
News cover Robert Muchamore and his books
Robert Muchamore and his books 31 Oct 2011 09:00:14 Robert Muchamore's Cherub series has sold 3m copies in the UK alone, so the author was surprised, to say the least, when he was told that they were being banned from a north London school. Muchamore, who lives in nearby Crouch End, was lined up to speak at Highgate junior school in mid-November, but was informed this month that his appearance had been cancelled and his books removed from the junior school's library following complaints from parents. "Highgate School invited me to do an event, t... Read Full Story
News cover The novel  We Need to Talk About Kevin on the London film festival is on the movie
The novel We Need to Talk About Kevin on the London film festival is on the movie 31 Oct 2011 08:56:57 The film is Ramsay's first in nearly 10 years and only her third since her breakthrough, Ratcatcher. At a ceremony in London her new film, which came out on general release last Friday, was named best film from a strong shortlist including Steve McQueen's Shame and Terence Davies's The Deep Blue Sea. The director John Madden, who chaired the category's jury, said they had been struck by the "sheer panache" of a shortlist with "great storytellers". He added: "In the end, we were simply bowled o... Read Full Story
News cover Guardian and children
Guardian and children 31 Oct 2011 08:53:36 Since the Guardian children's books site launched on World Book Day in March, we've had lots of enquiries from librarians, teachers and reading group leaders wanting to know if they could join the site as a group, rather than each child in the group having to sign up individually. We're delighted to say that you now can! Group profiles will be identified with a special group badge and your profile will include the name of your group, where you are based and some details about the kinds of books... Read Full Story
News cover "Gossip Girl, Psycho Killer" by Cecily von Ziegesar
"Gossip Girl, Psycho Killer" by Cecily von Ziegesar 30 Oct 2011 06:25:09 Cecily von Ziegesar's "Gossip Girl, Psycho Killer" takes readers back to the beginning of the "Gossip Girl" series with Serena returning to New York City after a year away at boarding school. She wants to resume her BFF status with Blair, but gets iced out. Like the books, Blair is dating Nate Archibald, who had a drunken affair with Serena a year earlier. In "Psycho Killer," Serena feels the only way to sweep her indiscretion under the rug is to kill Nate. Blair feels threatened by Serena's non... Read Full Story
News cover Readers brings new formats?
Readers brings new formats? 30 Oct 2011 06:03:58 Amazon's Senior Vice President Marc Onetto told Sohu IT in an interview on Thursday that the firm's Kindle products are still under discussion with regulators over copyright issues. Onetto said there was no timeline for the introduction of the Kindle to China and that the firm was not planning to work with domestic vendors just yet. "We hope to launch products in China that are simple and user-friendly. If there are too many vendors participating, the product will become very complex. We are not... Read Full Story
News cover Florence Parry Heide the children's popular author was died
Florence Parry Heide the children's popular author was died 30 Oct 2011 06:02:37 Heide died in her sleep Sunday night, one of her daughters, Judith Gilliland, told The Associated Press Tuesday. The Kenosha News reports family members and friends said Heide was in good health, and her death was unexpected. "It was just her time, I guess," daughter Roxanne Pierce told the Kenosha News. "It came as a huge shock to me this morning. We had such a wonderful evening last night together. We watched a movie, made popcorn, laughed our heads off. It was very, very good, cozy and comfy.... Read Full Story
News cover Mother and her daughter: opinion about the creation
Mother and her daughter: opinion about the creation 28 Oct 2011 08:30:51 Alexis Stewart and Jennifer Koppelman-Hutt's new book, "Whateverland: Learning to Live Here," has been making headlines for poking fun at Martha Stewart, but the domestic goddess tells Access Hollywood that she loves the book.Access' guest correspondent Jill Martin caught up with Martha on Monday, where she dished on the book that has some people raising their eyebrows.Martha Stewart Reacts To Daughter Alexis’ New Book ‘Whateverland: Learning To Live Here’ "I read it, I thought it was hysterical... Read Full Story
News cover More details about  Brian Kellow's book called "Pauline Kael"
More details about Brian Kellow's book called "Pauline Kael" 28 Oct 2011 08:29:04 "Pauline Kael: A Life in the Dark" (Viking), by Brian Kellow: Film critic Pauline Kael could be as brilliant and maddening in person as she was in the pages of The New Yorker, whether you were a filmmaker who failed to meet her standards or an acolyte who dared to disagree with her judgment. Movies, after all, were her life. Some considered Kael an irresponsible bully and an opportunistic writer who could be far too chummy with filmmakers. Others found her friendly, gregarious and bawdy, thoug... Read Full Story
News cover Time is going, but Stephen King is so popular as in the beggining of his career
Time is going, but Stephen King is so popular as in the beggining of his career 28 Oct 2011 08:25:15 Producer Brian Grazer told MTV News that the television portion of the project -- which, overall, is to include a TV series and three movies -- will run on HBO. "We're going to do with HBO," Grazer said. "We'll do the TV with HBO, and we'll do the movie with... to be determined. We'll do it right." After delaying production, Universal Studios dropped the project altogether in July due to budget concern. According to Grazer -- who's been working on the project with Ron Howard -- the budget has ... Read Full Story
News cover The Fear Index by Robert Harris
The Fear Index by Robert Harris 27 Oct 2011 10:00:06 Britain, though, features only in the occasional flashback memory of its characters, with the 24 hours of action playing out in Switzerland. Living in reclusive luxury beside Lake Geneva, Dr Alexander Hoffman, an American physicist married to an English artist, is number 177 on the Sunday Times rich list, calculating his own wealth as "a billion, a billion-two". He has stacked up this cash by applying the science he learned when working on the Large Hadron Collider at Cern to the running of a he... Read Full Story
News cover All about book What Is Madness? by Darian Leader
All about book What Is Madness? by Darian Leader 27 Oct 2011 09:50:21 Psychoanalysis is not an exact science. Nor, even though Freud never relinquished a partly scientific vocabulary, would it wish to be. It could not be further removed from the drug-based treatments for mental disorder which have turned the drugs industry into one of the most profitable in the UK, or from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), the government-sponsored therapy of choice – 6,000 CBT therapists to be trained over the next four years. In No Health without Mental Health, its February po... Read Full Story
News cover Do you really whant to know about book What It Means to Be Human by Joanna Bourke?
Do you really whant to know about book What It Means to Be Human by Joanna Bourke? 27 Oct 2011 09:49:33 In a speech given in London in 1862, George Francis Train claimed that Africans were inferior to whites on the ground that black people were incapable of blushing. When the American businessman went on to maintain that God had made Africans "the servant of the Anglo-Saxon race", the audience cheered. But it was not just revealed religion that endorsed the belief in a hierarchy of "races" with white Anglo-Saxons at the top. So did the science of the day. The idea that black people were incapable ... Read Full Story

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