
News cover Whome will be the next bestseller in comming 2012 year?
Whome will be the next bestseller in comming 2012 year? 24 Aug 2011 01:51:31 Metropolitan Books, an imprint of Henry Holt and Company, announced Tuesday that "Adios Mofo: Why Rick Perry Will Make America Miss George W. Bush" is scheduled for early 2012. According to Metropolitan, the authors have "deep contacts with numerous operatives in the Perry campaign" and will present the governor as an "ideologue with scant interest or success in governing." The book's title comes from remarks Perry made in 2005 after a television interview with a Houston reporter. Perry, who lat... Read Full Story
News cover Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Inc. -what do they do in their gadget's race
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Inc. -what do they do in their gadget's race 24 Aug 2011 01:49:54 Amazon, the leading seller of e-books, has a Kindle app for the iPad. However, Apple recently forced it to remove a button that launches Amazon's Kindle website, where users buy books. Apple wants companies to sell their content through its iTunes system, where it gets a 30 percent cut. Media companies are finding Apple's fees hard to accept. So they are getting around that by avoiding apps that must be distributed through Apple's App Store, where Apple's fee policies apply. Earlier this summer,... Read Full Story
News cover Pakistans and poetries
Pakistans and poetries 24 Aug 2011 01:40:59 Pakistan is a country that reveres poetry, gently weaving it into daily life, and the last decade has provided no shortage of material. The rise and fall of a military ruler, the demands of a foreign superpower, the devastation of Taliban bombs — these themes and more have crept into Pakistani poems. Some of the resulting verses carry overt messages about specific events. Often, though, the approach is more subtle, and occasionally, it's tinged with humor. "Of course, everything which is happeni... Read Full Story
News cover The writer of "The Real Housewives" represented his novel
The writer of "The Real Housewives" represented his novel 23 Aug 2011 01:39:29 Andy Cohen, Bravo Executive Vice President and host of "Watch What Happens Live" - along with hosting every "Housewives" reunion special - has landed a seven-figure advance for his upcoming memoir, according to The Hollywood Reporter. PLAY IT NOW: The Ladies Of ‘The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills’ Talk Season 2 Drama "It'll be a memoir, of sorts, about my intersections with pop culture over the years, from growing up in front of the TV as a kid in St. Louis to my years at CBS News, all the way... Read Full Story
News cover Changes in Sarah Palin's life
Changes in Sarah Palin's life 23 Aug 2011 01:34:31 According to reporter Joe McGinniss - who is penning a book on the former Vice Presidential candidate-turned reality star - Sarah Palin is a grandmother for a second time. PLAY IT NOW: Alec Baldwin: Sarah Palin Is A ‘Charming’ Person (November 2008) Eldest Palin son Track, and wife Britta, reportedly welcomed Kyla Grace Palin on Sunday. The Palin family did not officially confirm that Track and Britta were expecting, but according to People, pictures of her baby shower popped up on Facebook. VIE... Read Full Story
News cover What will be interesting with 'The Hunger Games'  written by Elizabeth Banks
What will be interesting with 'The Hunger Games' written by Elizabeth Banks 23 Aug 2011 01:31:28 Elizabeth Banks will soon light up the big screen as Effie Trinket in the upcoming film, "The Hunger Games," and while the strikingly beautiful actress has been sworn to secrecy on details of the wildly anticipated movie, she insists fans of Suzanne Collins' dystopia novels will be thrilled with the book's screen adaptation. "I will tell you this: fans are not gonna be disappointed," Elizabeth told Access Hollywood of "The Hunger Games" at the junket for her new comedy, "Our Idiot Brother," in B... Read Full Story
News cover Birmingham for Tariq Jahan by Carol Ann Duffy
Birmingham for Tariq Jahan by Carol Ann Duffy 21 Aug 2011 03:21:36 After the evening prayers at the mosque, came the looters in masks, and you three stood, beloved in your neighbourhood, brave, bright, brothers, to be who you were –a hafiz is one who has memorised the entire Koran; a devout man –then the man in the speeding car who purposefully mounted the kerb ...I think we all should kneel on that English street, where he widowed your pregnant wife, Shazad, tossed your soul to the air, Abdul, and brought your father, Haroon, to his knees, his face masked in o... Read Full Story
News cover What interesting will be on the first literature festival called Kashmir
What interesting will be on the first literature festival called Kashmir 21 Aug 2011 03:18:42 Organisers say the festival, scheduled for next month, will create "an open and democratic space for poetry, readings and dialogue", but leading cultural figures in the Muslim-majority territory are already saying the event is propaganda and several international Kashmiri writers have made clear they do not want to take part. One is London-based Mirza Waheed, whose first novel, The Collaborator, was published to critical acclaim earlier this year. "The organisers have said the event will be apo... Read Full Story
News cover Ebooks become more popular than hardbooks
Ebooks become more popular than hardbooks 21 Aug 2011 03:16:08 Sales of adult fiction in hardback so far this year have fallen by over 10% according to book sales monitor Nielsen BookScan: by this point last year, sales of the format had reached £29.7m, while this year they stand at £26.6m. Cheaper paperback sales, in contrast, have only fallen 6%. Hardback sales have fallen in volume as well as value, BookScan said, from 2.8m copies sold by this point last year to 2.6m this, echoing a trend over the last two years: 8.5m copies of adult fiction hardbacks we... Read Full Story
News cover New novelty was introduced by Apple and publishers
New novelty was introduced by Apple and publishers 20 Aug 2011 03:26:51 The lawsuit, filed by law firm Hagens Berman in California northern district court, claims that HarperCollins, Hachette Book Group, Macmillan, Penguin and Simon & Schuster conspired with Apple to increase ebook prices in order "to boost profits and force ebook rival Amazon to abandon its pro-consumer discount pricing", and that they are "in violation of a variety of federal and state antitrust laws". The complaint centres on the agency model – used by Apple for iTunes and by most major publishe... Read Full Story
News cover Poet  Philip Levine declaims his poems
Poet Philip Levine declaims his poems 20 Aug 2011 03:24:22 The Library of Congress announced on Wednesday that the 83-year-old Levine will succeed fellow Pulitzer winner WS Merwin this autumn. The laureate, who receives $35,000 (£22,000) and is known officially as the poet laureate consultant in poetry, serves from October through May. Richard Wilbur, Joseph Brodsky and Robert Pinsky are among the previous appointees. "I'm a fairly irreverent person and at first I thought: 'This is not you. You're an old union man,'" Levine said. "But I knew if I didn... Read Full Story
News cover Global climate change storties are still popular
Global climate change storties are still popular 20 Aug 2011 03:20:25 I'm With the Bears, taking its title from environmentalist John Muir's comment that "when it comes to a war between the races, I'm with the bears", will also feature stories by TC Boyle, Helen Simpson, Toby Litt, Paolo Bacigalupi and Kim Stanley Robinson. Out this October from radical press Verso, it is a response, said the publisher, to the absence of creative fiction dealing with climate change, an issue raised by Ian McEwan in the Guardian last year. Mitchell, twice shortlisted for the Man B... Read Full Story

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