
News cover  Thomas Friedman knows what will save his country
Thomas Friedman knows what will save his country 18 Sep 2011 06:03:15 "That Used to Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back" comes at a time when many Americans are puzzling over the issue posed by the title. Faced with stagnating unemployment numbers, an historic credit downgrade by S&P, and partisan rancor over how to reduce the U.S. debt, the two foreign policy columnists tap into public hunger for answers. "People are getting more and more concerned. When you see the polls, you find a large majority feels the country is... Read Full Story
News cover Brad Paisley can not only play the guitar, moreover he can write books!
Brad Paisley can not only play the guitar, moreover he can write books! 18 Sep 2011 06:01:37 It's called "Diary of a Player" and shows how the guitar gods of country, blues and rock 'n' roll have shaped his life. Paisley tells The Associated Press he can't imagine his life if he never learned to play the guitar. His grandfather gave him his first six-string at age 8. Paisley is the reigning Country Music Association entertainer of the year. He has sold over 11 million albums and charted 20 No. 1 singles, including his most recent duet with Carrie Underwood, "Remind Me." The book is co-w... Read Full Story
News cover  New interesting moments in Sarah Palin's biography
New interesting moments in Sarah Palin's biography 18 Sep 2011 05:59:59 Is it too show-bizzy to be less excited about the revelations in Joe McGinniss' apparently hair-raising, 320-page Sarah Palin bio and more eager for a Tina Fey dramatization of it on "SNL" this fall? The revelations appeared in the sometimes-dubious forum of the National Enquirer but have not been denied by McGinniss' reps. Word from the Palin camp will probably wait a few beats for some serious strategizing. For anyone out there who hasn't already hashed this through while hanging out at the w... Read Full Story
News cover If you havn't got the way - open you eyes and see the light, book "Light From a Distant Star" from Mary McGarry Morris
If you havn't got the way - open you eyes and see the light, book "Light From a Distant Star" from Mary McGarry Morris 17 Sep 2011 03:34:15 Nellie, the precocious central figure in Mary McGarry Morris' new novel, "Light From a Distant Star," prides herself on her keen ability to read other people, worships her intellectual, high-minded father, and studies the hand-to-hand combat techniques from an old World War II manual. But all of that is challenged during a long, languid summer when the gaps between perception and reality start to become achingly clear. "Into her thoughts came one of those conversations a kid half listens to but ... Read Full Story
News cover What read next? "Happy Accidents" written by Jane Lynch
What read next? "Happy Accidents" written by Jane Lynch 17 Sep 2011 03:32:27 Lynch took a long, varied path to stardom on "Glee" — her biggest role to date — and recalls her struggles and triumphs. From hawking electronic flea collars on the graveyard shift of a home-shopping television network to playing Carol Brady in a live rendition of the Brady Bunch, Lynch has done it all. Now she's the winner of a Golden Globe and Emmy for her role on the Fox TV series, and was selected as host of this year's Emmy Awards. Her road to fame was bumpy, including moving back in with h... Read Full Story
News cover The book that was written by Jim Lehrer and the dibate
The book that was written by Jim Lehrer and the dibate 17 Sep 2011 03:31:13 A candidate's every phrase and physical movement is dissected by campaign officials, political strategists, journalists and others. It's the ultimate high-wire act: Make a mistake in front of millions of prospective voters watching at home, and a White House hopeful potentially jeopardizes nothing less than a shot at becoming president of the United States. Who better to provide a thoughtful and revealing examination of these uniquely American electoral exercises than Jim Lehrer, a man who has m... Read Full Story
News cover Carrie Bradshaw told about her school time
Carrie Bradshaw told about her school time 14 Sep 2011 01:09:02 The show is being developed by "Gossip Girl" producers Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage and according to Entertainment Weekly, the series could end up on the air by next fall. Deadline reported that Warner Bros. TV, which owns the rights to the "The Carrie Diaries,'' is working out a deal that would allow the series to use characters and elements from the hit HBO series. VIEW THE PHOTOS: Top 10 Fan-Fascinating Hollywood Recastings Samantha Jones is featured in Bushnell's book, but Miranda Hobb... Read Full Story
News cover It will be a new music novel "Wildwood"
It will be a new music novel "Wildwood" 14 Sep 2011 01:05:42 Meloy is the lead singer and songwriter for the band the Decemberists, which has sold more than 1.5 million albums worldwide. "Wildwood," his first novel, is a fantasy story set in an alternate version of modern-day Portland. It's about Prue McKeel, who embarks on a series of adventures while attempting to rescue her brother from kidnapping crows. Laika is run by Travis Knight, the son of Nike founder Phil Knight. The book "is a marvel, an exquisite, staggering and lyrical work of art," Knight s... Read Full Story
News cover  Spouse Mark Kelly and  Gabrielle Giffords will publish new book in November
Spouse Mark Kelly and Gabrielle Giffords will publish new book in November 14 Sep 2011 01:02:50 The book is titled "Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope," and will be published by Scribner. It tells the story of Giffords' and Kelly's lives together and chronicles the lawmaker's life and recovery since she was shot through the head at a political rally in January, Scribner said. Six people were killed and 13 injured, among them Giffords, when a gunman opened fire at the "Congress on Your Corner" event outside a Tucson area grocery store Giffords, who is receiving intensive physical therapy in... Read Full Story
News cover Good erotic book The Power of Erotic Capital by Catherine Hakim
Good erotic book The Power of Erotic Capital by Catherine Hakim 12 Sep 2011 02:07:31 Hakim, a senior lecturer at the London School of Economics, is no tub-thumping provocateur, but a well-established sociologist with a string of publications to her name. And Honey Money, despite its somewhat racy title – which comes, apparently, from an expression employed by Jakarta prostitutes: "No money, no honey" – is configured as a serious academic exercise, complete with rather leaden prose, extensive annotation, reams of statistical evidence, appendices and tedious repetitions. Neverthel... Read Full Story
News cover Book The Epigenetics Revolution by Nessa Carey shocked society
Book The Epigenetics Revolution by Nessa Carey shocked society 12 Sep 2011 02:05:57 Epigenetics is what happens when genes are actually in action: in the growth of the foetus, in responding to hormones and environmental stress, to learning, to maturation at puberty. In all of these processes genes are modified slightly and act differently from that point on. In short, epigenetics is where nature meets nurture. The grounds for excitement stem from the fact that this old and frequently sterile dichotomy is now being fleshed out with real knowledge of how genes are controlled and ... Read Full Story
News cover Spend your free time with a good book, for example with Solace by Belinda McKeon
Spend your free time with a good book, for example with Solace by Belinda McKeon 12 Sep 2011 02:03:54 Unsentimentality is one thing, the fear of being perceived as sentimental is another. That fear, almost inescapably ingrained in academic writing courses and programmes, scares some young writers away from learning how to express emotion at all. The central event of Belinda McKeon's novel is so brutally absolute, so great a bereavement in so brief a moment, that the author has set herself a task with which even Hardy might have found it difficult to deal. Direct, immediate approach to such mons... Read Full Story

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