
News cover Donald Keene's Japan loves
Donald Keene's Japan loves 25 Sep 2011 02:36:48 Now 89, the man who befriended giants of Japanese literature such as Yukio Mishima has returned to his adopted home to take up citizenship and live out the rest of his life. "1940 was the worst year of my life. I think it was the worst year of their life for most people in the western world," Keene told reporters. But reading "The Tale of Genji," a 11-century book depicting the life and loves of a prince at the Japanese court nearly a thousand years ago, changed everything. "I realized how there... Read Full Story
News cover Ron Suskind, Barack Obama and the White House
Ron Suskind, Barack Obama and the White House 25 Sep 2011 02:31:06 According to Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ron Suskind, the incident is just one of several in which Obama struggled with a divided group of advisers, some of whom he didn't initially consider for their high-profile roles. Suskind interviewed more than 200 people, including Obama, Geithner and other top officials for "Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and The Education of A President," which will be released Sept. 20. The Associated Press purchased a copy on Thursday. The book states Geit... Read Full Story
News cover New book from Emma Thompson will be in the future year
New book from Emma Thompson will be in the future year 25 Sep 2011 02:26:42 The book is to be published by Penguin in September 2012. Penguin announced Thursday the book will be called "The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit." The book will be set in Scotland, where Peter Rabbit creator Beatrix Potter visited as a child. Thompson has worked on other projects for young people, including "Nanny McPhee," her film adaptation of Christianna Brand's Nurse Matilda stories. Thompson won an Oscar for her leading role in 1992's "Howards End." She won a second Oscar in 1996 for best ada... Read Full Story
News cover The economy from Bill Clinton - soon on the bookshelves
The economy from Bill Clinton - soon on the bookshelves 23 Sep 2011 01:45:37 The former president has finished writing a new book, "Back to Work," which comes out in November. In a telephone interview Thursday with The Associated Press, he called the 200-page book a guide to the current economic slump, how it was caused and how to recover. "I actually started thinking about it (the book) after the 2010 election, because I did 130 events and after every event people would come up to me and say, 'I didn't know this,' 'I didn't know that,'" Clinton said. "It was like the 21... Read Full Story
News cover Whant interesting will tells us WikiLeaks
Whant interesting will tells us WikiLeaks 23 Sep 2011 01:43:55 "Julian Assange: The Unauthorized Autobiography" went on sale in Britain Thursday — against the wishes of Assange, who condemned his publisher for releasing it. In the book — written by a ghostwriter who conducted 50 hours of interviews with the WikiLeaks chief — Assange says "I may be a chauvinist pig of some sort but I am no rapist." He calls the rape allegations "ludicrous and sinister" and says his two accusers "each had sex with me willingly and were happy to hang out with me afterwards." A... Read Full Story
News cover Little talking with Somali author Nuruddin Farah
Little talking with Somali author Nuruddin Farah 23 Sep 2011 01:41:51 Farah, 65, has lived largely outside Somalia since the early 1960s. Describing it as one of the world's most "lied about" countries, both by foreigners and Somalis themselves, he hopes his books help paint a truer picture of what life, and people, are like there. Farah spoke about writing, exile and his hopes for Somalia. Q: How much of this trilogy is based on real life? A: "Much of it is, in the sense that obviously the names change, the situations change. But the story, the basic narrative, r... Read Full Story
News cover Soon will be able to read the book from Alice Walker  "The Color Purple" as an e-book
Soon will be able to read the book from Alice Walker "The Color Purple" as an e-book 21 Sep 2011 00:12:37 Open Road Integrated Media, the digital company co-founded two years ago by former HarperCollins CEO Jane Friedman, has reached an agreement with Walker to release the electronic version of "The Color Purple" and most of her other work. New editions of "The Color Purple" and the novels "The Temple of My Familiar" and "Possessing the Secret of Joy" were released Tuesday. On Nov. 22, eight more books will be published. The e-books will include author interviews, photographs and personal documents.... Read Full Story
News cover Writer Justin Torres of the book "We the Animals" retales about his honours
Writer Justin Torres of the book "We the Animals" retales about his honours 20 Sep 2011 23:40:50 Though Torres has been writing for years -- currently as a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford -- it is only since his debut novel went on sale in September that he has begun to taste the fruits of a novelist's success. Reviews for the book that, in part, is based on his own life have been positive. He has been praised by Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Cunningham, and "We the Animals" sits at No. 26 on the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list. It may seem easy, now to see why the book ... Read Full Story
News cover Real story about real life: "Destiny of the Republic" written by Candice Millard
Real story about real life: "Destiny of the Republic" written by Candice Millard 20 Sep 2011 23:38:00 "Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President" (Doubleday), by Candice Millard: Author Candice Millard looks back at a forgotten time and president and brings the era and people involved to vivid life in "Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President." This is the story of James Garfield, who never sought the presidency but became the Republican nominee in 1880. After his election, Garfield had the time-consuming task of ... Read Full Story
News cover The Fear Index Robbert Harris
The Fear Index Robbert Harris 19 Sep 2011 01:51:15 The hero of The Fear Index is a brilliant physicist called Dr Alex Hoffman. Frustrated by a thankless research job at Cern's Large Hadron Collider, Hoffman teams up with a suave investment banker to create a hedge fund on the banks of Lake Geneva. The hedge fund makes decisions based not on human interaction but on predictions derived from a complex computer programme. And for a long time, the computer can do no wrong. Hoffman is soon living a life of empty luxury in Geneva: he estimates his pe... Read Full Story
News cover What people think about book swap
What people think about book swap 19 Sep 2011 01:48:34 There will be Introductions to Modernism, guides to flags and crafts; there will be the words of AS Byatt, Carol Ann Duffy, Ian Rankin; books about butterflies, blood rites, bride flights. Think of it as a wordy treasure hunt, a sort of literary message in a bottle, a chance to toast the extraordinary specialness of books. In this heyday of online book warehouses, bulk discounts and special offers, of dazzling choice and boundless opinion, how wonderful to find the particular, the singular, the... Read Full Story
News cover "You Are an Ironman" written by Jacques Steinberg
"You Are an Ironman" written by Jacques Steinberg 19 Sep 2011 01:45:32 For a special subset of athletes, however, the goal is nothing less than an Ironman triathlon: a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile run that must be completed in that order and within 17 hours. The Ironman, which originated in Hawaii more than 30 years ago with a field of 15, has ballooned to an event held at locations around the country in which more than 50,000 athletes crossed the finish line. Anyone wondering who might take on such a grueling challenge and what their motivation ... Read Full Story

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