
News cover "The Color of Night" from the greatest author Madison Smartt Bell:
"The Color of Night" from the greatest author Madison Smartt Bell: 06 Apr 2011 02:30:48 The shock of seeing Laurel sends Mae down a twisted and dangerous memory lane, one that is filled with pain, torture, rape and life as part of the Manson family. From her horrendous childhood, with what she calls the "Mom Thing" and an older brother who schooled her in the ways of pain, Mae was more than ready when Charles Manson came calling. Bell paints Mae's dangerous days in the 1960s when "The People" provided her with a sense of family and of fitting in. Mae finds the pictures of 9/11 thri... Read Full Story
News cover "Fire Season" is the book from Philip Connors, and it isn't a funny book
"Fire Season" is the book from Philip Connors, and it isn't a funny book 05 Apr 2011 01:27:07 Every April, you leave your wife and drive as far as you can into the Gila National Forest of New Mexico. Then you hike uphill for more than 5 miles with 50 pounds of supplies on your back. You reach the cabin, which is filthy with rat droppings and dried-out mice stuck to the floor. You prepare to drink rainwater or melted snow for the next five months. Your job is to climb a 55-foot tower every day, settle into a 7-by-7 enclosed platform and scrutinize a jaw-dropping panorama of tree-covered m... Read Full Story
News cover "The Love of My Youth"  written by Mary Gordon
"The Love of My Youth" written by Mary Gordon 05 Apr 2011 01:26:05 With the first wave of baby boomers turning 65 this year, Gordon, who was born in 1949, has written a novel that explores the regrets and consolations of growing old. She does so through the prism of Adam and Miranda — be forewarned that the symbolism of their names is something of a spoiler alert, with Miranda meaning "admirable" and Adam standing for the first man, expelled from paradise for original sin. These former lovers, who resumed their acquaintance at a mutual friend's apartment in Rom... Read Full Story
News cover   Alex von Tunzelmann gave his own the concept of events in USA "Red Heat"
Alex von Tunzelmann gave his own the concept of events in USA "Red Heat" 05 Apr 2011 01:24:24 The conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union didn't end with the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962. It started long before and continued long after, largely in secret. Ultimately, the author writes, the United States' sense of security depended on whether Caribbean leaders were pro-American. Pro-American became synonymous with anti-communist and pro-communist meant anti-American. The Caribbean was in crisis during the presidencies of Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. John... Read Full Story
News cover "The Pope's Assassin" written by Luis M. Rocha
"The Pope's Assassin" written by Luis M. Rocha 02 Apr 2011 04:37:53 Luis M. Rocha gets things going in "The Pope's Assassin" with a set of ancient scrolls found in Turkey dating back to A.D. 325. The scrolls tell a far different story of Jesus' life than that found in the New Testament. The Catholic church has kept that information secret for decades, although every pope, the night after his election, is given a copy of the document to read. Despite the need for secrecy — and the dedication of the few who know about the scrolls to insure it — word somehow leaks ... Read Full Story
News cover "Bent Road"  from intereting author Lori Roy
"Bent Road" from intereting author Lori Roy 02 Apr 2011 04:36:55 Arthur and his oldest daughter adapt easily to their new environment. But Arthur's wife, Celia, and the couple's two youngest children, Daniel and Evie, struggle to fit in. It doesn't help that Evie bears a striking resemblance to Eve, Arthur's younger sister, whose murder decades before remains unsolved. Evie finds Eve's old dresses and things in her grandmother's house, and she constructs an imaginary friend from them, a sympathetic adult to console her in the midst of her loneliness. It also ... Read Full Story
News cover  Bill Maher soon will publish his new book
Bill Maher soon will publish his new book 02 Apr 2011 04:35:55 The satirist has a deal for "The New New Rules," to be published by Penguin Group (USA) in November. In a statement Thursday, Penguin said the book was "filled with political riffs and a savagely funny set of new rules for preserving sanity in an insane world." Maher, host of HBO's "Real Time," wrote the best-seller "New Rules." The new work is being billed as a follow-up. Read Full Story
News cover "Sweet Valley Confidential" written by Francine Pascal
"Sweet Valley Confidential" written by Francine Pascal 01 Apr 2011 01:26:53 Twins Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield were introduced in "Sweet Valley High" in the early 1980s. The beautiful blond teens with peaches-and-cream skin — they're a perfect size 6 — live in Sweet Valley, Calif. Elizabeth is sensitive, thoughtful and responsible, while Jessica is more emotional, selfish and materialistic. In author Francine Pascal's new book, "Sweet Valley Confidential: Ten Years Later...," the twins are in their late twenties. Elizabeth discovers that her longtime boyfriend, Todd ... Read Full Story
News cover "The Troubled Man"  by Henning Mankell
"The Troubled Man" by Henning Mankell 01 Apr 2011 01:24:36 Wallander's attraction always has been familial and emotional: We wish it were his heart and soul lurking beneath the gruff exterior of any number of acquaintances. And it's soon apparent that something frightening and mysterious is overtaking Wallander the man. An unrelenting restlessness leads him to dinner alone at a restaurant in town, where he drinks too much and leaves behind his service revolver. The 60-year-old worries about shadows inside his head and feels removed from scenes that are ... Read Full Story
News cover Great book from India "Great Soul"
Great book from India "Great Soul" 01 Apr 2011 01:17:04 More bans have been proposed in India, where homosexuality was illegal until 2009 and still carries social stigma. Gujarat's state assembly voted unanimously Wednesday to immediately ban "Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle With India." The furor was sparked by local media reports, based on early reviews out of the U.S. and U.K., some of which emphasized passages in the book suggesting Gandhi had an intimate relationship with a German man named Hermann Kallenbach. "Great Soul" has not ye... Read Full Story
News cover Be a child forever, read Perez Hilton!
Be a child forever, read Perez Hilton! 31 Mar 2011 05:23:28 Celebra Children's Books, an imprint of Penguin Young Reader's Group, announced Tuesday that "The Boy With Pink Hair" is set for release in September 2011. Illustrated by Jen Hill, the picture book tells of a boy with a "shock of fabulous hair" and "celebrates individuality and acceptance." Hilton, the celebrity blogger, is not new to the book world. He's collaborated on grown-up books, too: "Perez Hilton's True Bloggywood Stories" and "Red Carpet Suicide: A Survival Guide on Keeping Up With the... Read Full Story
News cover "33 Men" written by Jonathan Franklin, what the plot is about? Open and you will know!
"33 Men" written by Jonathan Franklin, what the plot is about? Open and you will know! 31 Mar 2011 05:22:48 More than a billion viewers followed blanket news coverage of the drama, which offered angles for every taste, from engineering exploits rivaling the Apollo 13 rescue to the raw emotions of reality TV. And yet it was clear for those of us covering the story that it would take well-written books based on the miners' recollections to provide details about how they survived — particularly during the first 17 days, when few believed they could be found in time. "How did a ragtag band of desperate mi... Read Full Story

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