thalia, 40, spoke to The Associated Press last week about the chapters in her life, laughing at times, and fighting back tears when remembering her mother, Yolanda Miranda, who passed away last May, only a month before she gave birth to her son (she also has a 3-year-old daughter. "It's a very intimate book where I expose myself a thousand (percent), where there is no mask, no small place kept guarded," Thalia said. The book is out Tuesday. AP: What made you write this book at this point of your... Read Full Story
News cover "The Time of Our Lives"  from  Tom Brokaw
"The Time of Our Lives" from Tom Brokaw 05 Nov 2011 03:15:54 "The Time of Our Lives: A Conversation About America" (Random House), by Tom Brokaw: Just in time for the 2012 general election, Tom Brokaw has written a book that begins with the sentence: "What happened to the America I thought I knew?" It's easy to imagine Republicans and Democrats flipping through it for ideas on how to avoid another debt ceiling debate, improve educational opportunities for all, or pursue green energy initiatives. But Brokaw didn't write the book for the politicians he spen... Read Full Story
News cover Brad Paisley 's book "Diary of a Player"
Brad Paisley 's book "Diary of a Player" 05 Nov 2011 03:13:54 Over time, though, the country music star learned that having millions of fans means millions of questions, and a book offered a way to let everyone know the important people, moments and lessons he's learned since his grandfather gave him his first guitar. "And now I get to say, 'It's in the book,' and that's fun for me," Paisley said. "As well as the fact that this was meant to inspire. It's not a book that's meant to say, 'Careful. This is a rough road.' This is more like, you find that thin... Read Full Story
News cover People reading books from all the world
People reading books from all the world 03 Nov 2011 10:39:56 What a dangerous, dangerous website. I can tell I am going to have to limit my time on Book Drum's new literary map or I'm really not going to get anything done at all. Its creators say it's the first ever crowd-sourced literary world map, and it's already packed with information from contributors, from Wide Sargasso Sea, pinpointed in Granbois, Dominica ("based on Jean Rhys's father's estate of Bona Vista") and Thornfield, Yorkshire ("Antoinette is imprisoned in the attic at Thornfield Hall, wh... Read Full Story
News cover Reading Malcolm Lowry's novels - become a good tradition
Reading Malcolm Lowry's novels - become a good tradition 03 Nov 2011 10:30:56 Today is All Souls' Day, the culmination of Mexico's Day of the Dead and the date on which, in 1938, the events of Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano take place. I came to the book knowing only its reputation as a masterpiece of English modernism. I left thinking it one of the greatest novels of the 20th century. Everyone should read it at least twice – Lowry thought several readings were necessary for its full meaning to "explode in the mind" – and 2 November should see Cuernavaca (to which Lowr... Read Full Story
News cover 11.22.63 by Stephen King - new story of history
11.22.63 by Stephen King - new story of history 03 Nov 2011 10:29:03 In 11.22.63, Jake Epping, a schoolteacher in Maine (a childhood reference point as recurrent in King's fiction as New Jersey in Philip Roth's), is summoned by the owner of Al's Diner, a local eaterie that has become popular but also suspect as a result of being able to sell, in 2011, burgers at near-1950s prices. The restaurateur, now mortally ill, has found a portal in his pantry that leads to a particular day in 1958, where the time-traveller can begin a stay lasting months or even potentially... Read Full Story
News cover Long life the poems writer Christopher Reid
Long life the poems writer Christopher Reid 01 Nov 2011 10:16:53 "A remarkable turn of events," says Reid. "None of my other books has had that sort of exposure or readership and I really wasn't prepared for it. A Scattering has got to a lot of people who read the story because it was also their story, if in slightly different terms. But its success has still come as a great surprise." Part of that surprise is due to the fact that both The Song of Lunch (CB Editions) and A Scattering (Areté books), came out from minuscule publishers. Craig Raine's Areté maga... Read Full Story
News cover The premiere of new film about Stephenie Meyer's vampires makes us talking about it
The premiere of new film about Stephenie Meyer's vampires makes us talking about it 01 Nov 2011 10:14:24 Rice, whose vampire characters Lestat and Louis put the blood into bloodthirsty in her bestselling novel Interview with the Vampire, said her creations "feel sorry for vampires that sparkle in the sun". In Meyer's Twilight books, her vampires – some of whom attend high school to avoid detection – sparkle revealingly in sunshine. Writing on Facebook, Rice said that Louis and Lestat "would never hurt immortals who choose to spend eternity going to high school over and over again in a small town – ... Read Full Story
News cover The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller 01 Nov 2011 10:10:29 The past year has seen an outpouring of such Homeric reimaginings and fillings-out, such as David Malouf's novel The Ransom, based on book 24 of the Iliad; and Zachary Mason's Calvino-esque sequence of riffs on the Odyssey, imagining dozens of counter-fates for its central character. Now Miller, in her page-turning debut novel The Song of Achilles, brings us the boyhoods of Patroclus and Achilles. She is a respectful and clearly loving reader of Homer: nothing strikes a false note in her intrica... Read Full Story

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