
News cover A memoir "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin"  from Frank Bailey
A memoir "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin" from Frank Bailey 26 May 2011 04:25:30 "In 2009 I had the sense if she made it to the White House and I had stayed silent, I could never forgive myself," Frank Bailey told The Associated Press. Palin's attorney did not respond to multiple requests for comment for this story. "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years" is due out Tuesday and based on tens of thousands of emails that Bailey said he kept during his time with Palin. It began with working on her 2006 gubernatorial campaign and continued through her... Read Full Story
News cover The book "The Devil She Knows"from the author Bill Loehfelm  will tickle your nerves
The book "The Devil She Knows"from the author Bill Loehfelm will tickle your nerves 26 May 2011 04:23:59 As "The Devil She Knows," Bill Loehfelm's third novel, unfolds, Maureen soon discovers what real terror is. Late one night, after closing time, she stumbles upon a homosexual encounter between her boss and Frank Sebastian, a powerful Staten Island politician. "I didn't see anything," she says, and rushes off. But the next day her boss is found dead on the railroad tracks, and Sebastian warns her that she better keep her mouth shut about what she had seen the previous night. Maureen promises that... Read Full Story
News cover The new beautifull book "The Beekeeper's Lament" was written by Hannah Nordhaus
The new beautifull book "The Beekeeper's Lament" was written by Hannah Nordhaus 26 May 2011 04:22:09 Nordhaus centers her account on John Miller, a migratory beekeeper who hauls truckloads of bees from crop to crop to help farmers who don't have natural pollinators. Honey bees are crucial to American agriculture, pollinating crops of 90 different fruits and vegetables. We would lose our almond crops almost entirely without bees, for example. Nordhaus meticulously details this process, demonstrating how modern apiculture affects everyone from keeper to bee to farmer to consumer. She carefully ex... Read Full Story
News cover Famous writer become a winner of Man Booker International Prize for fiction stories
Famous writer become a winner of Man Booker International Prize for fiction stories 24 May 2011 05:01:51 The author of "Portnoy's Complaint," "American Pastoral" and many other novels on Wednesday was named as the winner of the Man Booker International Prize for fiction, a $100,000 honor given every two years. But one of the judges, publisher Carmen Callil, resigned in protest from the commission, telling the Guardian in London that he "goes on and on and on about the same subject in almost every book." The winner was announced at the Sydney Writers' Festival. Roth has long been attacked by feminis... Read Full Story
News cover Famous writer become a wiiner of Man Booker International Prize for fiction stories
Famous writer become a wiiner of Man Booker International Prize for fiction stories 24 May 2011 05:01:36 The author of "Portnoy's Complaint," "American Pastoral" and many other novels on Wednesday was named as the winner of the Man Booker International Prize for fiction, a $100,000 honor given every two years. But one of the judges, publisher Carmen Callil, resigned in protest from the commission, telling the Guardian in London that he "goes on and on and on about the same subject in almost every book." The winner was announced at the Sydney Writers' Festival. Roth has long been attacked by feminis... Read Full Story
News cover In the time of the author,  Dick Cheney
In the time of the author, Dick Cheney 24 May 2011 05:00:43 Liz Cheney said that the former vice president's manuscript was turned in at the beginning of the month. She said the book, currently being edited, will be "very straightforward," with "a lot of in-depth analysis of really critically important issues." Cheney's memoir, "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir," is being published by Threshold Editions, a conservative imprint of Simon & Schuster run by Republican strategist and former Cheney aide Mary Matalin. On Wednesday, the publisher issu... Read Full Story
News cover The number of new interesting new stories become more in the American Booksellers Association
The number of new interesting new stories become more in the American Booksellers Association 24 May 2011 05:00:00 The number of stores in the American Booksellers Association has again gone up. And they can thank, in part, the real estate bust. "The soft real estate market absolutely works to our advantage," says Oren Teicher, CEO of the booksellers association, which represents independent stores. "Landlords are far more willing to negotiate for new owners and existing stores have been able to renegotiate their leases." In a reversal from a decade ago, Borders is shutting down stores, while independents ar... Read Full Story
News cover Interview with Lore Segal
Interview with Lore Segal 23 May 2011 03:18:07 "Being old and being sick and expecting not to know what to do with yourself, it stinks," the author says with a smile. "Nevertheless, before it stinks, there's a lot of charm. We'll whisper to each other, `Having a good time? I am.' We're enjoying our friends, enjoying our grandchildren." She is a most youthful 83, with starry blue eyes, a carefree nest of white hair and a light and musical Viennese accent. And she is still writing. Three years after "Shakespeare's Kitchen" was a finalist for t... Read Full Story
News cover Rockers are going to write a memoir
Rockers are going to write a memoir 23 May 2011 03:17:13 The Who's guitarist and songwriter, known for such classics as "My Generation," "I Can See for Miles" and the "Tommy" rock opera, is writing his autobiography. HarperCollins announced Tuesday that the book, currently untitled, would come out in the fall of 2012. Townshend, who turns 66 on Thursday, has long been of rock's most introspective and self-consciously literary artists. In a statement issued through his publisher, he said the book was "not a vanity for me," but an "essential rite of pas... Read Full Story
News cover "Miss New India" written by Bharati Mukherjee
"Miss New India" written by Bharati Mukherjee 23 May 2011 03:15:44 Anjali, who prefers to call herself by the more modern Angie, is torn between a life conscribed by traditional rituals and a life of independence in the gleaming metropolis of Bangalore. One future offers the possibility of a handsome husband found through online matchmaking services; the other promises a place where young women like herself work as call-center service agents and sip coffee at Starbucks. A brutal encounter with a sadistic potential suitor — and the encouragement of her English t... Read Full Story
News cover "High Strung" a story about tennis's heroes written by Stephen Tignor
"High Strung" a story about tennis's heroes written by Stephen Tignor 22 May 2011 05:00:39 Borg was the stoic Swede whose natural athletic ability combined with a powerful attention to detail, stubborn work ethic and unflappable nature kept him atop the world tennis rankings for years. McEnroe, meanwhile, dubbed "Superbrat" by the British press, was a boo-worthy and brash New Yorker given to fiery on-court tantrums, but whose passion for the game and balletic artistry with a racket made him a worthy rival to the fan favorite known as the "Viking God." The brief, but powerful rivalry b... Read Full Story
News cover  Biography of  "Robert Redford" in the new book with the same name from the author Michael Feeney Callan
Biography of "Robert Redford" in the new book with the same name from the author Michael Feeney Callan 22 May 2011 04:58:08 For film fans, the simple message of "Robert Redford: The Biography" may be that his talents have been underappreciated. Starring in popular movies like "The Sting" and "Out of Africa" and smaller films like "Downhill Racer" and "The Candidate" hasn't led to the artistic respect other actors enjoy. Nor has directing fine films like "Ordinary People," "A River Runs Through It" and "Quiz Show" ranked him among top directors. Actually, nothing about Redford is simple. Author Michael Feeney Callan d... Read Full Story

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