
News cover Should be saved Brent library?
Should be saved Brent library? 25 Oct 2011 10:43:41 Lord Justice Elias granted an appeal against a ruling made last week in the high court that Brent council's decision was lawful. He ordered that attempts should be made for it to be heard before the court of appeal on two days early next month. Brent council has agreed, in the meantime, to take no irrevocable steps to prevent the libraries reopening in the event of the appeal being won. Campaigners have mounted vigils outside two of the threatened libraries, Preston Road, which has already bee... Read Full Story
News cover Batman is comming back
Batman is comming back 25 Oct 2011 10:35:58 Production on the film is set to shift to New York for 14 days from 29 October. The newspaper's anonymous source says cast members have been told scenes could be shot in and around the Zuccotti Park and midtown Manhattan areas, where thousands are currently camped out to express their disapproval of corporate greed. The paper suggests the demonstrations could be used as a setting for scenes from the film, rather than the film being rewritten to focus on the protests. The Dark Knight Rises shoot... Read Full Story
News cover Lauren Myracle  and US literary prize the National book award
Lauren Myracle and US literary prize the National book award 25 Oct 2011 10:34:20 Young adult author Lauren Myracle has withdrawn from the running for prestigious US literary prize the National book award after administrators admitted naming her as a contender had been a mistake. Last week it was announced that five authors had been shortlisted for the young adult category of the National book awards, with Myracle's Shine – the story of a 16-year-old girl who tries to find out who committed a vicious hate crime against her friend – one of the titles. But the prize later add... Read Full Story
News cover Jimmy Carter became a religious author
Jimmy Carter became a religious author 24 Oct 2011 10:14:22 In one book, Carter will share life lessons culled from more than three decades of teaching Sunday school classes in Plains, Ga., and Washington, D.C. The book is called "Through the Year with Jimmy Carter: 366 Daily Meditations from the 39th President." It will be released in January. The second book is called "New International Version Lessons from Life Bible: Personal Reflections with Jimmy Carter." It will hit stores in March and will be filled with Carter's personal experiences, reflections... Read Full Story
News cover Elmore Leonard divorces with his wife
Elmore Leonard divorces with his wife 24 Oct 2011 10:09:38 Elmore Leonard and Christine Leonard split earlier this year and she filed for divorce in May. Oakland County Circuit Court records say Christine Leonard cited a breakdown in the marriage for unspecified reasons. Elmore Leonard's attorney Gerald Cavellier calls it "pretty standard as divorces go." Christine Leonard's attorney Joseph Aviv says Judge Edward Sosnick disqualified himself from the case because he presided over the couple's wedding. The 86-year-old Leonard, who lives in suburban Det... Read Full Story
News cover About Steven Spielberg's new book
About Steven Spielberg's new book 24 Oct 2011 10:03:10 Steven Spielberg's computer animated 3D adaptation of Belgian comic book hero Tintin premiered in Brussels on Saturday, aiming to capture a new global audience for the adventures of the boy reporter with the trademark quiff. "The Adventures of Tintin," first penned in 1929 by Brussels-born author Georges Remi, better known as Herge, are already hugely popular in most of Europe and Spielberg said he hoped his film would find fresh fans. "American audiences will look at this as an original movie... Read Full Story
News cover Not only reading, but also listening
Not only reading, but also listening 21 Oct 2011 09:29:05 Rep. Gabrielle Giffords will read aloud in the audio edition of her upcoming book, allowing many people to hear for themselves for the first time how she is recovering. A spokesman for the Arizona congresswoman confirmed Thursday that Giffords will read the final chapter of the memoir she wrote with her husband, Mark Kelly. Spokesman Mark Kimble says Giffords has completed the recording of that chapter. Since she was shot in the head Jan. 8 at an event outside Tucson, Giffords has appeared in... Read Full Story
News cover It will be amazing book from Spielberg called 'Tintin
It will be amazing book from Spielberg called 'Tintin 21 Oct 2011 09:27:13 In the United States, the teenage adventurer is an acquired taste, known mainly to Europhiles and comic fans. But for millions around the world, the globe-trotting young journalist is a beloved childhood friend — the most famous comic-book reporter since Peter Parker and Clark Kent. Unlike those characters, Tintin has no superhero alter ego, just an unquenchable curiosity and a white terrier named Snowy who more than matches his master in resourcefulness and pluck. The archetypal American Spiel... Read Full Story
News cover Some interesting facts about the film "Dead Man Walking"
Some interesting facts about the film "Dead Man Walking" 21 Oct 2011 09:23:30 In a story Oct. 18 about a controversy over Susan Sarandon referring to Pope Benedict XVI as a Nazi, The Associated Press erroneously reported that the actress gave Benedict a copy of the book on which her 1995 film "Dead Man Walking" was based. Sarandon said she gave the book to the previous pope, John Paul II. Read Full Story
News cover Soon will be a new book from Mark Hamill
Soon will be a new book from Mark Hamill 20 Oct 2011 09:42:32 The man better known as Luke Skywalker will serve as a creative consultant for the franchise, including an upcoming live action feature film production. The announcement came at New York Comic-Con this week, where the "Star Wars" actor is something of a minor deity. To introduce Hamill, the company will release a special six-issue graphic novel, "NEW-GEN: Volume One," featuring a "forward" from Hamill who shares his thoughts on this next-generation comic franchise that evolves around the battle ... Read Full Story
News cover Ian Fleming's Commandos by Nicholas Rankin
Ian Fleming's Commandos by Nicholas Rankin 20 Oct 2011 09:41:25 In the last year of Ian Fleming's life – 1964 – he often watched Sussex play cricket at Hove in the company of Alan Ross, editor of London Magazine. In Ross's wonderful memoir, Coastwise Lights, he has this to say about the creator of James Bond: "Ian's idea of giving up smoking on doctor's orders was to cut down from sixty a day to thirty … and on instruction he reduced his intake of Vodka Martini from three lethal doses to one. He was very shaky, his normally brick-red complexion the dry mauve... Read Full Story
News cover New book from Haruki Murakami The 1Q84
New book from Haruki Murakami The 1Q84 20 Oct 2011 09:40:12 At least two cults are active in this story. One is a Christian sect known as the Society of Witnesses, whose pamphleteering members refuse lifesaving surgery. The second cult is more Aum-ish and more mysterious. It is called Sakigake (which might mean "forerunner", "precursor", or "pioneer"), and from two wounded escapees we hear some very nasty things about its leader. Other groupings in the novel can also seem cult-like in structure. One of the two main characters is a maths teacher and writ... Read Full Story

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