
News cover What prepare Bristol Palin?
What prepare Bristol Palin? 29 Jun 2011 04:01:35 The memoir of the 20-year old eldest daughter of conservative political star Sarah Palin, "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far," starts with a sketchy account of losing her virginity to Levi Johnston, the father of her son who later posed nude for Playgirl and was critical of Sarah Palin. The account recalled going on a camping trip with Johnston, drinking wine coolers and waking up in a tent the next morning with no memory of losing her virginity. She blamed Johnston -- who she generally refe... Read Full Story
News cover More new variants to read the Harry Potter's series
More new variants to read the Harry Potter's series 29 Jun 2011 04:00:31 All seven novels will be available as audiobooks and ebooks in multiple languages through a new website, Pottermore. Rowling also has written new Potter material for the interactive site. The site immerses users in the boy wizard's world, combining elements of computer game, social network and online store. Rowling says it includes "information I have been hoarding" about the books' characters and settings. Rowling unveiled the project Thursday in London. The site goes live July 31. The last Har... Read Full Story
News cover Soon we will see new serial on TV, that was based on book  "The Nine Lives of Chloe King
Soon we will see new serial on TV, that was based on book "The Nine Lives of Chloe King 29 Jun 2011 03:58:12 Then there was the title character, an American teenager who is descended from — just go with it — an ancient and powerful catlike race that has long been threatened by human assassins, but who is as familiar as the girl next door. "I heard my own voice, things she said, things she did," Samuels said of Chloe. "I immediately fell in love. I said, 'This is the girl for me,' I walked into the audition and I'm happy to say, everybody agreed." Executive producer Dan Berendsen ("Sabrina the Teenage W... Read Full Story
News cover "The Storm at the Door" is the new book written by Stefan Merrill Block
"The Storm at the Door" is the new book written by Stefan Merrill Block 27 Jun 2011 03:57:55 "The Storm at the Door" is based on author Stefan Merrill Block's grandparents and these lost years of their marriage. It opens in 1989 with his grandmother, in the early stages of Alzheimer's, burning the letters his grandfather wrote from the asylum. Block takes these letters, now lost, and commutes them into something else: "another place, not quite real, outside or within what happened. Another place, in which we can all be together, all be present to explain ourselves to one another as we c... Read Full Story
News cover Who become the winner of Australia's top literary award?
Who become the winner of Australia's top literary award? 27 Jun 2011 03:56:52 Indigenous author Kim Scott on Thursday won Australia's most significant literary prize, the Miles Franklin Award, for his second novel "That Deadman Dance". It was the second time Scott has collected the Aus$50,000 ($53,000) top prize, having won a decade ago with "Benang", a novel about race and family in Western Australia. The annual award is presented to the novel of the year which is of the highest literary merit and "presents Australian life in any of its phases". "'That Deadman Dance' is... Read Full Story
News cover "At the Devil's Table" written by William C. Rempel
"At the Devil's Table" written by William C. Rempel 27 Jun 2011 03:55:03 In "At the Devil's Table," author William C. Rempel tells the story of Jorge Salcedo, son of a Colombian general, and a reserve officer, engineer and businessman, who became the cartel's security boss. It provides as full a ration of gore and excitement as any novel, and comes in such detail that it may provoke doubt among some readers about precise feelings and conversations. Salcedo turned in his employers to U.S. authorities when his own life and family were endangered. He had served the cart... Read Full Story
News cover "Trespasser"  from Paul Doiron
"Trespasser" from Paul Doiron 25 Jun 2011 04:23:37 The woman probably called a friend to pick her up, Mike figures. Or maybe she lives in one of the fancy waterfront cottages nearby and decided to walk home. As for the deer, it was probably scooped up by one of the many poachers who live nearby. As he drives away from the scene, however, Mike cannot shake the gut feeling that something is amiss. "Trespasser" is the second novel by Paul Doiron, editor of Down East Magazine. The first, "The Poacher's Son," which also featured Bowditch, was an Edga... Read Full Story
News cover New thriller from James Rollin called "The Devil Colony"
New thriller from James Rollin called "The Devil Colony" 25 Jun 2011 04:22:41 The Sigma Force has its hands full when a cave in the Rocky Mountains full of mummified bodies reveals a possible explanation for a strange piece of American history. A protest at the site becomes explosive when a radical sets off a bomb. The resulting explosion unleashes a powerful substance long buried beneath the Earth and the disaster countdown begins. Painter Crowe, the director of Sigma Force, is shocked to learn that his niece set off the bomb. She calls him, pleading for his help in prov... Read Full Story
News cover "Long Gone" written by Alafair Burke
"Long Gone" written by Alafair Burke 25 Jun 2011 04:20:55 Everything is going well until she arrives at the gallery one morning and finds Campbell's dead body. The art is gone. The day before, a religious group had protested the photo images. Did the leader of that group have something to do with his murder? As the police investigate, it becomes obvious that Humphrey has something to hide. According to the lease on the gallery, Humphrey signed her name Drew Campbell and the man who hired her had a different name. The photographer is nowhere to be found... Read Full Story
News cover "Strong at the Break" written by Jon Land
"Strong at the Break" written by Jon Land 24 Jun 2011 04:32:45 Malcolm Arno, the head of a militia movement, has a bold plan to launch a second Civil War in the United States. As a little boy, he watched his father killed by Caitlin's father. He sees his future vision of America as a perfect way to kill her. Former outlaw Cort Wesley Masters is dating Caitlin, and his boys love having her around. One of his sons runs away toward Mexico to visit a friend. Surprisingly, he's ambushed and kidnapped. Meanwhile, a veteran of the Iraq War who lost both his legs a... Read Full Story
News cover Good detective with interesting plot "Buried Secrets" from  Joseph Finder
Good detective with interesting plot "Buried Secrets" from Joseph Finder 24 Jun 2011 04:31:46 Heller is a former operative who now works as a detective for wealthy corporations and individuals, kind of like a one-man A-Team. When Alexandra Marcus, the daughter of a family friend, disappears, her father knows he can trust Heller to get her back. Alexandra has been placed in a coffin and buried alive. Her only link to the outside world is her captor. What she doesn't know is that a camera is recording her every move, both to make sure she stays in line and to show her father what she's exp... Read Full Story
News cover The "Fallen"  written by Karin Slaughter - is the best author's work!
The "Fallen" written by Karin Slaughter - is the best author's work! 24 Jun 2011 04:30:25 Mitchell frantically calls, but her mother doesn't answer the phone. When she arrives at the house, she discovers a bloody handprint on the open door. Quickly calling for backup, she enters to find a dead body and two men with weapons. She kills them, which makes her both a witness and a suspect. Her daughter was safely hidden away, but her mother is missing. Her partner, Will Trent, promises to uncover the truth, but can he overcome his personal demons to be effective? Every character in "Falle... Read Full Story

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