
News cover This story isn't about beautiful boy with a horse, it is a story about war War Horse written by  Michael Morpurgo
This story isn't about beautiful boy with a horse, it is a story about war War Horse written by Michael Morpurgo 06 Jul 2011 04:03:02 He was won three Oscars and been responsible for some of the highest-grossing films of all time, but Steven Spielberg may not be all-powerful after all. The US film-maker has reportedly expressed frustration with the fact that animals featured in his forthcoming big-screen adaptation of Michael Morpurgo's novel War Horse were not nearly as expressive as life-size puppets used in the story's stage incarnation. Tom Morris, who co-directed the first world war-themed stage hit with Marianne Elliott,... Read Full Story
News cover It is not the psychedelic, it is new book called "Where's Sarko?"
It is not the psychedelic, it is new book called "Where's Sarko?" 06 Jul 2011 03:59:03 A new book, Où est Sarko? (Where is Sarko?) has captured some of the key moments of his presidency. Based on the Where's Wally? - for some reason known as Où est Charlie? in France - the book caricatures not just Sarkozy's habit of micro-managing the country, but his knack of appearing to be in several places at the same time. When he was elected in 2007 he quickly became known as Super-Sarko the Omnipresident. There is Sarko with the Roma, depicting the row that erupted a year ago when the gov... Read Full Story
News cover  Oxfam shops published their own list of bestsellers
Oxfam shops published their own list of bestsellers 06 Jul 2011 03:55:24 Stephenie Meyer's blend of vegetarian vampires and teenage lusts might have made her a bestseller around the world but UK readers at least aren't too keen to hang on to her Twilight novels, with the Mormon author joining the list of authors most donated to Oxfam shops for the first time. Meyer makes her debut in fourth place, the charity revealed this morning, behind Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown – who tops Oxfam's most-donated chart for the third year running – Ian Rankin and Jeremy Clarkson.... Read Full Story
News cover How will earn money JK Rowling, after finished work on Harry Potter's series
How will earn money JK Rowling, after finished work on Harry Potter's series 04 Jul 2011 05:40:20 The series of seven books have since gone on to sell over 400 million copies while the screen versions of the books are believed to have grossed around £3.6 billion. On Sunday night, Rowling's PR spokesperson confirmed that she had left Little to be managed by Neil Blair, a lawyer and former partner at Little's agency, adding it was a "painful decision". A statement issued by StonehillSalt PR said: "We can confirm that JK Rowling has terminated her association with the Christopher Little liter... Read Full Story
News cover They died, but their works are still alive
They died, but their works are still alive 04 Jul 2011 05:36:33 It's a far cry from the usual sort of attack headed off by Fulham goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer, but the Australian footballer has nonetheless successfully defended against a campaign by authors including Jonathan Franzen and Fay Weldon to stop him renovating the late Australian novelist Christina Stead's childhood home. Stead died in 1983, having written 15 novels as well as short stories. The house, in Watsons Bay, Sydney, is part of the inspiration for her best known novel The Man Who Loved Chil... Read Full Story
News cover Thats the Ian Rankin's story about amazing sculptures
Thats the Ian Rankin's story about amazing sculptures 04 Jul 2011 05:34:31 Earlier this year, the Scottish Poetry Library found an intricate paper tree on a table, alongside a note saying "this is for your support of libraries, books, words and ideas". A gold-leafed paper egg shell beside the tree contained delicate paper bunting, which when unfurled made up the Edwin Morgan poem "A Trace of Wings", an elegy for the poet Basil Bunting. "The rumour mill is fingering Ian Rankin in some kind of complex art-commission reverse heist. Hmmm. Well, if it is, and he commission... Read Full Story
News cover There was a real duspute around  Oxford comma. Be or not to be.
There was a real duspute around Oxford comma. Be or not to be. 02 Jul 2011 20:34:16 Cue widespread wailing and gnashing of teeth, and vows to carry on using the Oxford comma forever, regardless. "I am absolutely not a flawless user of any kind of punctuation," wrote Linda Holmes on NPR. "And yet, even the rumbling of a distant threat to the Oxford comma (or 'serial comma') turns me instantly into an NFL referee, blowing my whistle and improvising some sort of signal — perhaps my hands clasped to my own head as if in pain — to indicate that the loss of the serial comma would sad... Read Full Story
News cover Somthing interesting about Rhys prize
Somthing interesting about Rhys prize 02 Jul 2011 20:31:04 The suspension of the UK's second oldest literary award due to lack of funding has been met with dismay by authors from William Boyd to Margaret Drabble, who said the John Llewellyn Rhys prize had helped them to their literary achievements. The award was founded in 1942 by the young wife of the author and RAF pilot John Llewellyn Rhys, who was killed in action during the second world war. Worth £5,000, it goes to the best work of literature – encompassing fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama ... Read Full Story
News cover Soon we will have an oppotunity to read new  Lauren Child books from Ruby Redfort
Soon we will have an oppotunity to read new Lauren Child books from Ruby Redfort 02 Jul 2011 20:28:11 Literary superstar Lauren Child has appointed a very special accomplice to help her create the new and exciting adventures of Ruby Redfort. Marcus du Sautoy, maths brainiac and professor at Oxford University, was asked by Child to join forces and be her 'super-geek consultant' for her new and eagerly anticipated series about a super-cool, young detective. Familiar to those who have read and loved Lauren Child's Clarice Bean novels, Ruby will now have her very own series in which she, alongside ... Read Full Story
News cover Who will become Kate Middleton
Who will become Kate Middleton 30 Jun 2011 05:05:07 The family history research group said the connection was fitting given Austen's many female characters who fall in love with, or aspire to marry, men of higher rank. Middleton, 29, a commoner with no aristocratic background, married Prince William -- second in line to the British throne -- in April after a nine-year romance. She is now formally known as Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. "Finding this connection between the Duchess of Cambridge and Jane Austen is very exciting since, in many ways... Read Full Story
News cover Carole King brings a new creation - her memoir
Carole King brings a new creation - her memoir 30 Jun 2011 05:02:27 The 69-year-old King has signed with Grand Central Publishing for a memoir named after one of her most famous songs, "Natural Woman." The publisher announced Monday that the book will come out in April 2012. King wrote or co-wrote such hits as "Up on the Roof" and "You've Got a Friend." Besides writing hits for the Drifters, the Shirelles and other performers, King sang her own material on the classic "Tapestry" album. That album has sold more than 10 million copies in the U.S. alone. Other rock... Read Full Story
News cover Thanks to Google a lot of books become digital
Thanks to Google a lot of books become digital 30 Jun 2011 04:57:56 The search engine giant has already scanned 13 million books through partnerships with more than 40 libraries around the world, which it makes available through its search results. The British Library project involves a selection of books published between 1700 and 1870, including feminist pamphlets about Queen Marie-Antoinette and an account of a stuffed hippopotamus owned by the Prince of Orange. Google will bear the costs of digitization, and the items will then be available for full-text sea... Read Full Story

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