
News cover Comic books are comming back
Comic books are comming back 08 Aug 2011 01:47:33 Dennis the Menace launches a catapult attack from the ramparts of a majestic castle while Minnie the Minx creates mischief on an iconic stretch of coastline and the Bash Street Kids make "Sir's" life a misery in an English stately home. Such scenes feature in a special edition of the Beano, which has joined forces with the National Trust as part of an effort to tempt more children into Britain's best buildings and landscapes. Out on Wednesday, the cover of the beloved comic shows Dennis (toget... Read Full Story
News cover   Poetry Society tryies earn money
Poetry Society tryies earn money 08 Aug 2011 01:45:47 Arts Council England has confirmed that it is withholding public money from the imploding Poetry Society until concerns are addressed "around governance, management and leadership". The society has been wracked by internal divisions which have seen director Judith Palmer and president Jo Shapcott leave. A spokeswoman for the Arts Council confirmed that the quarterly grant payment of £78,499, due in July, would not be paid until the society got its house in order. Concerns have been partly add... Read Full Story
News cover What books will be in the list of the Man Booker prize 2011?
What books will be in the list of the Man Booker prize 2011? 08 Aug 2011 01:43:33 A debut novel chronicling gang warfare in Peckham has joined efforts by a former Man Booker winner, Alan Hollinghurst, and Julian Barnes - the novelist many people mistakenly think must have won - on this year's longlist for the prestigious prize. Stephen Kelman, who was a warehouseman, care worker and local government administrator before taking up writing in 2005, was longlisted for Pigeon English, one of the more eye-catching additions to a lineup that includes four first-time novelists. Th... Read Full Story
News cover The"Please Look After Mom" - now in English from the author Kyung-Sook Shin
The"Please Look After Mom" - now in English from the author Kyung-Sook Shin 06 Aug 2011 17:03:31 The distinction made all the difference for novelist Kyung-Sook Shin, whose book "Please Look After Mom" has made a splash in the United States and is a best-seller in her native South Korea.On a recent day in New York, Shin discussed, through her translator, the popularity of the novel and its universal themes of mother and child, and the gradual realization that all our moms actually have a life outside the family and are women with thoughts and desires.The book centers on a modern-day family ... Read Full Story
News cover  Barbara Kingsolver become one of the recipient on the The Dayton Literary Peace Prize
Barbara Kingsolver become one of the recipient on the The Dayton Literary Peace Prize 06 Aug 2011 16:16:50 The Dayton Literary Peace Prize's lifetime achievement award was first given in 2006. It was inspired by the Dayton peace accords on Bosnia brokered by Holbrooke in 1995 negotiations at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near the southwest Ohio city. Founder Sharon Rab says that the prize organization wanted to honor Holbrooke's international role in seeking peace and his special importance to Dayton. The longtime U.S. diplomat died last December at age 69 following surgery on his torn aorta. Kings... Read Full Story
News cover What is the scientology books - all lowdown
What is the scientology books - all lowdown 06 Aug 2011 16:15:11 That's just one of the takeaways from Janet Reitman's controversial book about the world's most controversial and secretive religion. "Inside Scientology" chronicles L. Ron Hubbard's creation of Scientology six decades ago and traces its development into the faith of choice for movie stars such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise. In an interview with TheWrap, Reitman, a Rolling Stone contributing editor, addressed blackmail rumors and talked about why Kabbalah may represent a bigger threat to it th... Read Full Story
News cover You want to find your friend? Look at book "Wanted Dead or Alive"
You want to find your friend? Look at book "Wanted Dead or Alive" 05 Aug 2011 01:49:29 The hunts for Geronimo and bin Laden were centered in borderlands that included rugged, mountainous terrain. The Apache leader, for whom the government posted a $25,000 reward, surrendered in 1886 after evading U.S. and Mexican troops for more than a year. In contrast, the quest for bin Laden, who had a $25 million bounty on his head, went on for 13 years. Benjamin Runkle, an ex-paratrooper and presidential speechwriter now on the staff of the House Armed Services Committee, details the hunts fo... Read Full Story
News cover "Paradise Lust: Searching for the Garden of Eden" witten by Brook Wilensky-Lanford
"Paradise Lust: Searching for the Garden of Eden" witten by Brook Wilensky-Lanford 05 Aug 2011 01:47:06 cIn the first two chapters of the book of Genesis, God is quoted as pinpointing the fruitful area where Adam and Eve would live. He names four rivers flowing out of it. Two of the rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, largely in what is now Iraq, are familiar to anyone who has looked at war news in the last decade. They flow side by side, from Turkey in the north, south through Iraq into the Persian Gulf. The other two rivers — God calls them the Pishon and the Gihon — have not been finally iden... Read Full Story
News cover  You will open for you all interesting moments in  Fitzgerald's biography "A Short Autobiography"
You will open for you all interesting moments in Fitzgerald's biography "A Short Autobiography" 05 Aug 2011 01:44:57 Edited by Fitzgerald scholar James L.W. West III, the collection is billed as an autobiography because the famed American novelist and short story writer keeps the focus on himself, his views and critiques, his celebrated life and times. The personal essays are frequently funny and fast-paced, particularly during the 1920s when he enjoyed huge literary success and, with his spirited wife, Zelda, came to embody the Jazz Age. But beset by personal problems and a marital breakup as the 1930s ground... Read Full Story
News cover "Black in Latin America" written by  Henry Louis Gates Jr
"Black in Latin America" written by Henry Louis Gates Jr 03 Aug 2011 01:21:37 The reason for Gates' journey is a startling fact: Of the roughly 11 million Africans who survived the trans-Atlantic slave trade, just 450,000 made it to the United States. The rest were dispersed throughout the region and Gates, renowned for his African-American studies, wanted to know how their descendants live now.More than an outline of the research featured in the series, Gates' book is a thoughtful travelogue through Mexico, Peru, Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Brazil.It explores... Read Full Story
News cover Jack Kirby present his new comic book
Jack Kirby present his new comic book 03 Aug 2011 01:19:50 The decision in New York by District Judge Colleen McMahon scuttles a copyright claim by Kirby's heirs that threatened to undermine everything from Marvel's movie projects to its integration into parent company Walt Disney Co. "I conclude that there are no genuine issues of material fact, and that the Kirby Works were indeed works for hire within the meaning of the Copyright Act of 1909," McMahon wrote in her 50-page ruling. Jack Kirby, who died in 1994, is an iconic comic book artist whose role... Read Full Story
News cover Will be Prince Harry a comic character?
Will be Prince Harry a comic character? 03 Aug 2011 01:18:31 "The Royals: Prince Harry" is the latest release from Bluewater's 'Royals series' that was launched at the same time as Prince William's royal marriage to Kate Middleton in April and houses titles like "The Royals: Prince William and Kate Middleton." Harry, who is third in line to the throne, joins other well-known figures, including pop stars Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber and soccer player David Beckham, to have his life story adapted by Bluewater into a comic book. In a statement the publishing ... Read Full Story

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