
News cover Thу book from Robert Lipsyte called "An Accidental Sportswriter: A Memoir"
Thу book from Robert Lipsyte called "An Accidental Sportswriter: A Memoir" 07 May 2011 19:45:05 A fat, brainy kid who got beat up in grammar school, Lipsyte majored in English at Columbia University and wanted to be a novelist. "Truth was in the sweep of fiction, I thought, not in a string of little facts," he writes. But after college, he lucked into a summer job as a copyboy in the Times sports department and fell in love with daily journalism as it was practiced at the Times. There, with Gay Talese as his mentor, he developed a singular voice that, by temperament and life experience, in... Read Full Story
News cover James Levine celebrating his 40 years anniversary in Opera and the book "James Levine: 40 Years at The Metropolitan Opera" dedicated to this event
James Levine celebrating his 40 years anniversary in Opera and the book "James Levine: 40 Years at The Metropolitan Opera" dedicated to this event 03 May 2011 14:50:08 Organized chronologically from his debut in June 1971 (Puccini's "Tosca"), it documents in photographs some of the more than 2,000 performances he has conducted. And, as the book reminds us, he was there for many of the milestones of the last four decades: Kiri te Kanawa's unscheduled debut in 1974; Birgit Nilsson's return in 1979; Leontyne Price's farewell in 1985. Interspersed with the photos are tributes from singers he has worked with, along with his own reflections on the productions and th... Read Full Story
News cover Great writer Robert B. Parker is gone
Great writer Robert B. Parker is gone 03 May 2011 14:46:05 Parker's estate and publisher G.P. Putnam's Sons announced Wednesday that new "Spenser" and "Jesse Stone" novels will be written. Michael Brandman, a longtime friend of Parker's, will handle the "Jesse Stone" books. Ace Atkins will take on Spenser. Parker's widow, Joan Parker, says in a statement that she's "delighted" the author's characters will "live on." Parker died last year at age 77. "Sixkill," a Spenser novel completed before his death, comes out next month. Read Full Story
News cover Some interesting information about Ana Maria Matute
Some interesting information about Ana Maria Matute 03 May 2011 14:44:55 The author, acclaimed for her lyrical novels dealing with the lives of children and adolescents, received the 2010 Cervantes prize from King Juan Carlos at a nationally televised ceremony. She is only the third woman to win the award in its 35-year history. Writing, she said, had been "the saving lighthouse during many of my storms." Matute's novels focus with sadness on feelings as betrayal and isolation, frquently portraying the era of the bloody Spanish civil war from 1936-39. Among her most ... Read Full Story
News cover "The Sixth Man" from amazing writer David Baldacci
"The Sixth Man" from amazing writer David Baldacci 02 May 2011 23:27:41 King receives a call from an old colleague, Ted Bergin, asking him to help investigate a federal case in Maine. When King and Maxwell arrive, they're shocked to find Bergin's body in his car on the side of the road. They both immediately become suspects in his murder. Trying to solve Bergin's murder pits King and Maxwell against deadly adversaries in the highest levels of government. Everyone who tries to help them seems to end up dead. Their survival depends on a man who is locked away in a max... Read Full Story
News cover "The Sandalwood Tree"  by Elle Newmark
"The Sandalwood Tree" by Elle Newmark 02 May 2011 23:25:33 The narrative switches between India in two generations, the mid-19th century and post-World War II. The 1947 narrator is Evie, an American whose marriage is on the rocks after her husband returned a changed man from the war. When he wins a Fulbright scholarship to document the end of British colonial rule in India, the family (they have a 5-year-old son, Billy) joins him for an exotic adventure that Evie hopes will be a new beginning for them all. Newmark's first sentence drops the reader into ... Read Full Story
News cover Do you know how to spend your summer without men? Read new book "The Summer Without Men" from  Siri Hustvedt
Do you know how to spend your summer without men? Read new book "The Summer Without Men" from Siri Hustvedt 02 May 2011 23:24:24 A psychotic break might seem like an extreme reaction, Mia is exceptional in almost every way. She senses an invisible presence on the other side of her front door; if she hears a metaphor such as "two peas in a pod," she sees the round, green vegetable. At one point, her mother tells her, "I always thought you felt too much, that you were overly sensitive, a princess on the pea." Despite her fragile state of mind at the beginning of the novel, Mia, whose name can also spell "I am," should not b... Read Full Story
News cover "The Fallen Angel" by David Hewson
"The Fallen Angel" by David Hewson 01 May 2011 21:47:59 Malise Gabriel falls to his death from his apartment to the street below. By all appearances, the fall seems accidental. Costa is on holiday when he stumbles onto the scene, and his colleagues begin to question the dead man's family. Costa cannot help but become involved. He soon sees eerie parallels between Gabriel's death and a mystery in Rome's distant past. Centuries earlier, a young woman named Beatrice Cenci murdered her father and confessed under torture to the crime. Cenci is considered ... Read Full Story
News cover Interesting book called "A Bittersweet Season" written by Jane Gross become a bestseller!
Interesting book called "A Bittersweet Season" written by Jane Gross become a bestseller! 01 May 2011 21:47:03 On the day after the Sept. 11 attacks, after helping cover that story for The New York Times, an exhausted Jane Gross was finally able to drop by the nursing home a few miles north of ground zero where her mother had just moved to what would be her final residence. In a furious maternal vent, she greeted her daughter by saying, "I wish those planes had hit this building." Gross was a feisty octogenarian with a grab bag of chronic conditions that for nearly three years forced her to rely on other... Read Full Story
News cover "Bullpen Diaries" written by Charley Rosen
"Bullpen Diaries" written by Charley Rosen 01 May 2011 21:42:49 Charley Rosen — author, basketball coach, NBA analyst — takes a unique look at the cast of characters who worked the Yankees' 2010 bullpen in his latest book, "Bullpen Diaries: Mariano Rivera, Bronx Dreams, Pinstripe Legends, and the Future of the New York Yankees." This is not one of those exhaustively reported, intimate narratives that provide insights into the players across the ups and downs of a long season. And it's not exactly a behind-the-scenes expose. While Rosen peppers the book with ... Read Full Story
News cover Story with amount centure history  "The Great Gatsby"
Story with amount centure history "The Great Gatsby" 26 Apr 2011 02:57:12 In the 1920s it became the home of Herbert Bayard Swope, the executive editor of the New York World and an acquaintance of many of the luminaries who came to define the Roaring Twenties, including Fitzgerald. But in recent years it had stood empty. Bulldozers arrived on Saturday and by Monday all that stood were a few brick chimneys, with demolition to be completed on Tuesday. Bert Brodsky, the founder of a healthcare technology company, bought the mansion in 2004. He hoped to move into the huge... Read Full Story
News cover True story about true life "Ice: A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption — from South Central to Hollywood"
True story about true life "Ice: A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption — from South Central to Hollywood" 26 Apr 2011 02:55:44 One of the first "gangsta rappers," Ice-T rhymed about hustling, banging and pimping on the mean streets of south-central Los Angeles. Turns out, the lyrics Ice-T spewed, first as a solo rapper and later as the frontman of the thrash-metal outfit Body Count were the musings of a man who has lived them. In his book, "Ice: A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption — from South Central to Hollywood," Ice-T describes how he "rapped about the (stuff) I knew firsthand... To me, it was just the life I w... Read Full Story

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