
News cover Rapper T.I. become a person with a freedom, maybe he will wright a book about his life in a prison?
Rapper T.I. become a person with a freedom, maybe he will wright a book about his life in a prison? 02 Sep 2011 01:26:10 The artist, whose real name is Clifford Harris, was released Wednesday morning from the Forrest City low-security prison, said Bureau of Prisons spokesman Chris Burke. Attorney Jonathan Leonard confirmed T.I. was released but did not immediately say where his client was going. "The storm is over & da sun back out. IT'S OUR TIME TO SHINE SHAWTY!!!!!" the rapper posted on Twitter shortly after his release. "Welcome to the beginning of our Happy Ending!!!!" T.I. had initially served about seven mon... Read Full Story
News cover From singer to publicher
From singer to publicher 02 Sep 2011 01:21:43 In a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court Tuesday, Mars -- whose real name is Peter Hernandez -- says that his contract with Bug ended on May 12, 2011 because the publisher didn't exercise its option to continue it. Mars's lawyer, Michael J. Niborski of the law firm Pryor Cashman LLP, wrote that Bug initially acknowledged that Mars fulfilled his part of the contract, and that in order for the deal to remain in effect, Bug would have to officially extend its option to continue. But ... Read Full Story
News cover How the general public took new memoir from the author Michele Bachmann
How the general public took new memoir from the author Michele Bachmann 02 Sep 2011 01:19:09 Bachmann, the Tea Party favorite and Republican White House hopeful, will address her personal background -- including her roles as a tax attorney, wife, mother and foster mother -- as well as her leap into politics and her "vision for America's future," said a statement from Sentinel, a Penguin imprint. "This book will help to share my enthusiasm for an energized, pro-growth economy, and the life experiences that inform my optimism for the American people and for American greatness," Bachmann s... Read Full Story
News cover "The Cut" written by George Pelecanos
"The Cut" written by George Pelecanos 31 Aug 2011 01:27:24 Agents attributed the flood of similar ideas to the success of Lee Child's novels about Jack Reacher, a war veteran who roams the country righting wrongs and then vanishing like a modern-day Lone Ranger. But what seems like an overused idea can turn into something special in the hands of a master. Veteran crime novelist Ace Atkins proved it earlier this year with "The Ranger," the first in his series of novels about Quinn Colson, an Afghanistan war vet who returns to wipe out a criminal gang tha... Read Full Story
News cover  Patricia Bosworth wrote a book about dramatically  Jane Fonda's life
Patricia Bosworth wrote a book about dramatically Jane Fonda's life 31 Aug 2011 01:26:35 True to her subtitle, author Patricia Bosworth centers her insightful book "Jane Fonda: The Private Life of a Public Woman" on the woman more than the performances of the two-time Oscar winner. The Vanity Fair writer knows a good personal story when she hears one — and how to tell it with spark and meaning. Fonda has put as much or more energy into creating and recreating herself off-screen as on. Just as her characters in "Julia" and "Coming Home" reinvent their lives or find a new purpose, so ... Read Full Story
News cover Soon on the book shelves will be new book from Casey Anthony
Soon on the book shelves will be new book from Casey Anthony 31 Aug 2011 01:25:07 Jeff Ashton confirmed to the Orlando Sentinel ( ) that he is finishing a book entitled "Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony." It is scheduled for release in November. He declined to give details. Ashton was the co-prosecutor in the trial of Anthony, the young Florida mother accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee. The trial garnered national media attention. Ashton gave an impassioned closing argument, saying that Anthony killed Caylee because the lit... Read Full Story
News cover Adonis become a winner
Adonis become a winner 28 Aug 2011 23:42:55 The 81-year-old Adonis accepted the award on Sunday in Frankfurt. Born Ali Ahmad Said in northern Syria, Adonis fled his homeland for political reasons as a young man. He now lives in Paris but still writes in Arabic. The jury praised Adonis for bringing modern European ideas and critical thinking into current Arab culture by using classic poetic images based in the traditions of Arabic poets. The Goethe Prize, worth €50,000 ($72,000), is awarded every three years on Goethe's birthday to someone... Read Full Story
News cover Book "The Help"  is still popular
Book "The Help" is still popular 28 Aug 2011 23:41:39 Potent as co-producer Chris Columbus' track record is -- with such landmarks as "Home Alone" and an adaptation of some note involving a kid named Harry Potter -- the project got lots of studio rejections before it got traction. But now DreamWorks' Stacey Snider -- who decided with partner Steven Spielberg to greenlight the film -- is reaping the commercial benefits of what cannot have been an easy call. Indeed, Snider turned the project down at first, when it was brought to her with newbie Tate ... Read Full Story
News cover What wil be with the book "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid" ?
What wil be with the book "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid" ? 28 Aug 2011 23:36:27 The print run is greater than the combined totals for two other likely blockbusters: Rick Riordan's "Heroes of Olympus" (3 million copies) and Christopher Paolini's "Inheritance" (2.5 million), the fourth and final book of his "Inheritance" fantasy cycle. The "Wimpy Kid" series has more than 45 million copies in print and the new book has already reached the top 20 on Independent sellers say customers have been pre-ordering "Cabin Fever" for months. "Those books fly off the shelves l... Read Full Story
News cover All tru life in new book about Wendy Wasserstein
All tru life in new book about Wendy Wasserstein 28 Aug 2011 02:13:19 In plays like the Pulitzer- and Tony-winning "The Heidi Chronicles" and her autobiographical essays, Wasserstein unerringly tapped into the innermost yearnings of baby boomer women. She created a persona so warm and endearing — the Yiddish word is "haimish" — that strangers thought of her as a sister, daughter or friend. Now, in the first major biography of the playwright since she died of cancer in 2006 at age 55, veteran journalist Julie Salamon presents a thorough and engaging account of a co... Read Full Story
News cover Elizabeth Banks will take part in 'Honor' book wrtten by Suzanne Collins'
Elizabeth Banks will take part in 'Honor' book wrtten by Suzanne Collins' 28 Aug 2011 02:12:03 "Everything that's in the book, we're really trying to honor for the fans," the actress told Access Hollywood on Tuesday night at the "Our Idiot Brother" premiere in Los Angeles. PLAY IT NOW: Elizabeth Banks On ‘Hunger Games’: ‘We’re Really Trying To Honor’ The Books For The Fans Those details also apply to Elizabeth's Effie Trinket character, known for her eccentric style and over-the-top hair and costumes. "Effie, she delivers on all those fronts," she told Access when asked about her wild war... Read Full Story
News cover "The Most Dangerous Thing"   boook from  Laura Lippman
"The Most Dangerous Thing" boook from Laura Lippman 28 Aug 2011 02:06:46 Police figure Gordon's death is either an accident or a suicide. Gwen, the protagonist of the story, isn't so sure. As she pokes into the case, she and the surviving friends are pulled back into the past — to what happened long ago in those dark woods. Each of them, it turns out, has a different memory of it. But it's not just because childhood memories warp over time. It's because each of the old friends, and their parents as well, never knew more than a small part of the story. And what each o... Read Full Story

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