
News cover The "i-series" is continuous: the book "iSteve: The Book of Jobs" is funny and serious
The "i-series" is continuous: the book "iSteve: The Book of Jobs" is funny and serious 14 Apr 2011 10:08:00 The authorized biography of the intensely private Apple co-founder will be based on three years of exclusive interviews Isaacson has conducted with Jobs, family members, Apple colleagues and competitors, the publisher said. Isaacson is the author of biographies of Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Henry Kissinger, and currently heads the Aspen Institute, a non-profit think tank. "This is the perfect match of subject and author, and it is certain to be a landmark book about one of the world'... Read Full Story
News cover "The Big Scrum"  written by John J. Miller
"The Big Scrum" written by John J. Miller 13 Apr 2011 03:39:49 Sports history meets social history in "The Big Scrum" as John J. Miller examines the early years of an all-too-deadly pastime and why only presidential intervention may have saved football from the fate of cockfighting. Miller's easygoing narrative and keen eye for colorful detail should cheer sports fans and history buffs alike. Football addicts are fortunate that T.R. was the man in the White House when, in 1905, no fewer than 18 players died from injuries suffered on the field. Roosevelt was... Read Full Story
News cover What you will feel if you will be in the bottom under 33rd? Read new book "Bottom of the 33rd: Hope, Redemption, and Baseball's Longest Game"  written by Dan Barry and answer on this question
What you will feel if you will be in the bottom under 33rd? Read new book "Bottom of the 33rd: Hope, Redemption, and Baseball's Longest Game" written by Dan Barry and answer on this question 13 Apr 2011 03:38:26 For the faithful, baseball is a receptacle of memories, dreams, history. And a trip to a ball game is a visit to the cathedral, a ritual brimming with sounds and sights and stories. So, it follows that the longest game ever recorded in professional baseball would be rife with untold tales of triumph and tragedy, sorrow and struggle, comedy and competition. Untold, that is, until now. In "Bottom of the 33rd: Hope, Redemption, and Baseball's Longest Game," Dan Barry, the gifted New York Times nati... Read Full Story
News cover Let's study applied chemistry or read new book 'Periodic Tales' from Hugh Aldersey-Williams
Let's study applied chemistry or read new book 'Periodic Tales' from Hugh Aldersey-Williams 13 Apr 2011 03:35:22 Aldersey-Williams has been trying to collect pure samples of every element known to humankind — from the common to the rare, the inert to the lethal. His quest sprang from a simple desire: to see and feel the elements that otherwise seem to exist only as abbreviations on the periodic table. The author's scientific sentimentality may be unusual. But he makes it easy to share his passion with his latest book, the charming "Periodic Tales: A Cultural History of the Elements, From Arsenic to Zinc."... Read Full Story
News cover James Richardson become a wiiner!
James Richardson become a wiiner! 08 Apr 2011 03:45:48 Poets & Writers Inc., a nonprofit organization and resource center for creative writers, announced Wednesday that Richardson had been honored for his "distinct, lively, and apparently effortless" work. Richardson's books include "By the Numbers" and "Vectors." The award was started in 2007 and is given to an American poet of "exceptional talent who deserves wider recognition." Read Full Story
News cover It will be a summer soon, let's go on a diet with the book '17 Day Diet'
It will be a summer soon, let's go on a diet with the book '17 Day Diet' 08 Apr 2011 03:44:24 The "17 Day Diet" involves four food cycles that add up to, not surprisingly, 17 days of precise eating methods. These are meant to confuse the body into speeding up its metabolism, while at the same time not allowing it to get comfortable enough to stop dropping weight. In addition to the food plan, the diet also requires strict adherence to a daily 17-minute exercise regime. The diet reportedly can allow you to lose as much as 10 to 15 pounds per day, beginning with its focus on water weight r... Read Full Story
News cover "Between Shades of Gray" new beautiful  book from Ruta Sepetys
"Between Shades of Gray" new beautiful book from Ruta Sepetys 08 Apr 2011 03:43:04 Under the 1939 German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, areas of Eastern Europe were divided between the two countries. The Baltic States of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were annexed by Stalin, who deported members of the intelligentsia and their families to maintain control of the region. These countries were under Soviet control for over 50 years until declaring their independence in the early 1990s. Unlike the well-documented atrocities of Jewish people in Nazi Germany, accounts of Soviet brutality... Read Full Story
News cover Malcolm X's daughters said that their parents are very disappointed of а new book
Malcolm X's daughters said that their parents are very disappointed of а new book 07 Apr 2011 04:20:46 Ilyasah and Malaak Shabazz spoke to The Associated Press about "Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention." Author Manning Marable, a highly respected scholar who worked for more than 20 years on the book, died last week of complications of pneumonia just before the book's publication. The book has been in the top 10 on's best-seller list, and the print run has been increased from 46,000 to 70,000, according to Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA). While both sisters acknowledged they hav... Read Full Story
News cover "New Rules for Today's Workplace" from author Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts
"New Rules for Today's Workplace" from author Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts 07 Apr 2011 04:17:15 For readers not already using sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, the book offers a guide for experimenting and implementing a strategy that works for them. Because, face it, these communication methods are essential in today's technology-dependent workplace. Tips from the chapter Build the Buzz With Social Networking and Social Media will get the newbie off to a good start. And social networks are just the beginning, Lindsell-Roberts writes. Virtual meetings and conferences are becoming ... Read Full Story
News cover A little discussion about "The Help"
A little discussion about "The Help" 07 Apr 2011 04:16:10 Co-stars Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard and Octavia Spencer said "The Help" gives audiences a loving look at ordinary women rising to heroic status amid a summer lineup filled with comic-book action tales. Due in theaters Aug. 12, "The Help" follows an aspiring writer (Stone) who returns to her hometown in Mississippi in 1963 and encourages black maids to go public about the realities of their lives working in servitude to white families. "For me, it works because it's a story abou... Read Full Story
News cover "The Uncoupling" written by Meg Wolitzer
"The Uncoupling" written by Meg Wolitzer 06 Apr 2011 02:33:30 In a pleasant if unexciting New Jersey suburb, the unconventional new drama teacher at Eleanor Roosevelt High School announces that the school play will be "Lysistrata." Aristophanes' comedy about one woman's campaign to end the Peloponnesian War by commanding all the women of Greece to withhold sex until the men stop fighting is a singularly amusing choice. Though it is bawdy and thus arguably inappropriate for a young adult crowd, its strong female cast makes it ideal for a typical drama progr... Read Full Story
News cover They has deal in everything, from "Politics and Pasta" new book from Vincent "Buddy" Cianci Jr
They has deal in everything, from "Politics and Pasta" new book from Vincent "Buddy" Cianci Jr 06 Apr 2011 02:32:45 The denizens of the Democratic machine that had run the city for 30 years had trashed the place, he said, nailing wallboard over the historic building's mahogany paneling and poking pencils through the eyes of the portraits of former mayors. His predecessors had left Providence in terrible shape. The city's old industrial base had crumbled, its infrastructure was falling apart, its rivers were paved over with concrete, downtown storefronts were boarded up, its wealth of historical buildings were... Read Full Story

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