
News cover An authors tandem Scott Weiland with David Ritz presented for us a new book "Not Dead & Not for Sale"
An authors tandem Scott Weiland with David Ritz presented for us a new book "Not Dead & Not for Sale" 22 May 2011 04:56:40 Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver frontman Scott Weiland's offering in the genre, "Not Dead & Not for Sale," hits on all those themes. The difference here is that Weiland explores the whys of the choices he has made. He invites readers "into the middle of my life and the middle of my head." It's a fascinating place to be. Born Scott Kline, Weiland's parents divorced when he was 2. His mother remarried, his surname was changed to match his stepfather's and the family moved from the West Coa... Read Full Story
News cover "A Drop of the Hard Stuff" written  by Lawrence Block
"A Drop of the Hard Stuff" written by Lawrence Block 20 May 2011 07:54:17 The name transports Scudder (and the reader) back to the 1980s, before much of Manhattan was gentrified, to a time when the crime rate soared and sin seemed to lurk around every corner. Scudder, the hero of 16 previous Block novels, had gone to grammar school with Ellery, but he rarely saw him afterward — just once in a police lineup and another time when they ran into each other at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. But shortly after that, Ellery was murdered. The cops had better things to do tha... Read Full Story
News cover In next year will be appear a Ricki Lake's memoir
In next year will be appear a Ricki Lake's memoir 20 May 2011 07:53:42 The actress and talk show host has signed with Atria Books for a memoir scheduled to come out in spring 2012. Her new talk show is expected to launch later in the fall of 2012. Atria, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, says the book will be "a raw and emotional ride through the glum and the glamour." The book does not yet have a title. The 42-year-old Lake has starred in such films as "Cry-Baby" with Johnny Depp and the original "Hairspray." She also hosted her own talk show from 1993-2004. She has... Read Full Story
News cover About Turkish writers and history
About Turkish writers and history 20 May 2011 07:51:32 An Istanbul-based publisher and his translator face obscenity charges for publishing Burroughs' novel, "The Soft Machine," and the same arguments about morality, literature and social value that shaped the American debate in the early 1960s are unfolding today. "The book lacks narrative unity, while it is written in an arbitrary fashion that is devoid of cohesion in meaning," a Turkish government board said in a March ruling. "The way the book deals with the coarse, sleazy, vulgar and weak aspec... Read Full Story
News cover "The Jefferson Key" written by Steve Berry
"The Jefferson Key" written by Steve Berry 18 May 2011 03:44:30 Malone and his new girlfriend, Cassiopeia Vitt, are hoping to enjoy a romantic weekend in New York City when an email from his former boss sends him to a hotel to meet with her. He arrives inside the room to find nothing but a weapon aimed across the street at another hotel. He looks out the window and watches as the president of the United States gets out of his limousine. Bullets start flying. The Secret Service considers Malone a prime suspect. How can he prove his innocence when so many witn... Read Full Story
News cover Situation in Borders Group Inc that became a bankrupt
Situation in Borders Group Inc that became a bankrupt 18 May 2011 03:43:36 Borders Group Inc, after years of shriveling sales and carrying a heavy debt load, filed for bankruptcy in February and has been soliciting offers for a sale of the company ever since. The Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter, on Friday said a possible bidder expressed interest in more than 225 of the bookseller's remaining superstores. No bidder has expressed interest in purchasing all of its outlets, which total about 400, the paper said. Bloomberg reported that larger r... Read Full Story
News cover "I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive" is the first novel from Steve Earle, but critics not satisfied of it
"I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive" is the first novel from Steve Earle, but critics not satisfied of it 18 May 2011 03:42:22 The novel takes place in 1963, 10 years after country singer Hank Williams was discovered dead in the back seat of his car during a stop in Oak Hill, W.Va., while he was being driven to a concert date in Canton, Ohio. He was 29. Earle spins a tale of a junkie doctor who lives with Williams' ghost. "Doc," who had treated Williams, now lives in San Antonio's red-light district with drug dealers, prostitutes and illegal immigrants — a colorful, but flatly drawn group of hardscrabble characters. "Do... Read Full Story
News cover "How Shakespeare Changed Everything" from a great writer Stephen Marche
"How Shakespeare Changed Everything" from a great writer Stephen Marche 17 May 2011 07:45:22 You may not know either that scholars have counted 1,700 English words that Shakespeare introduced, coinages that are now such standbys as dawn, bandit and fashionable. At least two of them have meanings that they still wonder about: prenzie and scamels. If these facts have escaped you, "How Shakespeare Changed Everything" will provide the details and keep you amused while it does. The book's dust jacket features a head-and-shoulders portrait of the poet with a starling perched just above his re... Read Full Story
News cover Take a  minute and open new book "The Language of the Sea" written by James MacManus
Take a minute and open new book "The Language of the Sea" written by James MacManus 17 May 2011 07:44:32 Set at a marine biology facility on Cape Cod, Mass., the book focuses on Leo Kemp, a scientist whose fascination with seals borders on the fanatical, and his unhappy wife, Margot, who has no burning interest in anything anymore. The book opens with the death of Leo and Margot's only son, 10-year-old Julian. Leo had taken the boy on a research trip into the Atlantic Ocean. It was a calm day in September, but in one of the tricks that fate loves to play, a giant tree far from its rain forest home ... Read Full Story
News cover Steve Ulfelder wrote interesting book "Purgatory Chasm"  that is very popular now
Steve Ulfelder wrote interesting book "Purgatory Chasm" that is very popular now 17 May 2011 07:43:00 These days his concern is rehabilitating a house on the wrong side of Framingham, Mass., and establishing a relationship with a woman and her daughter who are becoming increasingly important to him. Sax has another overriding loyalty — to the Barnburners, an Alcoholics Anonymous group that helped him get straight. Sax would do anything for a Barnburner, even a lowlife blowhard like Tander Phigg. So when Phigg asks him to retrieve his beloved Mercedes-Benz and the money from the repair shop that ... Read Full Story
News cover "In the Garden of Beasts" from Erik Larson
"In the Garden of Beasts" from Erik Larson 13 May 2011 05:02:58 illiam Dodd, a history professor from the University of Chicago, was selected by President Franklin D. Roosevelt for the ambassadorship in Germany. Unassuming, kindly and frugal, Dodd believed he could reason with the Nazis while having some time to complete his history on the American South. This belief runs its predictable course. Martha, the Dodds' 24-year-old daughter, leaves a failed marriage and her job as a literary editor to accompany her family to Berlin. With the immediate cachet of an... Read Full Story
News cover An interesting contact between Google and french publishers
An interesting contact between Google and french publishers 13 May 2011 05:02:05 The publishers are suing for forgery, demanding the money as payment for nearly 10,000 books they say Google has digitally scanned without permission to make them available online. The damages are for "a fixed tariff of 1,000 euros per scanned book to which the publishers own the rights," said the legal representative who asked not to be named. "We limited ourselves to books that we are sure have been reproduced" by Google for its vast worldwide library project, which has already scanned some 12... Read Full Story

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