
News cover What Luis Carlos Montalvan  said
What Luis Carlos Montalvan said 02 Aug 2011 01:03:16 Since serving two tours of duty, for which he received two Bronze Stars and the Purple Heart, the former Army captain has become a strong critic of the war and a promoter of better care of those who served. His writings have been published in The New York Times, the Huffington Post and other outlets, his commentary aired on CNN, NPR and elsewhere. He now has a popular book about the injuries he sustained in a 2003 attack and the psychiatric service dog, Tuesday, trained to help him cope with pos... Read Full Story
News cover Denise Richards's new book  and new life
Denise Richards's new book and new life 02 Aug 2011 01:02:03 In the actress' new book, "The Real Girl Next Door," Denise wrote candidly about her relationship with the sitcom star, but when it came to revealing what led to the demise of their marriage, she stayed mum. PLAY IT NOW: Access Hollywood Live: Denise Richards Kicks Off Pet Adoption Campaign "It was really important for me to keep the details of the downfall of our marriage between us, and I really wanted to focus on the feelings because that's what I thought the women and men reading this could ... Read Full Story
News cover "Buddha Standard Time" new work from  Lama Surya Das
"Buddha Standard Time" new work from Lama Surya Das 02 Aug 2011 01:00:50 That certainly sounds appealing. However, Das' book doesn't make a particularly convincing case, at least not for readers who are somewhat unfamiliar with meditation and Buddhism. Das is the author of "Buddha Standard Time: Awakening to the Infinite Possibilities of Now." The book takes a different angle to time management, suggesting that we feel harried because we rush from one commitment to the next without taking stock of where we are right now. Learn to appreciate the present moment — to li... Read Full Story
News cover "The Beginning of Infinity"  written by  David Deutsch
"The Beginning of Infinity" written by David Deutsch 01 Aug 2011 01:52:10 The immense range of the subtitle, "Explanations That Transform the World," becomes clearer if you remember that while most people think of the world as the planet Earth, author David Deutsch uses "world" to include the possibility of innumerable universes that some scientists now accept. Greeks explained the difference between winter and summer 2,500 years ago with a story that the goddess Demeter had to give up her daughter Persephone for a fixed period every year. That made Demeter sad, which... Read Full Story
News cover A lot of comics’ fans went to Southern California, especially to see their favorite heroes
A lot of comics’ fans went to Southern California, especially to see their favorite heroes 01 Aug 2011 01:50:59 "Books. I'm an obsessive reader. I probably should read less - it's like an addiction," Kate Beckinsale -- who hit up the annual convention to promote her upcoming "Total Recall" reboot - admitted to Access Hollywood's Scott "Movie" Mantz of her reading obsession during an interview at the 2011 Comic-Con in San Diego, Calif., on Friday. "I studied French and Russian, so I like those, but I like the modern novel and I loved 'Harry Potter.' I'm really sad about that being over. PLAY IT NOW: Comic-... Read Full Story
News cover Next generation prepare to work as publishers
Next generation prepare to work as publishers 01 Aug 2011 01:47:25 Neff is among some 100 young women and men who attended the Summer Publishing Institute at New York University's School of Continuing and Professional Studies, where CEOs, editors, booksellers, agents and recruiters give talks and teach seminars, and students immerse themselves in a business that has changed, and not changed, in profound ways. For decades, college graduates eager to break into publishing have been attending programs at NYU, Columbia University (formerly based at Radcliffe Colleg... Read Full Story
News cover The story  Captain America will come back for readers in its new guise
The story Captain America will come back for readers in its new guise 28 Jul 2011 01:20:54 Actor Chris Evans, who plays the title character in Friday's release of "Captain America: The First Avenger," put on 15 lbs. of muscle to play the role. The problem: he got too big for Steve Rodgers. Solution: "Skinny Steve." Having literally built Evans into what the film's director Joe Johnston called "the perfect human specimen," the movie makers had to figure out how the 6 ft. tall actor with the muscled-up physique could convincingly portray the pre-serum Steve Rogers, a scrawny kid of a me... Read Full Story
News cover Another new bestseller "Finding Everett Ruess" written by  David Roberts
Another new bestseller "Finding Everett Ruess" written by David Roberts 28 Jul 2011 01:19:12 A thorough biographer and determined detective, Roberts also explores the reasons that people remain intrigued by the ill-fated artist who disappeared nearly eight decades ago — a mystery that Roberts convincingly unravels in the final section of "Finding Everett Ruess." Ruess was just 20 when he vanished in 1934 while on one of his wanderings in the red rock country of Utah. He had undertaken a handful of such journeys since he was 16, accompanied only by pack animals. He sent a steady stream o... Read Full Story
News cover New book the "The Triple Agent" from   Joby Warrick
New book the "The Triple Agent" from Joby Warrick 28 Jul 2011 01:17:52 Warrick even manages to break some news, which is hard to do in a case that has been so thoroughly picked over. Among other tidbits, he reveals which al-Qaida leader dreamed up the deadly plan and how much the CIA's Amman station chief was to blame. On Dec. 31, 2009, a young doctor named Humam al-Balawi blew himself up at the CIA base in Khost. His powerful bomb blast sprayed body parts across the compound. Not only did the base chief die but he also managed to kill al-Balawi's Jordanian handler... Read Full Story
News cover Museums are talking for us all history
Museums are talking for us all history 25 Jul 2011 09:12:55 The rejected paintings were transferred to the National Archives from the Ministry of Information, but have never been displayed until now. A selection will be shown in the archives' museum at Kew, taking their place beside the Domesday Book and Magna Carta. In 1940 Peake, a genius best known for his trilogy Gormenghast, created the paintings showing mutilated, raped or starving victims of war atrocities, as he imagined Hitler might have drawn them. Peake, who was already striving to become a ... Read Full Story
News cover Religion and books in Ali Khamenei 's opinion
Religion and books in Ali Khamenei 's opinion 25 Jul 2011 09:11:20 Mohajerani who was culture minister until 2000 under the reformist president Mohammad Khatami, said the ayatollah was worried about "literary, philosophical and social" books that might raise questions about his legitimacy as the supreme leader. "I think that he is very much concerned about books that can either implicitly or explicitly target his position as the supreme leader and also his legitimacy." He had fallen foul of the ayatollah when he was at the ministry as he favoured greater cultu... Read Full Story
News cover Songs for book that wa written by  Anthony Burgess
Songs for book that wa written by Anthony Burgess 25 Jul 2011 09:09:14 Burgess, who died in 1993, started working on a stage version of A Clockwork Orange a decade after Stanley Kubrick's controversial 1971 film adaptation. "The reason why Burgess wanted to make his own stage adaptation, quite a long time after Kubrick made the film, was to assert his ownership of the story," Dr Andrew Biswell, director of the International Anthony Burgess Foundation, told BBC News. Although the Royal Shakespeare Company premiered a production based on Burgess's script in 1990, his... Read Full Story

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