
News cover Will  Charlie Sheen and his director  Chuck Lorre have good relationships
Will Charlie Sheen and his director Chuck Lorre have good relationships 03 Oct 2011 10:45:47 Lorre, who was targeted by Sheen in a series of public rants earlier this year that led to the TV actor being fired, implied in a "vanity card" at the end of Monday's program he is writing a tell-all book on the open hostility between the two. The problems between the Sheen and Lorre, which included the show's makers at Warner Bros. television and network CBS which airs the show, seemed to be put at rest on Monday when Warner Bros. announced it settled a $100 million lawsuit brought by Sheen aga... Read Full Story
News cover Sarah Palin excites the public
Sarah Palin excites the public 03 Oct 2011 10:42:34 The book by veteran political writer Joe McGinniss, "The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin," was published last week as speculation mounted about whether the Republican conservative firebrand would launch a late bid for her party's presidential nomination in 2012. A letter from Palin's lawyer said McGinniss and Crown Publishing faced possible legal action for defaming the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee. The letter advises the author and Crown to refrain from destroying any e-m... Read Full Story
News cover Will Albert Uderzo brings a new commic book?
Will Albert Uderzo brings a new commic book? 03 Oct 2011 10:38:29 The Italian-born artist, who dreamt up the indomitable warrior with his scriptwriter friend Rene Goscinny in 1959, said he was "a bit tired" after 52 years of drawing and that it was time to hand over his creation to younger talent. The announcement came on the day publishing house Hachette celebrated the sale of 350 million Asterix books around the world, making the diminutive hero one of France's biggest-selling exports. "I've decided that there should be some continuity, and I want it to carr... Read Full Story
News cover The Ohio book prize's winer
The Ohio book prize's winer 30 Sep 2011 10:17:04 Wilbert Rideau won the nonfiction award for "In the Place of Justice: A Story of Punishment and Deliverance." It recounts his life in Louisiana's Angola prison, where he spent more than four decades on a murder conviction and became a journalist and editor of an award-winning, crusading newsmagazine. Chang-Rae Lee's "The Surrendered" follows lives scarred by war over a period of decades. The book was a Pulitzer Prize fiction finalist. The winners each receive $10,000 and will be honored Nov. 13 ... Read Full Story
News cover Have fun - read the book "Ten Ways to Recycle a Corpse" that ws written by  Karl Shaw
Have fun - read the book "Ten Ways to Recycle a Corpse" that ws written by Karl Shaw 30 Sep 2011 10:14:41 It recounts Julius Caesar's attempt to cure his baldness and Cleopatra's recommendation: the bodies of domestic mice, burnt and ground up, horse teeth mixed with bear grease, and marrow from deer bones. That pulls you into the effects of a French king's contrivance to mask his own loss of hair: a voluminous, powdered, curly wig. Distinguished men — see portraits of George Washington and other Founding Fathers — wore powdered wigs for almost two centuries. After Louis XIV comes a remedy Napoleon ... Read Full Story
News cover  Colin Powell prepare a new book
Colin Powell prepare a new book 30 Sep 2011 10:13:39 "It Worked For Me: Lessons in Leadership and Life" is a collection of personal tales from the four-star Army general starting with his famous "13 Rules," as well as the 'get mad' advice and 'share credit,' the publisher said. Powell, 74, was the first African American to serve as Secretary of State, where he worked in the first term of President George W. Bush's administration. In the 1990s, he was widely considered a possible presidential candidate. He rose the army's ranks, fighting in the Vie... Read Full Story
News cover The Quality of Mercy by Barry Unsworth
The Quality of Mercy by Barry Unsworth 29 Sep 2011 01:20:00 The Quality of Mercy lingers over them obsessively. The action, constructed around the trial of the crew and a parallel civil case investigating Kemp's insurance claim against the value of the slaves who were "jettisoned" on the captain's orders before the mutiny, turns the second book into something close to an accounts ledger for the first. Sacred Hunger, which played out under the wide, warm skies of West Africa and Florida, was a book built on dreams: of profit for Mr Kemp Sr; of justice for... Read Full Story
News cover Does the book Soldiers by Richard Holmes is so good as people say?
Does the book Soldiers by Richard Holmes is so good as people say? 29 Sep 2011 01:18:17 The British army makes up 0.087% of the population and only one in 70 of us has a close relative serving in it, and yet its history – and that of war in general – commands an audience that far exceeds this tiny professional base. One reason is that Britain is blessed with authors who can speak to both general and specialist audiences. Like pantomime artists, they can wow the children while amusing the adults.Of these, Richard Holmes, who died in April while still at the height of his powers, was... Read Full Story
News cover Today we will talking about the book The Better Angels of Our Nature written by Steven Pinker
Today we will talking about the book The Better Angels of Our Nature written by Steven Pinker 29 Sep 2011 01:16:12 When you heard that a gunman had slaughtered scores of Norwegian teenagers on a holiday island earlier this summer, did you think that here was another symptom of our sick and violent world? So did I, until I read Steven Pinker's brilliant, mind-altering book about the decline of violence. Pinker does not deny that individual human beings are capable of the most appalling acts of savagery. But the test of our propensity for violence is how the rest of us respond. Once it would have been basic hu... Read Full Story
News cover What for the Massachusetts library makes ban on Mark Twain's books?
What for the Massachusetts library makes ban on Mark Twain's books? 26 Sep 2011 01:22:24 Trustees of the Charlton Public Library lifted the 1906 ban earlier this week of "Eve's Diary," Twain's satirical version of the Adam and Eve story, said Cheryl Hansen, the library's director. Two paperback copies were made available at the library in central Massachusetts on Thursday and, within hours, one of them was in a reader's hands, she said. "I think there'll be a lot of interest in taking it out," Hansen added, saying the unanimous vote to lift the ban came just in time for Banned Books... Read Full Story
News cover DreamWorks  studio is going to work on a new project
DreamWorks studio is going to work on a new project 26 Sep 2011 01:18:16 The studio, which had a series of disappointments before hitting it big with "The Help" this summer, is also moving ahead with a new draft of "The 39 Clues" and has "Help" writer-director Tate Taylor poised to work the same magic on "Pace Like a River." A DreamWorks insider said that the studio is prioritizing projects it has already purchased, but "certainly can and would purchase something great that comes along." "E.T." writer Melissa Mathison will adapt "The BFG," a children's book about a b... Read Full Story
News cover Talking with Jon Katz
Talking with Jon Katz 26 Sep 2011 01:14:40 Katz wrote his latest, "Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die," which comes out on Tuesday, to provide guidance, support and advice for people on how to handle the loss of a pet. Reuters spoke with Katz to discuss his new book and how people can cope with life when the family pet passes away. Q: What was the biggest surprise for you in researching books about pets and grieving? A: "I found that almost every book had to do with the afterlife. Not a single book said, 'This is what is known about... Read Full Story

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