
News cover It's time to smile and cook with new book from Martha Stewart
It's time to smile and cook with new book from Martha Stewart 22 Jun 2011 04:59:15 "Female Force: Martha Stewart," a one-shot issue from Bluewater Productions Inc. to be sold in comic book shops, bookstores and online, will focus on how Stewart rose to become of the nation's best-known purveyors of home decor, cooking and confident but practical living. It's the latest in a line of titles from the Vancouver, Wash.-based publisher, with previous subjects in the "Female Force" family of titles focusing on Hillary Rodham Clinton, Michelle Obama, Barbara Walters, Sarah Palin and M... Read Full Story
News cover "The Astral"  from talanted author Kate Christensen
"The Astral" from talanted author Kate Christensen 22 Jun 2011 04:57:51 Luz has found a number of seemingly incriminating poems that fuel her suspicions, and Harry can say nothing to convince her otherwise. Harry's poetry is at best old-fashioned, favoring traditional meter and rhyme schemes, and at worst, so hopelessly out-of-date that it cannot even be considered retro-hip. It's a crafty move on Christensen's part to have these poems, which Luz destroys, be the catalyst for Harry to rebuild his life. And as Harry reflects on his marriage's trajectory, deconstruct... Read Full Story
News cover Back in 20 centure "A Wild Surge of Guilty Passion"  written by Ron Hansen
Back in 20 centure "A Wild Surge of Guilty Passion" written by Ron Hansen 22 Jun 2011 04:56:54 Ron Hansen tackles the real-life affair, conviction and execution of bottle-blonde knockout Ruth Snyder and traveling brassiere salesman Judd Gray in his new novel, "A Wild Surge of Guilty Passion." It was a gossip-soaked spectacle that not only appealed to our most prurient interests, but also was one of those events that helps define us. The story of these impossibly beautiful yet thoroughly damaged players was in a sense the blueprint for today's tabloid reality. Seems like promising fodder f... Read Full Story
News cover  "Che" Guevara is still the Cuba's main hero
"Che" Guevara is still the Cuba's main hero 21 Jun 2011 04:59:28 "Diary of a Combatant" covers the period from 1956 until late 1958, days before the Cuban Revolution swept Castro to power. It begins with his arrival in Cuba aboard the yacht "Granma" with Fidel and Raul Castro and covers his march from the eastern side of the island to the capital. It was launched in Havana on Tuesday — which would have been Guevara's 83rd birthday. Guevara's widow Aleida March and one of his daughters were on hand to sign copies. March told reporters the purpose of publishing... Read Full Story
News cover "One Summer" written by David Baldacci
"One Summer" written by David Baldacci 21 Jun 2011 04:57:10 Jack Armstrong, who hasn't even reached his mid-30s, is dying of an unnamed disease. His wife, Lizzie, struggles to raise their three children and take care of Jack. On Christmas Eve, Lizzie realizes she has forgotten to pick up his medication, so she heads off to the pharmacy. She is killed in an accident on the icy roads. After Lizzie's death, Jack agrees to hospice care as his sister-in-law takes the children. Lying in bed and staring at the walls, he waits to die. Then he finds himself getti... Read Full Story
News cover Terry Pratchett's revelations
Terry Pratchett's revelations 21 Jun 2011 04:55:25 Best-selling fantasy author Pratchett was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease in 2007 and is a vocal supporter of the right to die. He said he was moved by Smedley's death, broadcast Monday on BBC television. "He said to me 'Have a good life.' And then he shook (my PA) Rob's hand and said 'Have a good life, I know I have,'" 63-year-old Pratchett told the broadcaster. "The incongruity of the situation overtakes you. A man has died, that's a bad thing, but he wanted to die, that's a goo... Read Full Story
News cover "Clarence Darrow" written by John A. Farrell
"Clarence Darrow" written by John A. Farrell 19 Jun 2011 05:07:32 "No one then perceived that this was the birth of the grandest legal career in American history," writes John A. Farrell in "Clarence Darrow: Attorney for the Damned." It's praise that can be questioned, but Darrow adhered faithfully to a lifelong principle: that any legal maneuver was justified to save a human from the death penalty. Farrell shows him repeatedly guiding hated defendants from crime to punishment, or acquittal. His greatest victory on that principle was a worldwide sensation. Ric... Read Full Story
News cover In nearest future will be publish a McCarthy's memoir book
In nearest future will be publish a McCarthy's memoir book 19 Jun 2011 05:06:50 The star of such 1980s favorites as "St. Elmo's Fire" and "Pretty in Pink" has a deal with Free Press for "The Longest Way Home," a memoir about settling down. The publisher announced Monday that the book is due in the fall of 2012. The 48-year-old McCarthy is now a popular travel writer. He will write about how his journeys helped him defeat his fears of love and commitment. McCarthy is planning to marry, for a second time, this summer. Read Full Story
News cover "Nom de Plume" written by Carmela Ciuraru
"Nom de Plume" written by Carmela Ciuraru 19 Jun 2011 05:05:03 Carmela Ciuraru's "Nom de Plume" deftly tells the stories of some of literature's most famous pen names by weaving in details about these secretive, often eccentric writers' lives and works to examine their decision to use pen names. From Lewis Carroll (born Charles Dodgson), to Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) and Victoria Lucas (Sylvia Plath), one chapter is devoted to each with so much detail that the authors under discussion seem to become characters in Ciuraru's book. Take the title of Plath's c... Read Full Story
News cover A real story "Thoughts Without Cigarettes" from Oscar Hijuelos
A real story "Thoughts Without Cigarettes" from Oscar Hijuelos 18 Jun 2011 03:02:57 Growing up in New York, Hijuelos' identity as a Cuban seems constantly stacked against him. With his blond hair and light skin, he is commonly confused as a German or American, even among fellow compatriots — what might seem like an insignificant shortcoming, but a sort of jab to his already fragile identity each time he is mistakenly addressed in English. After an enchanting trip with his mother to Cuba as a young child, he becomes ill with a kidney disease and is hospitalized for a year, durin... Read Full Story
News cover New detective story "Misery Bay"  written by Steve Hamilton
New detective story "Misery Bay" written by Steve Hamilton 18 Jun 2011 03:00:01 A college boy has been found hanging from a tree at Misery Bay, a remote spot on the shore of ice-choked Lake Superior. The boy's father, a federal marshal, is Maven's friend; they rode together years ago when they were both state troopers. The father needs to know why his son killed himself, Maven says, and McKnight, a former Detroit cop and part-time private detective, is the right man for the job. Reluctantly, McKnight accepts, but when the boy's father is found with his throat slashed, the c... Read Full Story
News cover "Killer Stuff and Tons of Money" written by  Maureen Stanton
"Killer Stuff and Tons of Money" written by Maureen Stanton 18 Jun 2011 02:57:36 Any fan of PBS' "Antiques Roadshow" would love to spend time with him. And that's just the opportunity Maureen Stanton gives us in "Killer Stuff and Tons of Money." She takes us along as Avery loads up his pickup truck with maybe $30,000 of antiques and drives off to yet another hall, or open field, to see what he can do. It's a fascinating look at the life of professional dealers who check out all the stuff at these shows before the rest of us even show up. In this world, Avery (that's a pseudo... Read Full Story

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